46,508 research outputs found

    Analysis of biopharma raw materials by electrophoresis microchips with contactless conductivity detection

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    Detailed information concerning the composition of the raw materials employed in the production of biologics is important for the efficient control and optimization of bioprocesses. We demonstrate the application of electrophoresis microchips with capacitively-coupled contactless conductivity detection (C4D) to the analysis of wa-ter-soluble vitamins and metal cations in raw material solutions that are subse-quently fed into bioreactors for the production of biologics

    Manufacturing Barriers to Biologics Competition and Innovation

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    As finding breakthrough small-molecule drugs gets harder, drug companies are increasingly turning to “large molecule” biologics. Although biologics represent many of the most promising new therapies for previously intractable diseases, they are extremely expensive. Moreover, the pathway for generic-type competition set up by Congress in 2010 is unlikely to yield significant cost savings. In this Article, we provide a fresh diagnosis of, and prescription for, this major public policy problem. We argue that the key cause is pervasive trade secrecy in the complex area of biologics manufacturing. Under the current regime, this trade secrecy, combined with certain features of FDA regulation, not only creates high barriers to entry of indefinite duration but also undermines efforts to advance fundamental knowledge. In sharp contrast, offering incentives for information disclosure to originator manufacturers would leverage the existing interaction of trade secrecy and the regulatory state in a positive direction. Although trade secrecy, particularly in complex areas like biologics manufacturing, often involves tacit knowledge that is difficult to codify and thus transfer, in this case regulatory requirements that originator manufacturers submit manufacturing details have already codified the relevant tacit knowledge. Incentivizing disclosure of these regulatory submissions would not only spur competition but it would provide a rich source of information upon which additional research, including fundamental research into the science of manufacturing, could build. In addition to provide fresh diagnosis and prescription in the specific area of biologics, the Article contributes to more general scholarship on trade secrecy and tacit knowledge. Prior scholarship has neglected the extent to which regulation can turn tacit knowledge not only into codified knowledge but into precisely the type of codified knowledge that is most likely to be useful and accurate. The Article also draws a link to the literature on adaptive regulation, arguing that greater regulatory flexibility is necessary and that more fundamental knowledge should spur flexibility. A vastly shortened version of the central argument that manufacturing trade secrecy hampers biosimilar development was published at 348 Science 188 (2015), available online

    The Future of Generic Biologics: Should the United States “Follow-On” the European Pathway?

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    The United States is embarking on a biotechnology drug revolution. In the last few decades, biotech drugs have saved millions of lives, and the market for these miracle cures continues to grow at an astronomical rate. Unfortunately, as the market for biotech drugs is skyrocketing, drug prices are following suit. As Congress strives to make these new drugs more affordable, it must not ignore significant safety concerns unique to these revolutionary therapies. Congress should follow the lead of the European Union to create an accessible pathway for generic forms of biotech drugs that includes strict regulatory measures to ensure drug safety and efficacy

    The Future of Generic Biologics: Should the United States “Follow-On” the European Pathway?

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    The United States is embarking on a biotechnology drug revolution. In the last few decades, biotech drugs have saved millions of lives, and the market for these miracle cures continues to grow at an astronomical rate. Unfortunately, as the market for biotech drugs is skyrocketing, drug prices are following suit. As Congress strives to make these new drugs more affordable, it must not ignore significant safety concerns unique to these revolutionary therapies. Congress should follow the lead of the European Union to create an accessible pathway for generic forms of biotech drugs that includes strict regulatory measures to ensure drug safety and efficacy

    The Effect of Biologic Materials and Oral Steroids on Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes of Horizontal Alveolar Ridge Augmentation.

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate if the addition of biologic materials and/or oral steroids would affect horizontal bone gain, or the bone density of the grafted bone in horizontal alveolar ridge augmentations. A retrospective chart review was completed to assess the clinical and radiographic outcomes of 53 ridge augmentation patients. An average bone gain of 3.6mm of width was found in our study based on radiographic analysis. There were no statistically significant differences found in the linear bone gain with the addition of biologic materials and steroids. A marginally statistically significant difference was found in the bone density when biologics were added (p-value=0.0653). No statistically significant difference found in the bone density with the addition of oral steroids. The use of tenting screws and resorbable occlusive membranes and a combination of allograft and xenograft bone materials provides significant clinical and radiographic dimensional changes in alveolar ridge width

    Taking Biologics for Granted? Takings, Trade Secrets, and Off-Patent Biological Products

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    Biologics are complex medicines which are often genetically engineered, and which are sure to play an important role in curing some of humankind\u27s worst diseases. Not surprisingly, generic companies want a part of the biologic market. The FDA believes that it has the authority to approve off-patent versions of biologics that were originally regulated under the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act, but in order to effectively do so the FDA would have to rely on findings based on data produced by the brand name companies. This iBrief examines whether the FDA\u27s reliance on previous findings would give rise to a valid claim under the Takings Clause of the U.S. Constitution. In the end, it concludes that the FDA\u27s proposed action likely would not constitute a taking

    Taking Biologics for Granted? Takings, Trade Secrets, and Off-Patent Biological Products

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    Biologics are complex medicines which are often genetically engineered, and which are sure to play an important role in curing some of humankind\u27s worst diseases. Not surprisingly, generic companies want a part of the biologic market. The FDA believes that it has the authority to approve off-patent versions of biologics that were originally regulated under the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act, but in order to effectively do so the FDA would have to rely on findings based on data produced by the brand name companies. This iBrief examines whether the FDA\u27s reliance on previous findings would give rise to a valid claim under the Takings Clause of the U.S. Constitution. In the end, it concludes that the FDA\u27s proposed action likely would not constitute a taking