8 research outputs found

    An efficient and User-Friendly Remote Password Authentication Scheme for Multi-Server Architecture

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    由於分散式網路日益發達,網路技術日趨成熟,寬頻網路速度更加快速,越來越多伺服器願意提供透過網路來服務使用者的方法。甚至會有多個伺服器組成群體同時提供服務給使用者。因此多重伺服器架構之通行碼身份認證技術在現今也成為重要的研究方向。雖然在2001年以後已有學者把通行碼認證方法的研究方向從單一伺服器延伸到多重伺服器的架構上。然而他們所提出之方法有些需要花費大量的計算時間,有些需在智慧卡中存入大量的資料,且都沒有提供安全的變更密碼功能。所以我們提出了一個新穎且有效率的多伺服器架構之通行碼認證系統。相較之下,我們不僅利用單向赫序函數以及訊息認證碼來加快運算速度,我們亦提供金鑰協定、相互認證以及安全變更密碼的功能,同時也能滿足一般通行碼認證系統中所需之安全性與便利性。Password authentication is used to validate the legal user to access the server and receive the server's service. In addition, key agreement protocol is developed to provide the secure service communication between the communication parties. However, since the networks and information technology has grown quickly, most of services over networks are developed into a multi-server architecture. The traditional single-server password authentication schemes are no longer suitable for remote user authentication. Although some multi-server password authentication schemes had been proposed in past, but they need much computation cost and don't provide security change password stage. In this thesis, we combine user password authentication with key agreement protocol to propose a new efficient solution for a multi-server environment. In the scheme, user only needs to register to the Register Center once and subsequently can retrieve services provided by different servers. Moreover, users can freely choose their own passwords. Furthermore, we also provide the change password stage such that user can use new password to login all servers. In addition, the proposed scheme adopts hash function and exclusive-or operation rather than cryptographic encryption, therefore its computation cost is very low.第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………………………………. 01 1.1 簡介 ……………………………………………………........................ 1.2 研究動機 ……………………………………………………………… 1.3 研究成果與貢獻 ……………………………………………………… 1.4 論文架構 ……………………………………………………………… 01 03 05 06 第二章 基礎知識 ………………………………………………………………. 07 2.1 單向赫序函數 ……..………………………………………………….. 2.2 MAC訊息鑑別碼 …………………….………………………………. 2.3 智慧卡 …………………………………………………...……………. 08 10 12 第三章 相關研究 ………………………………………………………………. 17 3.1 Juang’s scheme …………………………………………………...……. 3.2 Tsaur et al. scheme ..…………………………………………………… 3.3 廖與吳’s scheme ………………………………………………………. 18 21 26 第四章 植基於多重伺服器架構之有效率通行碼確認機制 ………………… 36 4.1 提出的方法 …………………………………………………………… 4.2 安全分析 ……………………………………………………………… 4.3 特殊功能說明 ………………………………………………………… 4.4 效能分析 ……………………………………………………………… 31 37 39 41 第五章 討論與比較 ……………………………………………………………. 42 5.1 功能比較 ……………………………………………………………… 5.2 效能比較 ……………………………………………………………… 43 46 第六章 結論與未來展望 ………………………………………………………. 49 參考文獻 ……………...…………………..…………………………………….. 5

    Analysis of the Republic of China's Constitutional System After Seven Constitutional Amendments

