70,282 research outputs found

    Paravasation with cyclophosphamide - Case report of tissue necrosis in a patient with primary breast cancer

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    Background: Paravasation is a rare but severe complication of treatment with cytotoxic agents. Some anticancer drugs are considered to be of high toxicity (vesicant), some are merely irritant, and some are regarded as nearly non-toxic to healthy tissue as is the case with cyclophosphamide. Case Report: In this report, we present the first case of severe tissue damage caused by a paravasation of cyclophosphamide in a breast cancer patient receiving chemotherapy. Conclusion: Therefore, every attending oncological physician should be aware of the possibility of severe tissue damage as a consequence of cyclophosphamide paravasation


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    Background : Transfer factor are extracts from Colostrum, which is considered as an immunostimulant oligoribonukleotida for alternative therapies. Breast cancer patients will experience a decline in the immune system. CD4+ T cells is one of the cellular immune response to cancer. Is Tansfer factor may increase the number of CD4+ T cells. Objective : To analyze the effect of cyclophosphamid-transfer factor to the number of CD4+ T cells in C3H mice mammary Adenocarcinoma. Methods : The research laboratory experimental design with "Randomized posttest only control group." Using pure C3H female 20 mice amounted. Samples were divided into 4 groups : K as a control, P1 given cyclphosphamide, P2 and P3 were given transfer factor were given a combination of cyclophosphamidetransfer factor. As the dependent variable is the number of CD4+ T cells. Analysis of differences between the four groups using ANOVA with 95% confidence level. Results : The difference in the number of CD4+ T cells obtained value of p = <0.001 between the control group (K) to the treatment group (P1, P2, P3) and between treatment groups are given a combination of Cyclophosphamide-transfer factor to the treatment group who were given Cyclophosphamide alone or transfer factor alone. There was no significant difference in the number of CD4+ T cells in treatment groups that were given Cyclophosphamide alone compared with the treatment group who were given transfer factor only. Conclusion : There is increased number of CD4+ T cells significantly in C3H mice mammary adenocarcinoma who were given cyclophosphamide-transfer factor. Keywords: Transfer Factor, cyclophosphamide, CD4+ T cells, mammary adenocarcinom

    Phase 1 study of sirolimus in combination with oral cyclophosphamide and topotecan in children and young adults with relapsed and refractory solid tumors.

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    PurposeTo determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), toxicities, and pharmacodynamics effects of sirolimus combined with oral metronomic topotecan and cyclophosphamide in a pediatric population.Materials and methodsPatients who were 1 to 30 years of age with relapsed/refractory solid tumors (including CNS) were eligible. Patients received daily oral sirolimus and cyclophosphamide (25-50 mg/m2/dose) on days 1-21 and oral topotecan (0.8 mg/m2/dose) on days 1-14 in 28-day cycles. Sirolimus steady-state plasma trough concentrations of 3-7.9 ng/mL and 8-12.0 ng/mL were evaluated, with dose escalation based on a 3+3 phase 1 design. Biomarkers of angiogenesis were also evaluated.ResultsTwenty-one patients were treated (median age 18 years; range 9-30). Dose-limiting toxicities included myelosuppression, ALT elevation, stomatitis, and hypertriglyceridemia. The MTD was sirolimus with trough goal of 8-12.0 ng/mL; cyclophosphamide 25 mg/m2/dose; and topotecan 0.8 mg/m2/dose. No objective responses were observed. Four patients had prolonged stable disease &gt; 4 cycles (range 4-12). Correlative biomarker analyses demonstrated reductions in thrombospondin-1 (p=0.043) and soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 plasma concentrations at 21 days compared to baseline.ConclusionsThe combination of oral sirolimus, topotecan, and cyclophosphamide was well tolerated and biomarker studies demonstrated modulation of angiogenic pathways with this regimen

    Hamster-to-rat heart and liver xenotransplantation with FK506 plus antiproliferative drugs

