188 research outputs found

    Research Progress on Hybrid Solar-Geothermal Power Generation

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    Developing and using combined new energy sources is an important direction of development for new energy in future. The first Hybrid Solar-Geothermal Power station has been built, and related research on this field has been carried out vigorously. Accord

    Determination of 1-Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-Diphosphonic Acid in Recycle-Cooling Water by Ion Chromatography

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    建立了循环冷却水中羟基-1,1-亚乙基二磷酸(HEDP)的离子色谱检测方法。色谱柱为IonPac AS14A阴离子交换柱,流动相为80mmol/L NaOH水溶液,流速1.0mL/min,抑制型电导检测器检测。方法的线性范围为0.25-25mg/L,平均回收率为102%,检出限为0.1mg/L;对0.25mg/L和0.5mg/L的HEDP标准溶液分别进行13次平行测定,相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为4.7%和3.5%。该方法具有简单、快速、灵敏、抗干扰等优点,用于循环冷却水中HEDP的检测,结果令人满意。1-Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid(HEDP) is usually used as a scale and corrosion inhibitor in recycle-cooling water for steel industry.The quick and accurate analysis of HEDP concentration in water is of importance to control the inhibitor adding program.However,the common method for HEDP analysis,which determines the total phosphate in water samples,may suffer the serious problem of incorrectly including degraded HEDP as the active HEDP reagent.In this study,the method of the determination of HEDP in recycle-cooling water by ion chromatography was investigated.The chromatographic parameters,including elution and detection,were optimized.The separation was achieved on an IonPac AS14A column with NaOH solution of 80 mmol/L as the eluent at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min,and the detection was performed by a suppressed conductivity detection mode with the injection volume of 25 μL.The method showed good linearity within the range of 0.25 and 25 mg/L with an average recovery of 102%.The detection limit of the method reached as low as 0.1 mg/L.The relative standard deviations for 0.25 and 0.5 mg/L HEDP standard solutions were 4.7% and 3.5%(n=13),respectively.The method has been applied for the determination of HEDP in recycle-cooling water samples with the advantages of being simple,fast,sensitive,and interference free.上海市科委科研计划项目课题(04-b-02

    Layer-by-layer self-assembly preparation and performance of GO-ceramics composite nanofiltration membrane

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    氧化石墨烯(GO)的片层边缘含有COOH等含氧官能团,因而带负电荷,可以在带正电荷多孔基体上通过层层自组装实现快速沉积。以由3-氨丙基三乙氧基硅; 烷(APTES)修饰的多孔氧化铝管式陶瓷膜为基膜,令GO和聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)以溶液形态在其表面交替沉积实现自组装,继以环氧氯丙烷(ECH)交联; 之,制备新型氧化石墨烯-陶瓷复合纳滤膜。最佳制备工艺是,PEI浓度5 g·L~(-1)、pH=9,NaCl浓度0.3; mol·L~(-1),GO浓度0.6 mg·ml~(-1)、pH=4.5,层数2层,ECH用量6.25 ml·L~(-1),50℃条件下处理70; min。层数为1~4层的自组装膜在0.6 MPa操作压力下对2; g·L~(-1)的MgCl_2的截留率分别为90.16%、93.71%、97.54%、92.93%,其中1层自组装膜的渗透通量为21.92; L·m~(-2)·h~(-1)。氧化石墨烯-陶瓷复合纳滤膜对4种无机盐的截留率大小为MgCl_2>MgSO_4>NaCl>Na_2SO_4,符合; 典型正电荷纳滤膜的特征。Graphene oxide (GO) can be quickly deposited on a positively charged; porous matrix via a layer-by-layer self-assembly strategy because GO; nanosheets contain rich negatively charged, oxygen-containing function; groups, such as COOH. In this paper, the GO-ceramics composite; nanofiltration membrane was prepared via layer-by-layer deposition of GO; solution and eolyethyleneimine (PEI) solution alternately, and then; cross-linked by epoxy chloropropane (ECH) on; 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane-modified porous Al_2O_3 supports. The; optimum preparation conditions were: PEI 5g·L~(-1), pH=9; NaCl 0.3; mol·L~(-1); GO 0.6 mg·L~(-1), pH=4.5; ECH 6.25 ml·L~(-1) and heat; treatment 50℃/70 min. Under the conditions of 0.6 MPa, when the; self-assembly layer number increased from 1 to 4, the rejection to 2; g·L~(-1) MgCl_2 were 90.16%, 93.71%, 97.54%, and 92.93% respectively,and; the flux of self-assembled monolayer membrane was 21.92 L·m~(-2)·h~(-1).; The rejection orders of inorganic salts of GO-ceramics composite; nanofiltration membrane were as follows: MgCl_2>MgSO_4>NaCl>Na_2SO_4,; therefore they showed the typical positively charged nanofiltration; membrane characteristics


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    先由氧化石墨烯(GO)、硫酸铝和尿素通过水热法制得氧化石墨烯/碱式硫酸铝(GO-BAS)复合物,继与哌嗪(PIP)溶液共混作为水相;均苯三甲酰氯(TMC)溶于正己烷作为有机相;采用界面聚合法使两相单体在聚醚砜(PES)基膜表面形成聚酰胺(PA)功能层,制得氧化石墨烯/碱式硫酸铝复合物掺杂的聚醚砜/聚酰胺(PES-PA-GO-BAS)复合纳滤平板膜,并在较低的工作压力(0.3 MPa)下对其进行性能研究。其对无机盐溶液的截留率依次为:Na——2SO4(91.08%)>MgSO4(83.42%)>MgCl——2(68.97%)>NaCl(17.62%);纯水通量可达24.19 L·m-2·h-1,较之聚酰胺纳滤膜提高了近60%,且具备良好的稳定性和耐碱性


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