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    我國自第四次修憲取消立法院「行政院長人事同意權」,憲法本文中行政院向立法院負責(憲法本文第五十七條)的精神,大幅下降。而總統於修憲後加上本文規定,所擁有的權力大增。修憲的結果造成現行制度定位上之爭議,究竟我國現行憲法中央政府之體制屬性為何,學者眾說紛紜,主要可分為「形似半總統制的實質總統制」、「半總統制」與「威瑪共和制」三派見解。詳究我國修憲後中央政府體制爭議之癥結在於:一、取消立法院「行政院院長人事同意權」後,行政院院長角色之定位。二、「國家安全大政方針決定權」之定義及解釋。本文嘗試從修憲者之原意、憲法規範上關於總統與行政院長權限之劃分,及比較法之角度切入,分析我國中央行政權之歸屬,希望能對釐清修憲後我國憲政體制之屬性有些許助益。 本論文主要採取的研究方法為文獻分析法(literature analysis)、比較研究法(comparative method)。前者部分,本論文收集國民大會及立法院修憲委員會等我國制憲及憲法增修過程之相關史料及文獻,並分析整理相關法令、大法官解釋、法院判決、學術評論文章及專書著作,作為研究我國現行憲政體制之基礎。後者部分,本論文比較我國修憲後與法國第五共和半總統制的相關規定及憲政運作實務,分析我國現制可能引發的問題及缺失,裨能提供未來修憲改革方向之參考。 本論文研究發現:一、一至七次修憲,不論是憲改啟動之原因、修憲採取之形式與憲政體制之變革,其實皆是修憲者意志與社會環境交互作用、影響之結果。二、修憲後由於對總統是否有任意任免行政院長之權力及對「國家安全大政方針決定權」解釋看法之歧異,造成「行政院長係對總統或立法院負責」、「中央行政權歸屬於總統或行政院長」看法不一,因而形成關於修憲後政府體制屬性上之爭議。本文認為,基於修憲者之原意、憲法增修條文規定、大法官解釋,我國修憲後行政院仍係對立法院負責,而主要之中央行政權歸屬於行政院長,總統之行政權僅限於國家安全、國防、外交三個領域(即有拘束力之狹義說)。三、我國現制由於未建立行政權換軌之憲政慣例,行政院長在任免方式、職權、負責對象上,均與法國第五共和有所不同;總統明定可介入行政權之範圍亦較為受限。而行政、立法權衝突解決之機制方面,法國第五共和不信任投票、解散國會權、公民投票設計均較我國優越,因此整體而言,半總統在我國實施是不甚成功的。因此,本論文建議:配合我國總統直選及強勢總統之憲政文化,及兩黨高度對峙下維持行政權穩定之考量,並避免權責劃分不清之弊端及行政權應否強制換軌之爭議,未來若要健全憲政體制,根本之計宜朝向行政權一元化之總統制發展。Parliamentary system、presidentialism、semi-presidential system are three major constitutional systems in the world. The Republic of China''s constitutional system after seven constitutional amendments is in dispute. The dispute causes many questious in the Republic of China''s constitutional system. For example,does the prime minister have the obligation to resign from the position after the presidential election? The French fifth Republic has adopted a semi-presidential system and the political parties have played an important role. The author considers that the R.O.C also adopts a semi-presidential system after seven constitutional amendments. Obviously,the result in the R.O.C is unsuccessful. So the author considers that the R.O.C should adopt presidentialism

    ADP-ribosylation-like factor-6 interacting protein is required for neural crest development in zebrafish embryos

