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    [[abstract]]由於二氧化碳等溫室氣體的大量排放,逐漸造成全球環境變遷,近年來減少二氧化碳等溫室氣體的排放量已成為國際兼探討永續發展的主要議題之一。熱拌瀝青混凝土(Hot Mix Asphalt, HMA)產業又為高耗能之產業,消耗大量資源與能源之工業。若是能夠有效減少熱拌瀝青混凝土生產過程中的二氧化碳排放量,將會對於永續發展帶來相當的幫助。目前熱拌瀝青混凝土產業減碳之相關研究主要大多著材料實驗方面(James  J,2007),例如降低拌合溫度等等,對碳排放量計算著重在廠拌階段;運輸及施工舖築階段相關研究不多。又因熱拌瀝青混凝土之運輸及施工方法變數與不確定性頗多,若僅用IPP準則等既有估算方式,將難以預測其坦排放量,進而擬定有效之減碳策略。因此,本研究將針對熱拌瀝青混凝土生產的流程分析,建立其生產模擬模型,利用模擬方式分析可能之施工減碳策略,冀以作為施工廠商減碳之參考。[[notice]]補正完


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    [[abstract]]本論文共一冊,近十萬字,凡八章,三十節。本文旨在析論《幽夢影》之修辭藝術。《幽夢影》乃清朝文人張潮所作之語錄式小品。全書雖只有八千餘字,而題材卻相當豐富,意境更是幽雅感人。最值得一提的是,張潮在《幽夢影》一書中,展現之修辭技巧高超,措詞生動有趣,且呈現了多樣的風格,可謂是「片玉碎金,俱可寶貴」。此發自張潮真心之金玉良言,名句佳構,實值得探討與珍惜。本論文試將《幽夢影》之「辭格表現藝術」及「語言表現風格」作系統化的分析、歸納與比較。藉以揭示《幽夢影》文句修辭之美。   張潮及其著作《幽夢影》,在學術研究上較少受到重視。希望透過本論文之分析探討,可揭示張潮之文學造詣,並彰顯《幽夢影》之修辭藝術特色和價值,並喚起大家重視小品文學,進而提昇「小品文」之地位。茲將本論文各章節之大要,分述如下: 第一章 緒論,內分三節。第一節說明本文之研究動機;第二節說明本文之研究方法與步驟;第三節說明本文之研究旨趣與價值。 第二章 《幽夢影》之創作背景,內分三節。第一節說明張潮之個人特質;第二節說明晚明到清初之時代思潮;第三節說明晚明到清初之社會風尚。 第三章 《幽夢影》材料上之辭格表現藝術,內分五節。第一節說明「譬喻」之修辭藝術;第二節說明「借代」之修辭藝術;第三節說明「映襯」之修辭藝術;第四節說明「摹狀」之修辭藝術;第五節    說明「引用」之修辭藝術。 第四章 《幽夢影》意境上之辭格表現藝術,內分四節。第一節說明「比擬」之修辭藝術;第二節說明「婉曲」之修辭藝術;第三節說明「設問」之修辭藝術;第四節說明「感嘆」之修辭藝術。 第五章 《幽夢影》詞語上之辭格表現藝術,內分四節。第一節說明「類疊」之修辭藝術;第二節說明「回文」之修辭藝術;第三節說明    「轉品」之修辭藝術;第四節說明「鑲嵌」之修辭藝術。 第六章 《幽夢影》章句上之辭格表現藝術,內分四節。第一節說明「對偶」之修辭藝術;第二節說明「層遞」之修辭藝術;第三節說明「排比」之修辭藝術;第四節說明「錯綜」之修辭藝術。 第七章 《幽夢影》之語言表現風格,內分五節。第一節說明「簡潔與繁豐」之風格;第二節說明「樸實與華麗」之風格;第三節說明「豪放與婉約」之風格;第四節說明「明快與含蓄」之風格;第    五節說明「莊嚴與詼諧」之風格。 第八章 結論,總結各章節所論,內分二節。第一節說明《幽夢影》之修辭藝術特色;第二節說明《幽夢影》之修辭藝術價值

