1,939,377 research outputs found

    Organizational Commitment, Human Resources, Continuance Commitment, Affective Commitment, Normative Commitment, Banking Sector

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    The concept of organizational commitment is defined as employees's strong belief in accepting organizational goals and values; a strong desire to spend high-level effort taking into account the benefit of the organization and to maintain membership in the organization. Although there are different classifications related to organizational commitment in the literature, affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment sub-dimensions were emphasized. This study includes the implementation of an organizational commitment questionnaire developed by Allen and Meyer (1990) and adapted to Turkish by Wasti (2000) on a total of 53 employees in a participation bank operating in the East Black Sea Region. As a result of the study, no statistically significant relationship was found between the organizational commitment levels of the bank employees and the variables of age, marital status, gender, lenght of work, job title, income level. When the organizational score means of the employees were evaluated, it was seen that the average scores of affective commitment were higher than continuance and normative commitment

    An Empirical Study on Union and Company Commitment on Korean and Chinese Employees

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    Particular attention of this study was paid to the determinants and the different level of company and union commitment between Korea and China. We used a theory of cognitive dissonance and exchange relationship in order to examine the determinants of it. To examine the proposed model, we collected 890 data from manufacturing company of each country and had regression, paired-wise t-test, and independent t-test analysis to get empirical results. The results of this study can be summarized into four points. First, union and company commitment have a positive correlation in both country. Second, motivation among antecedent of dual commitment is significantly related to dual commitment both country. But labor-management climate and cooperative program have significant effect on union commitment, labor condition and job satisfaction was related in company commitment in Korea. In china, labor-management climate, job satisfaction, motivation is correlated with dual commitment and cooperative program has positive effect on union commitment, labor condition has relationship with company commitment. This result shows that each country has same and different antecedents of company and union commitment. Third, demographic variables, for example, sex, tenure, full time worker, have no effect on dual commitment. Only Chinese women have high union commitment more than company commitment. Fourth, there was a difference of union and company commitment between Korea and China. Korean workers have high company commitment more than Chinese. A China’s level of union commitment is higher than Korea. Based on the findings, we provided Korean subsidiaries with managerial implications. Suggestions for future research also follow

    Organizational commitment of Vocational College Teachers in Malaysia

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    This study aimed to validate factors related to organizational commitment among teachers in vocational colleges in Malaysia. As we know, the commitment given to the organization will make the organization manageable. However, there are issues regarding the commitment given by the teachers in vocational colleges, which has led to poor performance of college organizations. Some studies have found that factors such as narrative commitment, affective commitment and ongoing commitment cause the overall commitment to the organization to be disrupted. In this study, a fully quantitative approach is used to determine factors in the organization commitment of vocational college teachers. The questionnaire was administered to 264 vocational college teachers in three states in Malaysia namely Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Johor. The data obtained were then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS 21 application. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was performed to obtain factor loading for each element obtained namely narrative commitment, affective commitment and continuous commitment. The analysis results show that the factors reflect the appropriate fit and meet all the criteria for validation. Therefore, the findings of this study can further confirm previous findings on this issue

    Proactive and politically skilled professionals: What is the relationship with affective occupational commitment?

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    The aim of this study is to extend research on employee affective commitment in three ways: (1) instead of organizational commitment the focus is on occupational commitment; (2) the role of proactive personality on affective occupational commitment is examined; and (3) occupational satisfaction is examined as a mediator and political skills as moderator in the relationship between proactive personality and affective occupational commitment. Two connected studies, one in a hospital located in the private sector and one in a university located in the public sector, are carried out in Pakistan, drawing on a total sample of over 400 employees. The results show that proactive personality is positively related to affective occupational commitment, and that occupational satisfaction partly mediates the relationship between proactive personality and affective occupational commitment. No effect is found for a moderator effect of political skills in the relationship between proactive personality and affective occupational commitment. Political skills however moderate the relationship between proactive personality and affective organizational commitment

    Nerve commitment in Hydra. II. Localization of commitment in S phase

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    The kinetics of nerve differentiation were investigated during head regeneration in Hydra. In particular the cell cycle parameters of stem cells undergoing nerve commitment were determined. Head regeneration induces extensive nerve commitment localized at the regenerating tip (G. Venugopal and C. David, 1981, Develop. Biol.83, 353–360). The appearance of committed nerve precursors is followed 12 hr later by the appearance of newly differentiated nerves. Under these conditions the time from the end of S phase to nerve differentiation is about 9 hr and the time from the beginning of S phase to nerve differentiation is about 18 hr. Thus nerve commitment occurs in mid- to late S phase of the stem cell precursor

    Organisational commitment in Malaysian public sector

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    This paper describes a research project that aims to determine the level of civil servants’ organisational commitment and the factors associated with it. The instruments used to measure organisational commitment, empowerment, job characteristics, and organisational communication were adapted from Allen and Meyer (1990), Spreitzer (1995), Hackman and Oldham (1975), and Downs and Hazen (1977). The findings demonstrated that civil servants appeared to have a higher level of affective commitment with mean value of 3.88 compared to continuance 3.58 and normative commitment 2.92. The study also found that civil servants were psychologically empowered in the department with mean value of 3.71, had experienced a variable opportunity in job with mean 3.51 and were reported to be satisfied with the existing communication in the department with mean value of 3.68. Research findings also showed that there is a correlation between organisational commitment (affective, continuance, and normative commitment) with empowerment, job characteristics, and organisational communication variables. The stepwise regression exhibited that empowerment variable is the most dominant predictor of civil servants’ organisational commitment. Meanwhile, organisational communication variable appeared to be the most significant factor to influence civil servants’ affective commitment. Civil servants with continuance commitment were found to be best predicted by empowerment variable. Finally, civil servants with normative commitment tend to be mostly influenced by job characteristics variable

    Bilateral Commitment

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    We consider non-cooperative environments in which two players have the power to commit but cannot sign binding agreements. We show that by committing to a set of actions rather than to a single action, players can implement a wide range of action profiles. We give a complete characterization of implementable profiles and provide a simple method to find them. Profiles implementable by bilateral commitments are shown to be generically inefficient. Surprisingly, allowing for gradualism (i.e., step by step commitment) does not change the set of implementable profiles.Commitment; self-enforcing; generic inefficiency; agreements; Pareto-improvement

    Commitment Contracts

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    We review the theoretical and empirical literature on commitment devices.A commitment device is any arrangement, entered into by an individual, with the aim of making it easier to fulfill his or her own future plans. We argue that there is growing empirical evidence supporting the proposition that people demand commitment devices and that these devices can change behavior. We highlight the importance of further research exploring soft commitment – those involving only psychological costs – and the welfare consequences of hard commitments – those involving actual costs – especially in the presence of bounded rationality.consumer/household economics, institutional and behavioral economics