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    ADP-ribosylation-like factor-6 interacting protein (Arl6ip) 是Arl6 的interacting protein。Arl6屬於small ADP ribosylation fator GTP-binding proteins,在intracellular traffic 中為主要的 regulators。Fan et al. (2004) 證實當 Arl6 缺失時會產生人類遺傳疾病 Bardet-Biedl syndrome type 3 (BBS3) 。BBS3是一種 multisystemic disorder會同時發生 obesity, blindness, polydactyly, renal abnormalities 和 cognitive impairment 的症狀。此外當 neural crest migration被抑制時,也會造成 BBS 中的craniofacial dysmorphology 和腸道神經缺失的 Hirschsprung’s disease (Tobin et al., 2008),代表與BBS相關的基因必定和 neural crest 的發育有著密切的關係。雖然 已知 Arl6ip 在 in vitro 的功能可能和造血細胞maturation中蛋白質運送、membrane trafficking、細胞訊息傳遞有關,但是在 in vivo 胚胎發育的功能目前並沒有相關研究指出,因此我們想知道當 Arl6ip 缺失時是否同樣會造成 BBS,並且 Arl6ip 是否參與了 neural crest 的發育。本篇研究中我們在斑馬魚胚胎利用專一性的antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MO) 抑制 Arl6ip轉譯,neural crest衍生物如軟骨, cranial ganglia, peripheral neurons 和心臟的發育出現嚴重缺失,和 BBS 症狀非常相似。Whole mount in situ hybridization 結果中可以看到早期 neural plate border specifiers 如 msxb, dlx3b 和 pax3 表現並沒有產生異常;但 neural crest specification genes 如 foxd3, snail1b和 sox10 則嚴重減少,顯示出 Arl6ip 為 neural crest 特化所必要的因子,但並不影響 neural crest induction。Arl6ip 缺失胚胎中表現在遷移中 cranial 和 trunk neural crest cells 的crestin 和 sox10 缺失,代表 Arl6ip 影響了 neural crest 的遷移。最後利用 TUNEL assay 實驗,pre-migratory的 neural crest 發生了不正常的 apoptosis 現象,表示Arl6ip 影響了pre-migratory neural crest 的 survival。此外在 Arl6ip 缺失胚胎中,可以看到心臟不正常的 looping 和心跳緩慢的表型,而心臟發育異常的情形可能是由 cardiac pre-migratory neural crest cells 缺失所造成。綜合以上結果, Al6ip影響了 neural crest 的特化, migration及survival,同時也為 neural crest derivatives 分化所必須。本篇也是首次來討論arl6ip 在neural crest 發育時所扮演的功能。ADP-ribosylation-like factor-6 interacting protein (Arl6ip) is an interacting protein of Arl6 which is one of the small ADP ribosylation factor GTP-binding proteins that are major regulators in intracellular traffic. Fan et al. (2004) identified Arl6 as the gene underlying Bardet-Biedl syndrome type 3 (BBS3), a multisystemic disorder characterized by obesity, blindness, polydactyly, renal abnormalities and cognitive impairment. Inhibition of neural crest migration underlies craniofacial dysmorphology and Hirschsprung’s disease in BBS (Tobin et al., 2008). It means that BBS associated genes must involve in neural crest development. Although the in vitro function of Arl6ip gene is suggested as protein transport, membrane trafficking, or cell signaling during hematopoietic maturation, the in vivo roles that alr6ip plays in BBS and neural crest development are totally unknown. Here, we demonstrated that when Arl6ip function was lost by injecting the zebrafish embryos an antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MO) which inhibited Arl6ip mRNA translation specifically, the neural crest derivatives, such as cartilage, cranial ganglia, peripheral neurons, and heart, were defective. These defects are similar to Bardet-Biedl syndrome. The expressions of neural plate border specifiers, msxb, dlx3b, and pax3 were normal, but the expression of neural crest specification genes, foxd3, snail1b, and sox10 were reduced, implicating Arl6ip is essential for neural crest specification, but not for neural crest induction. Furthermore, crestin and sox10, which were expressed in the cranial and trunk migrating neural crest cells, were also decreased, suggesting that Arl6ip is required for neural crest migration. In addition, apoptosis was apparent occurrence in the pre-migratory neural crest cells, indicating a critical role for arl6ip in the survival of neural crest cells. Interestingly, we noticed that the hearts of the Arl6ip-MO-injected embryos were failure to undergo normal looping and the function of heart was depressed. This defective heart may result from the loss of cardiac pre-migratory neural crest cells. Taken together, we conclude that Arl6ip is not only required for neural crest specification, survival, and migration, but also for neural crest derivatives differentiation. This is the first report that demonstrates the in vivo function of Arl6ip during neural crest development.中文摘要------------------------------------------- 1文摘要------------------------------------------- 3言------------------------------------------------- 5驗材料與方法---------------------------------- 15果------------------------------------------------- 23論------------------------------------------------- 30考文獻------------------------------------------- 39---------------------------------------------------- 56錄------------------------------------------------- 6

    (51(1):61-74)Effect of Different Diameters of Shoots on Development and Storage Quality of Carambola Fruit