    [[alternative]]Carbon-reduce strategy analysis for hot mix asphalt production

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    碩士[[abstract]]由於二氧化碳等溫室氣體的大量排放,逐漸造成全球環境變遷,近年來減少二氧化碳等溫室氣體的排放量已成為國際間探討永續發展的主要議題之一。熱拌瀝青混凝土(Hot Mix Asphalt, HMA)產業又為高耗能之產業,消耗大量資源與能源之工業。若是能夠有效減少熱拌瀝青混凝土生產過程中的二氧化碳排放量,將會對於永續發展帶來相當的幫助。 而目前熱拌瀝青混凝土產業減碳之相關研究,主要大多著材料實驗方面,例如降低拌合溫度等等。對碳排放量計算著重在廠拌階段;運輸及施工舖築階段相關研究不多,因此無法推估在整個生產流程中各階段的碳排放比例,進而擬定有效之減碳策略。則運輸及施工舖築階段既有的推估方法大多沒有考慮施工現場的不確定性的問題。 因此本研究將針對熱拌瀝青混凝土生產的流程分析,建立其生產模擬模型,並考慮不確定性因素,提出可行的減碳策略,進行策略模擬,希望利用模擬的方式達到目的。[[abstract]]The climate change has almost been the issue mostly interested by scientists in this decade. More and more evidences indicate the global warming effect results in the climate change on the earth. Accordingly, the carbon dioxide deterioration and sustainable development are the important trends for energy-consuming industries. For construction industry, lots of construction materials are naturally energy consuming products, such as concrete, steel, asphalt etc. To reduce the carbon emission, many researches have focused on the new materials and producing processes development. However, since the energy is highly consumed during construction phase. Moreover, due to the increasing demand of pavement maintenance, this study is aimed to address a simulation-based carbon emission analysis method to calculate the possible carbon emission quantity for hot mix asphalt (HMA). To this end, not only the carbon emission of HMA product phase, but also the construction phase would be estimated using simulation method. Using the proposed simulation-based HMA carbon emission estimation method, the simulation model, including (1) HMA producing process, (2) transportation process and (3) pavement process are created firstly. Subsequently, the carbon deterioration strategies are addressed based on the decision variables in the simulation model. Finally, the carbon emission percentage distribution of each HMA construction phase is estimated, and the proper carbon deterioration strategy is also determined.[[tableofcontents]]目錄III 表目錄VI 圖目錄VII 第一章緒論1 1.1研究動機1 1.2研究目的2 1.3研究方法及步驟3 1.4研究範圍與限制5 第二章文獻回顧6 2.1二氧化碳排放相關研究6 2.1.1IPCC 準則6 2.1.2二氧化碳排放量推估7 2.1.3生產線直接耗能統計法8 2.1.4生命週期評估9 2.1.5方法比較10 2.2營建工程施工作業碳排放相關研究11 2.3電腦模擬方法相關研究13 2.3.1電腦模擬概述13 2.3.2Flexsim簡介16 第三章熱拌瀝青混凝土生產模擬模型建立18 3.1熱拌瀝青混凝土生產流程18 3.2模擬模型建立19 3.2.1定義問題20 3.2.2模式描述及假設條件20 3.2.3碳排放公式建立22 3.2.4資料蒐集26 3.2.5建構電腦模擬模型40 3.3模型測試46 第四章熱拌瀝青混凝土碳排放策略模擬分析49 4.1策略擬定49 4.2策略比較52 4.3策略討論54 第五章結論與建議59 5.1結論59 5.2建議61 參考文獻62 表目錄 表2.1營建相關減碳效益評估文獻12 表3.1瀝青混凝土廠生產機具功率(Me)耗油(Mo)調查表27 表3.2生產機具生產數量及時間參數設定表28 表3.3台灣主要各類能源之碳排放量28 表3.4運輸車輛怠轉(Moj)及運轉(Moi)耗油率29 表3.5施工鋪築機具及耗油率調查表30 表3.6刨除機開始與結束時間記錄表32 表3.7刨除機使用時間表33 表3.8清掃機使用時間表34 表3.9瀝青灑佈車噴灑時間表35 表3.10鋪築機開始與結束時間記錄表36 表3.11鋪築機使用時間表37 表3.12九輪鐵輪壓路機滾壓時間表(初壓)38 表3.13三輪鐵輪壓路機滾壓時間表(續壓)39 表3.14二軸二輪鐵輪壓路機滾壓時間表(終壓)40 表3.15機具/事件與Flexsim物件之對照表41 表3.16施工鋪築機具時間參數表47 表3.17熱拌瀝青混凝土生產模擬30次結果 48 表4.1刨除機參數設定51 表4.2策略方案51 表4.3策略九各階段模擬碳排放量55   圖目錄 圖1.1研究流程3 圖3.1熱拌瀝青混凝土生產流程圖19 圖3.2模型建立步驟圖19 圖3.3模擬投入與產出關係圖20 圖3.4高速公路六車刨除方式圖31 圖3.5高速公路兩車刨除方式圖31 圖3.6熱拌瀝青混凝土生產模擬模型圖42 圖3.7廠拌階段模擬模型圖43 圖3.8運輸階段模擬模型圖44 圖3.9運輸階段模擬模型圖45 圖4.1刨除方式圖圖50 圖4.2各策略模擬總生產耗時(sec)52 圖4.3各策略模擬車輛等候時間(sec)53 圖4.4各策略模擬碳排放量(kg-co2)53 圖4.5熱拌瀝青混凝土生產各階段碳排放比例55 圖4.6總生產耗時-碳排放量散佈圖57 圖4.7車輛等候時間-碳排放量散佈圖58[[note]]學號: 698380564, 學年度: 10

