25,096 research outputs found

    racionalnost investitorjev ali slabo delovanje institucij?

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    V prispevku predstavljamo dileme investitorja v zvezi z nelegalnim ravnanjem pri gradnji v lastni režiji. Investitor pri gradnji svojega doma ravna racionalno. Bistveno vprašanje pa je, kaj določa zakonodaja in kakšne so predvidene sankcije. Pri tem nas zanima tudi vloga državnih institucij. Kritično obravnavamo zakon o graditvi objektov (ZGO-1) in nekatere pravilnike, ki natančno določajo obveznosti investitorja in drugih obveznih udeležencev pri graditvi ter predvidevajo tudi sankcije. Pri gradnji so namreč prisotni različni interesi in zakonodajalec mora v smislu družbeno odgovornega delovanja vpletenih institucij zagotoviti minimalne standarde zanesljivosti bivanja v vseh enostanovanjskih stavbah.This paper addresses the investor\u27s dilemma regarding the illegal practices inself-housing construction activities. The investor acts rationally as homo economicus when building his own home. The main question is what defines the legislation, what the expected sanctions are, and what the role of state institutions in this process is. The Construction Act and certain rules, which specify the investor\u27s obligations and the engagement of other required participants in the building process and also provide penalties, are critically analysed and discussed. Different interests are present in the housing construction process, and the legislature must - in terms of socially responsible behaviour of institutions involved - ensure the minimum standards of safe living conditions in all single-home buildings

    Records and state of public infrastructure, the case of the Vogršček reservoir

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    An important component in the development of the\ud environment is diverse and functioning public infrastructure\ud (PI), which is managed by different sectors in Slovenia.\ud Information on the PI in Slovenia is collected in the\ud Consolidated Cadastre of PI maintained by the Surveying\ud and Mapping Authority of Republic of Slovenia; it is\ud an indispensable actor in the various processes of spatial\ud governance. In this paper, a three-stage methodology for\ud the analysis of public infrastructure is presented, which\ud enables the systematic and repeatable analysis of PI and\ud is also useful to check interactions between elements of PI\ud in the observed area. The proposed methodology is tested\ud in the wider area of the Vogršček reservoir in the Vipava\ud Valley. Through legislation, regulations on the management\ud and maintenance, concession contracts and agreements, the\ud management and maintenance of PI at the intersections\ud of different infrastructure is defined. The examples given\ud show the importance of the optimal operation of each part\ud of infrastructure for the operation of the infrastructure in\ud other sectors, as well as the importance of accurate records.\ud Suggestions for improving the situation in the field of PI\ud records are also given

    Sensorless control of induction machine at low speed

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    Regulirani asinhronski pogoni brez mehanskega senzorja hitrosti so zanimivi zaradi nizke cene in visoke zanesljivosti. Meritev hitrosti nadomestimo z meritvami statorskih tokov in napetosti. Vendar meritev napetosti vnaša dodaten strošek in se ji poskušamo izogniti. Predstavljena regulacijska shema z opazovalnikom rotorskega fluksa temelji samo na meritvah tokov in omogoča delovanje tudi v območju nizkih hitrosti, kot je to razvidno iz eksperimentalnih rezultatov.Speed sensorless drives have been receiving a lot of attention in last years. Their main advantages are their low cost and increased reliability. The rotor speed measurement is replaced by the measurement of the stator currents and voltages. However, the measurement of voltages in the pulse width modulated drives is quite complicated and presents an additional cost. In this paper, a new rotor flux observer (Fig. 3), based on an estimation of the electromotive force (EMF) ^er, is presented. By using a stator current observer (11), we can calculate the estimation error (12), which is then fed into the PI controller. The output from this regulator is ^er, which has the meaning of EMF. The estimated rotor flux is then calculated from (14) and the estimated rotor speed is calculated from the cross product of ^er and estimated rotor flux. The low-speed performance as well as the reference tracking performance of speed at no load and rapidly changing load are demonstrated in series of transient characteristics by experimental results in Figures 6 - 9

    Application of controlled experiments for studies of radial tree growth

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    V članku je predstavljen pregled objav o nadzorovanih poskusih ogrevanja in hlajenja dreves ter njihov pomen za raziskave debelinske rasti dreves. Poskusi, ki so jih opravili različni raziskovalci na številnih vrstah, so pokazali, da je mogoče vplivati na delovanje kambija in procese nastanka lesa in floema ter s tem na njuno anatomsko zgradbo, vendar pa se je kambij pri različnih vednozelenih in listopadnih drevesnih vrstah različno odzival na lokalno povišane oz. znižane temperature. Naši najnovejši rezultati pa kažejo, da utegne tudi starost dreves oziroma debelina skorje (lubja) vplivati na učinek tovrstnih eksperimentov na kambijevo delovanje in razvoj celic.In the paper, a review of publications on controlled experiments of heating and cooling of trees and their significance for the studies of radial tree growth is presented. The experiments carried out by different researchers in anumber of tree species have demonstrated that it is possible to affect cambial activity and processes of wood and phloem formation and by that their anatomical structurehowever, the response of cambium to locally elevated or decreased temperatures differed in various evergreen and deciduous tree species. Our most recent findings indicate that tree age and thickness off bark (i.e. outer dead bark) appear to influence the extent of such experimentson cambial activity and cell development

    Preventivni vidik ukrepov proti korupciji

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    Ključni namen prispevka bo transparentnost zoperstavljanja korupciji tako v zasebni kot v javni sferi. Prispevek bo izhajal iz pravne materije ukrepov za boj proti korupciji iz Konvencije ZN proti korupciji. Skušala bom prikazati aplikativno delovanje predpisanih ukrepov v RS

    Delovanje zasebnih vojaško-varnostnih organizacij v mednarodnih operacijah - pravni, organizacijski in funkcionalni vidik

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    Namen prispevka je proučitev in predstavitev relativno novega pojava, tako imenovanega vojaškega »outsourcinga«, oziroma vloge zasebnih vojaških podjetij v mednarodnih misijah in operacijah