8,167 research outputs found

    Evidence of deep defects in CIGSe solar cells from DLTS trap filling study

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    Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) is often used to identify and quantify defects in semiconductors. In the DLTS spectrum of CIGS (CuInGaSe2) solar cells generally two types of signals are observed : one for which the capacitance transients are measured well below room temperature (RT) labeled N1, and a second corresponding to transients measured close to RT, N2. We have recently shown that the N1 signal can be related to an non-ideal contact in the solar cell. In this work the N2 signal was investigated using isothermal DLTS (capacitance transients at constant voltage) and isothermal constant-capacitance DLTS (CC-DLTS, voltage transients at constant capacitance) experiments at RT. In CC-DLTS a non-exponential factor in the transients due to high trap concentrations is avoided. The effect of filling pulse duration (tp) on the N2 signal is studied here in detail. Both the DLTS and CC-DLTS methods point to an anomalous filling behavior. From a certain tp onwards a peak appears that shifts towards larger emission time as tp increases. The relation between these results and the energy level diagram of the metastable In-on-Cu antisite defect is discussed. DLTS experiments with variation of tp may help to understand the nature of the metastable defects causing the N2 signal

    Point defects in silicon after zinc diffusion - a deep level transient spectroscopy and spreading-resistance profiling study

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    We present results from spreading-resistance profiling and deep level transient spectroscopy on Si after Zn diffusion at 1294 K. Concentration profiles of substitutional in dislocation-free and highly dislocated Si are described by a diffusion mechanism involving interstitial-substitutional exchange. Additional annealing at 873 K following quenching from the diffusion temperature is required in the case of dislocation-free Si to electrically activate . The formation of complexes of with unwanted impurities upon quenching is discussed. Additional Ni diffusion experiments as well as total energy calculations suggest that Ni is a likely candidate for the passivation of Zns. From total energy calculations we find that the formation of complexes involving Zn and Ni depends on the position of the Fermi level. This explains differences in results from spreading-resistance profiling and deep level transient spectroscopy on near-intrinsic and p-type Si, respectively

    Insights into the reliability of Ni/Cu plated p-PERC silicon solar cells

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    Selective laser ablation of dielectric layers in combination with plated Ni/Cu/Ag contacts have been investigated by many photovoltaic researchers. Despite that there has been quite some practical progress on improved processing, the reliability of plated Ni/Cu/Ag cells still needs further insight and understanding. In this paper, the impact of laser induced defects that result from a ps-laser (wavelength 355nm) ablation on the performance of p-type PERC cells has been studied. A thermal stress experiment at 235 degrees C is applied. It is shown that the defects formed during the laser ablation process do indeed decrease the cell performance. A higher laser fluence results in lower fill factor and therefore lower efficiency. Moreover, the cells with higher laser fluence ablation degrade faster compared to the cells which had lower laser fluence to open the dielectric layer. The second part of the paper focuses on characterization of the p-n junction of the laser ablated cells by Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) before and after thermal ageing. A hole trap around 80K was found for all samples, which is related to point defects induced during the cell processing. A broad peak around 200K observed for the ablated cells with high laser fluence could correspond to dislocations induced by the laser ablation. This peak is shifted to higher energy (closer to the silicon mid-gap) after annealing, which may be due to impurity decoration during the annealing
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