    A study on the impact of import of U. S. chicken meat on Taiwan chicken industry

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    經濟自由化及國際化為當前世界各國經貿政策的主流,目前政府亦朝此一方向來推動 國家整體經濟。但政策背後隱含政府將逐一解除農產品的進口限制,此舉勢必對調適 不易之農業部門造成相當大的衝擊。本文單就開放國內雞肉市場,探討其對肉雞產業 所造成的衝擊程度。 文中首先分析中美肉雞產業及雞內屠宰加工產銷體系,以了解美國肉雞的生產優勢。 其次建立內雞及飼料釘物的實證模型,然後藉由美國雞肉價格的引進,以衡量民國78 年7 月至12月國內肉雞產量、價格、農民收入的變動及社會福利的影響。 玆將實證結果歸納如下: 1.全雞進口關稅稅率為30% 以上時, 即使開放本國的雞肉市場, 對國內肉雞產業不會 有任何影響;一旦低於30% 時, 則將逐漸感受到美國進口雞肉的壓力。 2.開放全雞進口關稅稅率為0%時, 白肉雞產地價格仍高於肉雞生產成本, 雞農仍有繼 續生存的空間。 3.當部位雞肉進口且關稅稅率低率30% 時,產地價格將低於生產成本,此時小規模無 效率的養雞場將逐漸自產業撤離。 4.當部位雞肉進口且關稅稅率為0 時,國內肉雞產業所受的影響最大,此時每年進口 雞肉數量將超過6 萬公噸, 占國內消費量比例將達24.38% 之多

    The Impact of Ethnocentrism on Agricultural Product Consumption Behavior in Taiwan

