2 research outputs found

    Emulsifying capacity of fish mince from several species during frozen storage

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    As a functional property of protein, emulsifying capacity (EC) is of great technological interest. This article examines EC in fish mince from three species differing in fat content and in the pattern of deterioration during frozen storage-blue whiting (Micromesistius poutussou R), horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L) and mackerel (Scomber scombrus L e a u g h t during two seasons of the year in which physiological behaviour is expected to be different (winter and summer). EC and protein solubility were determined periodically. The results indicate the existence of a direct relationship between the fat content of the species used and its EC. Furthermore, in the species studied EC was independent of protein solubility and the amount of protein in the medium, both of which decline as a result of the formation of aggregates during frozen storage. This is not therefore a suitable method for determining protein quality during frozen storage. © 1993 SCI.Peer Reviewe