35 research outputs found

    Towards an expanded and integrated open government data agenda for India

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    The paper analyses the recently approved and implemented government data policy (National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy) in India, and identifies the possibility and need of expanding and integrating it within the larger national e-governance and information policy ecosystem. The study draws from an ongoing research project on the Indian government data policy and the roles played by data intermediary organisations. The paper argues that an expanded and integrated open government data agenda will address crucial shortcomings of the national e-governance initiatives in India, and strengthen democratic interactions between the state and citizens through electronic and other means

    Towards an expanded and integrated open government data agenda for India

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    Meeting: ICEGOV2013, October 22-25, 2013, Seoul, KoreaThe paper analyses the recently approved and implemented government data policy (National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy) in India, and identifies the possibility and need of expanding and integrating it within the larger national egovernance and information policy ecosystem. The study draws from an ongoing research project on the Indian government data policy and the roles played by data intermediary organisations. The paper argues that an expanded and integrated open government data agenda will address crucial shortcomings of the national e-governance initiatives in India, and strengthen democratic interactions between the state and citizens through electronic and other means

    Can technology boost development? E-Governance in India

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    LSE’s Dr Shirin Madon discusses the shortcomings of India’s e-governance initiatives, which she argues privilege data collection over data analysis and cultural contextualisation

    Tata Kelola Administrasi Dusun Dungsuru Desa Pilangrejo Nglipar Gunungkidul

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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi dan menyusun database dusun Dungsuru yang terintegrasi dan mudah digunakan, dan (2) menyusun dokumen profil desa yang update dan bisa digunakan untuk dasar perencanaan pembangunan desa Pilangrejo, Nglipar, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Adapun metode pencapaian tujuan tersebut dilakukan melalui pelatihan dengan metode wawancara, dokumentasi dan Focus Group Discussion di tingkat Desa. Hasi kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa program  berlangsung dengan baik dan lancar. Program ini mampu menghasilkan dokumen databse dusun dan profil desa Pilangrejo yang update dan bermanfaat untuk perencanaan pembangunan desa. Adapun kendala yang muncul pada tahap awal kegiatan dapat diatasi dengan metode pendampingan intensif. Adapun saran yang diajukan dari hasil program PPM ini, hendaknya pemerintah desa bisa mengupdate perkembangan database dan profil secara rutin seiring dinamika data yang terjadi

    Problems Associated With the Use of ICTs by the Rural People: A Study in Assam

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    The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is becoming very important for the people to cope up with the digital advancements. The present study was conducted on 120 members of Jorhat and Golaghat District of Assam with the objective of finding out the availability and accessibility to different ICTs tools and the problems faced by the respondents associated with use of ICTs by the rural people. The information was gathered from the respondents using a structured interview schedule through personal interview method. The research design adopted for the present study is exploratory and descriptive. From the study it was found that the majority of the rural people possessed Television. It was found that more than half (56.70%) respondents were belonged to medium level of digital media possession. The respondents had very less participation in training related to ICT and among the various problems faced by the respondents in utilization of digital devices. “Fear of committing any mistake”, “High cost of internet packs” and “Poor network connectivity” topped the list with mean score 5.00, 4.98 and 4.66 respectively. The paper recommends for providing formal and informal trainings related using of ICTs in different activities

    Citizen Relationship Management: A Decisive Parameter of G2C e-Governance Web Portals of Maharashtra, India

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    G2C e-Governance models are designed to facilitate the process of citizen interaction with government. Citizen Relationship Management has become thrust area for design and development of e-Governance systems. The facilities which governments provide through their e-Governance systems needs to evaluated. The parameters like reduced cost to citizens, reduced number of trips, alert (SMS, email, phone etc), citizen charter, response time, etc. are vital. Out of 80 e-Governance portals from the State of Maharashtra, India under G2C category, taken for evaluation, the web portal of Maharashtra State Road Transport Company (www.msrtc.gov.in) evaluated for ‘Citizen Relation Management’ parameter has scored maximum points

    The comparison of the minimum data set for elderly health in selected countries

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    Introduction: Ongoing increase in the elderly population in many developed countries has drawn attention to health of this age group. Recording adequate and relevant data for the elderly is considered as the basis for future planning for this segment of society. So this study was conducted to compare minimum data about elderly health in selected countries. Methods: This review study was conducted through Internet and library studies. Key words were extracted from search engines and data bases including Google, Yahoo, Google Scholar, PubMed, ProQuest and Iranian National Medical Digital Library. Inclusion criteria included English language with no time limits. All articles, research projects, theses, guidelines and progress reports were retrieved from the United States, Sweden, Japan and Iran and reviewed. Also, websites of organizations responsible for elderly health in selected countries were visited and their documents were reviewed. Results from this search were provided narratively and finally were presented within comparison tables. Findings: The findings of this study showed that elderly data in the selected countries are collected around four axis including minimum demographic data, medical histories, health assessment and financial data of elderly health. Discussion and Conclusion: Given the importance of the minimum data set of elderly health for future planning, the use of experiences of leading countries in elderly health seems necessary; however, localization of it according to the country's needs is inevitable. © 2015 Nasrin Davaridolatabadi, Mehraban Shahi, Farahnaz Sadoughi, Maryam Ahmadi

    Understanding SOA Perspective of e-Governance in Indian Context: Case Based Study

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    Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a contemporary phenomenon which is targeted for efficient and inclusive business automation. E-Governance services worldwide are no less than a business paradigm with clearly defined delivery and are creating potential for citizen centric services. Various information technology enabled services are planned for benefiting the support structure (e-government) and interfacing this structure with citizens\u27 demands (e-governance). SOA principles and models are being used for building good e-government systems. Good results of e-government systems notwithstanding, such projects are not free from challenges in many countries. Graduating e-government systems to e-governance systems needs a critical evaluation of citizen participation. In Indian context, this challenge is prevalent because of various issues including digital divides, supply driven approaches of the government systems and inadequate inclusion of developmental perspectives. Various e-governance pilot projects which delivered expected results could not sustain during scale up. This phenomenon provides a scope to appreciate underpinnings of e-governance strategies. In this paper, e-governance systems are given due importance and it is posited that citizen participation with developmental perspectives would lead to better citizen centric services and would also provide scope for demand driven growth of e-governance services. It is also argued that SOA principles adopted with citizen orientation in the value chain would provide this desired result. In Indian context, this issue is relevant as it poses a major challenge for e-governance policy makers to successfully incorporate citizen participation, especially with development perspectives and sustain this participation during scale up. Mapping of SOA oriented components are discussed through two case studies in Indian context to appreciate the issue

    Discourses of Transculturality:Ideas, Institutions and Practices in India and China

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    Transculturality, though conceptualized differently depending on the intellectual context, is broadly understood here as a research perspective that while challenging universalism, acknowledges the existence of ideas, institutions and practices across different cultural settings as a result of asymmetrical cultural flows. This perspective allows for transcending disciplinary boundaries by deploying concepts such as flow, asymmetry, hybridity, structure and agency as heuristic tools which are crucial in critically analyzing the meta-narratives of Euro-centrism, and their implications for understanding non-Western societies in their own terms, rather than along the lines of Western parameters. Each of these conceptual categories becomes an important tool to address the particular contexts of a society in its entirety rather than fitting them into a given model. This does not imply a theoretical and methodological exoticism of non-Western societies, but constitutes an attempt to generalize from these societies in a more inclusive manner. As the title suggests, this Special Issue strives to comprehend discourses of transculturality as an emerging and alternative paradigm to analyze concrete concepts, such as citizenship, governance, identity, bureaucracy, diplomacy, and tourism networks in the specific contexts of India and China