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    隨著台灣加入WTO世貿組織以及國內市場的日益開放,國人在面對國內外農產品時,是否會基於情感因素而優先選擇國產農產品,成為農政單位與農業從事人員關注的議題。 從消費者行為理論的觀點來看,消費者在進行購買決策時,除了考量產品屬性的表現績效外,同時亦可能受到情感因素的影響。本文利用Shimp及Sharma於1987年所提出的CETSCALE衡量工具來測定國人的民族意識程度,並探討國人在選購國內外農產品時,該意識所可能產生的影響效果,所分析的農產品種類則包括有豬肉、葡萄及一般農產品等項目。 本文分析所使用資料乃是透過問卷調查而取得,針對國內三大都會區以及三大農業縣進行抽樣調查,先藉由比例分層抽樣(proportionate stratified sampling)決定出各縣市樣本數目,而後,透過調查人員並採便利抽樣(convenience sampling)方式進行訪問。 在探討文中各項議題之前,本文先行針對CETSCALE衡量工具的單一構面(unidimensionality)以及信度(reliability)進行驗證,以確認其在國內的適用性,經由驗證性因素分析(CFA)以及Cronbach α係數之佐證,確認該工具應用於國內的適用性。之後,根據問卷回收資料計算得知,國人平均民族意識程度遠較鄰近國家韓國所測者為低。 在影響國人民族意識程度的因素方面,受訪者年齡、所得、教育程度、戶籍地以及家中目前有無從事農作等變數明顯與國人民族意識程度有關。至於民族意識所產生的影響效果方面,透過多階模型(multilevel models)處理後,除了確認民族意識會影響國人對農產品的態度及購買意願外,且對於國內、外農產品分別產生正、負向的效果,惟其影響程度遠較產品屬性評價為低。The entrance of Taiwan to the World Trade Organization(WTO) and the opening of the domestic market will provide consumers with more product choices than ever. However, the impact of imported products on domestic agricultural production concerns most of the farmers and agricultural officers. Whether consumers have more preference for native agricultural products than foreign products become an interesting subject in designing marketing policies for domestic farm products. From the perspective of consumer behavior theory, consumers will evaluate the performance of the products’ attributes when they make the purchase decisions. In addition, consumers’ emotion probably influence their final decisions. This study use the Consumer Ethnocentrism Tendencies Scale(CETSCALE)designed by Shimp and Sharma(1987)to measure consumer ethnocentrism and to investigate the effects of ethnocentrism on buying domestic and foreign agricultural products. Pork、grape and generic agricultural products are selected as representative products. Data were collected through questionnaire investigation from a sample containing 400 consumers. Subjects from three metropolises, including Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung and three main agricultural counties, including Yunlin, Changhua and Tainan were asked to respond all the questions of the questionnaire. The CETSCALE, a 10-items measure of consumer ethnocentrism , was subjected to validation tests, including the unidimensionality and reliability. Both sets of results of the Confirmatory factor analysis and the reliability analysis support the applicability of the CETSCALE in Taiwan. The average scores on the CETSCALE are 3.66 which are lower than Korean’s. Research reveals that consumer ethnocentric tendencies are related to consumers’ age, income, and educational level. The effects of the ethnocentrism on consumers’ buying attitudes are analyzed through the multilevel models. The results confirm the relationships that scores on the CETSCALE are positive correlated with consumer’s attitudes and willingness toward purchasing domestic agricultural products and negative correlated with foreign products. However, these correlations are not as strong as the correlations between products attributes evaluations and attitudes and willingness.目 錄 頁 次 第壹章 緒論 -- 1 第一節 問題緣起與研究動機 …… 1 第二節 研究目的 …… 3 第三節 背景說明 …… 4 第四節 研究範圍與資料來源 …… 7 第貳章 文獻回顧 -- 9 第一節 產品『來源國,Country-of-Origin 』相關文獻 …… 9 第二節 『消費者民族意識』相關文獻 …… 14 第參章 理論基礎 -- 23 第一節 消費者態度形成模式 …… 23 第二節 消費者民族意識 …… 28 第肆章 研究設計與分析方法 -- 30 第一節 研究架構與驗證假說 …… 30 第二節 問卷設計與資料收集 …… 33 第三節 分析方法 …… 38 第伍章 實證結果分析 -- 47 第一節 受訪者基本資料說明 …… 47 第二節 國人對國內外農產品之相關看法 …… 50 第三節 國人民族意識程度之測定及分析 …… 54 第四節 消費者購買意願模式之實證結果 …… 58 第陸章 結論與建議 -- 64 第一節 結論 …… 64 第二節 建議 …… 66 第三節 未來研究方向 …… 68 參考文獻 …… 69 附錄 …… 78 問卷 …… 7

    The Analysis of Service Quality of Rural Wineries-A Comparison between Farmers' Associations and Agriculture-Production-and-Marketing Groups