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    Heterotopic hamster hearts transplanted to unmodified LEW rats underwent humoral rejection in 3 days. Survival was prolonged to a median of 4 days with 2 mg/kg/day FK506. As monotherapy, 15 mg/kg/day cyclophosphamide greatly prolonged graft survival-far more than could be accomplished with RS-61443, brequinar (BQR), mizoribine, methotrexate, or deoxyspergualin. However, when FK506 treatment, which was ineffective alone, was combined with a short induction course (14 or 30 days) of subtherapeutic BQR, RS-61443, or cyclophosphamide, routine survival of heart xenografts was possible for as long as the daily FK506 was continued. In addition, a single large dose of 80 mg/kg cyclophosphamide 10 days preoperatively allowed routine cardiac xenograft survival under FK506. The ability of these antimetabolites to unmask the therapeutic potential of FK506 correlated, although imperfectly, with the prevention of rises of preformed heterospecific cytotoxic antibodies immediately postoperatively. As an adjunct to FK506, azathioprine was of marginal value, whereas mizoribine, methotrexate, and deoxyspergualin (DSPG) were of intermediate efficacy. After orthotopic hepatic xenotransplantation, the perioperative survival of the liver with its well-known resistance to antibodies was less dependent than the heart on the antimetabolite component of the combined drug therapy, but the unsatisfactory results with monotherapy of FK506, BQR, RS-61443, or cyclophosphamide were changed to routine success by combining continuous FK506 with a short course of any of the other drugs. Thus, by breaking down the antibody barrier to xenotransplantation with these so-called antiproliferative drugs, it has been possible with FK506 to transplant heart and liver xenografts with consistent long-term survival of healthy recipients

    Myeloablative autologous stem-cell transplantation for severe scleroderma

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    What is new in the management of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis?

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    Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) results from severe crescentic damage to glomeruli and leads to irreversible kidney failure if not diagnosed and managed in a timely fashion. Traditional treatment has relied on glucocorticoids and cyclophosphamide, with additional plasmapheresis for certain conditions. Here we describe updates in the management of RPGN, according to the underlying renal pathology. However, there remains a paucity of trials that have enrolled patients with more advanced renal disease, dialysis dependence or with RPGN, and we are therefore still reliant on extrapolation of data from studies of patients with a less severe form of disease. In addition, reporting bias results in publication of cases or cohorts showing benefit for newer agents in advanced disease or RPGN, but it remains unclear how many unsuccessful outcomes in these circumstances take place. Since clinical trials specifically in RPGN are unlikely, use of biologic registries or combination of sufficient sized cohort series may provide indications of benefit outside of a clinical trial setting and should be encouraged, in order to provide some evidence for the efficacy of therapeutic regimens in RPGN and advanced renal disease

    Toxicity Analysis in the ADEBAR Trial: Sequential Anthracycline-Taxane Therapy Compared with FEC120 for the Adjuvant Treatment of High-Risk Breast Cancer

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    Background: Data from meta-analyses have shown taxane-containing therapies to be superior to anthracycline-based treatments for high-risk breast cancer. Patients and Methods: The ADEBAR trial was a multicenter phase Ill trial in which patients with lymph node-positive breast cancer were prospectively randomized for either sequential anthracycline-taxane or FEC120 therapy. Patients received 4x epirubicin (90 mg/m(2)) and cyclophosphamide (600 mg/m(2)) every 3 weeks (q3w), followed by 4x docetaxel (100 mg/m(2)) q3w (EC-Doc arm), or 6x epirubicin (60 mg/m(2)) and 5-fluorouracil (500 mg/m(2)) on days 1 and 8 and cyclophosphamide (75 mg/m(2)) on days 1-14, q4w (FEC arm). We compared both arms with respect to toxicity and feasibility. Results: Hematological toxicity was found significantly more often in the FEC arm. Febrile neutropenia was seen in 11.3% of patients in the FEC arm and in 8.4% of patients in the EC-Doc arm (p = 0.027). Non-hematological side effects of grade 3/4 were rarely seen in either arm. Therapy was terminated due to toxicity in 3.7% of the patients in the EC-Doc arm and in 8.0% of the patients in the FEC arm (p = 0.0009). Conclusion: The sequential anthracycline-taxane regimen is a well-tolerated and feasible alternative to FEC120 therapy