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    為減少我國入會世界貿易組織後對我國農業生產的衝擊,農委會陸續推動各項輔導措施,輔導國內農民發展農村酒莊,冀望藉由與觀光遊憩的結合,以提升我國農業生產的經濟效益。過去的研究顯示服務品質是提昇酒莊競爭力的重要核心技能,但企業組織型態的差異會引發顧客對企業服務品質的認知差異,故本研究試圖探討不同組織型態的農村酒莊其服務品質之達成狀況與差異,相關研究結果將有助提升農村酒莊的競爭力。本研究以3家農會酒莊與5 家產銷班酒莊的遊客為調查對象,並以SERVQUAL與SERVPERF等服務品質量表之理論概念為基礎以檢測研究對象的服務品質達成狀況與差異。本研究共取得有效樣本470份,獨立樣本t-檢定與成對樣本t-檢定的分析結果顯示農村酒莊其服務品質尚未達遊客的期望水準,僅有產銷班酒莊在若干服務品質指標上可達遊客期望。從遊客觀點觀之,產銷班酒莊有較佳的服務品質表現。推論係由於產銷班酒莊的經營乃以單一主題式的經營模式營運,有利酒莊主題的凸顯,並使服務的提供趨於簡化,有利其服務品質的管理;而農會酒莊慣常以「複合式」的營運模式經營酒莊,其營運項目的多元化模糊了其酒莊主題,也讓其服務管理愈形複雜與困難,而不利營造遊客對其服務品質的認知。To diminish the impact resulted from entering the World Trade Organization to the agriculture production of Taiwan, Council of Agriculture of Taiwan government has launched several promotion strategies in attempt to help farmers developing rural wineries. Via the linkage to wine tourism, the development of rural wineries is anticipated to increase the economic gains of the agriculture production of Taiwan. Previous studies indicated that service quality is one of the key factors for wineries' competitiveness. However, consumer perception to the service quality of a firm is influenced by the organization structure of the firm. This study was intended to compare the service quality of the rural wineries owned by different farmers' organizations. The study results are beneficial in enhancing the competitiveness of the rural wineries. Tourists of three farmers' association owned wineries and five agriculture-production-and-marketing association group owned wineries were sampled to participate in the survey, and the theoretical conceptualizations of SERVQUAL and SERVPERF were used to measure and compare the service quality of the wineries investigated in this study. As a total 470 valid questionnaires were completed. Independent samples t-test and paired samples t-test were applied for the statistical analysis. The study results indicated that the service quality of the rural wineries investigated was not able to satisfy visitors’ expectations, only the wineries owned by agriculture-production-and-marketing groups reach the visitors’ expectations on a few service attributes. From the aspects of tourists, the service quality of the wineries owned by agriculture-production-and-promotion groups was better than that of the wineries owned by farmers' associations. It may result from the positioning strategy of the agriculture production-and-promotion groups for their wineries that they tend to operate their wineries in a single subject manner. Such operation style makes the theme of their wineries more focused and makes the operation of service supply simplified. It benefits the management of service quality for their wineries. In contrast, farmers' associations tend to operate wineries in a diversified style. The operation strategy of diversification may damage the theme of their wineries and makes their service supply complicated and difficult, and thus to spoil visitors' perception toward their service quality


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    By utilizing the drastically reduced melting temperature of nano-sized particles (NPs), one of recent developments in microelectronic packaging is to manufacture highly conductive interconnections with metallic nanoparticle deposits subjected to a low temperature process. With the emerging technology of inkjet printing system, nano-size metallic NP suspensions can be applied to fabricate electrical line patterns without using conventional lithography. For the transportation of power and signal, the nanoparticle deposits should be consolidated and well jointed with the contacts of the devices. This study systematically investigated the low temperature melting, solidification and alloying of Au or Ag3Au nanoparticle deposits. The interaction between the metallic NPs and electronic substrates will be also explored. By doing so, the phase transformation issues such as the supercooling, latent heat difference, and driving force for solidification resulted from nanosized effects will be well understood.當前微電子構裝發展重要趨勢之一,?應用奈米粒子低熔點特性,將其製備?奈米金屬墨水,經低溫熱處理即可獲得高性能之微導線與微接點。搭配高精準度噴墨技術,將可獲得所需圖案,無須使用繁複之微影製程。?傳輸電流與訊號,奈米金屬沈積物必須充份融合固化,並且須與元件接點產生緊密接合。因此本論文以Brust-Schiffrin兩相法所製備、以烷基硫醇?保護劑之Au以及Ag3Au合金奈米粒子?實驗材料,探討其於升溫過程中之相變現象,並系統性調查奈米粒子沈積物與常用電子金屬基材間之界面反應,期藉此開拓奈米尺寸誘發之液態金屬過冷與固化驅動力等相變態學理探討新領域

    An Empirical Analysis of Consumer's Willingness to Pay for Attributes of Domestic Banana: A Study in Metropolitan Areas in Taiwan

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    In recent years, the theory of market segmentation has been gradually used in agricultural products. Using northern domestic consumers in Taiwan as the sample for the empirical analysis, this study uses Conjoint Analysis to measure consumers' willingness to pay for four essential product attributes of domestic banana including: the quality level, environmental consciousness, intellectual and cultural level and the banana-use level.廠商在市場上展現其差異性已是趨勢所在,市場區隔已逐漸被運用在農產品上。本研究擬以聯合分析法(Conjoint Analysis)為基礎,採用選擇試驗法(Choice Experiment)以針對國產香蕉的品質、環境意識、知性文化、使用利益四大面向對大台北都會區(台北市、新北市)消費者進行消費偏好屬性評價分析。實證推估各種有形或無形特色在樣本心中的地位高低和相對重要性,亦即香蕉各屬性之願付價值(Willingness to pay, WTP)

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