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    本研究主要探討‘秤錘’楊桃 (Averrhoa carambola L.) 不同著果枝條果實在發育過程中外觀形態、內部組成分之變化與其貯藏品質的比較。調查結果顯示,‘秤錘’楊桃果實在發育期間並無生長停滯期,生長曲線呈單S型。5月開花的果實其果長、稜厚、稜寬及周長在花後1週即快速增加,鮮重及體積則於花後3週起開始快速上升,可溶性固形物直到花後7週起才開始迅速累積,在花後10週其外觀形態增長速率已趨於緩和,可視為進入生理成熟期,果實顏色的變化亦由發育中期的暗綠色逐漸轉變為完熟期的全黃色。在內部成分的變化上,水分含量、可溶性固形物及醣類含量等均隨果實發育而增加,而硬度、可滴定酸則隨著果實的發育而降低。果實著生的枝條部位間,老枝所著生的果實比新枝者有較大的果重及體積,稜寬也較大,果形呈短橢圓形,著色較淺;在內容物組成上,老枝所著生的果實可溶性固形物及醣類含量較低,可滴定酸及硬度較高;在貯藏品質上,室溫下第1週老枝果實的失水率較低,但之後卻較高於新枝;至於果實經5℃、21日的冷藏後,再移至室溫19日後之失水率則以新枝果實較高於老枝。The objective of this study is to study the effect of different ages of shoots on the development and storage quality of fruits of ‘Chun-Choi’ carambola (Averrhoa carambola) in the same trees. The results showed that the carambola fruit growth curve is single sigmoid indicating no stagnant period during fruit development. The fruits, which blossomed in May, increase rapidly in fruit length, rib thickness, rib width and fruit cirumfence one week after blossom. However, increase of fresh weight and size of fruits and accumulation of total soluble solids (TSS) started from 4th week and 7th weeks, respectively, after blossom. The fruits reach into physiologically matured period when the appearance of outer growth turned mild at the 10 weeks after blossom. Meanwhile, the fruit color turned gradually from dark green during development period into complete yellow of maturity period. The interior components are also changed. Water content, total soluble solids and sugar content were increase with the increase of fruit size, whereas hardness and titratable acid were decrease. Compare to young shoots, fruits born on old shoots were heavier and larger, with wider rib, short oval shaped and lighter skin color. Their fruit components including total soluble solids and sugar content were lower, whereas titratable acid and hardness were higher. The storage quality of fruits born on different age shoots was also different. Fruits born on old shoots lost less weight in the first week at room temperature, but lost more in later stage. Meanwhile, the old shoot-producing fruits lost less weight after storage at 5℃ for 21 days and then at room temperature for 19 days fruits

    Estimation of Antioxidative Activity and Safety of Methanolic Extracts from ‘Black Queen’ and ‘Kyoho’ Grape Skins in Taiwan

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    本研究旨在探討國產黑后(cv. Black Queen)與巨峰(cv. Kyoho)葡萄皮甲醇萃取物之抗氧化性,並評估其安全性。結果顯示,黑后葡萄皮甲醇萃取物(MEBQ)之抗氧化性優於巨峰葡萄皮(MEKH)者。於自氧化及以Fe+2、Fe+3/H2O2/ascorbic acid所催化之亞麻面酸過氧化統中,MEBQ之脂質過氧化抑制率均顯著(P<0.05)高於MEKH者。於1 mg/ml之濃度下,MEBQ亦展現最高之超氧自由基之清除率(95.85%),MEKH次之(87.61%),二者亦顯著(p<0.05)高於同濃度BHA (77.92%)及α-tocopherol (73.65%)者。MESQ對DPPH自由基之清除率為85.67%,MEKH則為82.40%。在Ames test中,於所測試之劑量範圍(0.5-5.0 mg/Plate)內,無論有無添加S-9 mix, MEBQ及MEKH均未對Salmonella typhimurium TA98及Salmonella typhimurium TA100造成毒性或致突變性。這些結果顯示,MEBQ及MEKH均具有良好之抗氧化性,並可通過微生物基因突變分析試驗。而黑后葡萄皮較易取得,故MEBQ較MEKH更具量化生產之潛力。 In this study, the antioxidative activity and safety of methanolic extracts from cv. Black Queen (MEBQ) and cv. Kyoho (MEKH) grape skins were estimated in Taiwan. Results indicated that the antioxidative activity of MEBQ was better than that of MEKH. MEBQ showed significantly (p<0.05) higher inhibition of peroxidation than did MEKH in autoxidation, Induced by Fe+2 and Fe+3/H2O2/ascorbic acid peroxidation systems. MEBQ also showed the strongest scavenging effect on superoxide radical (95.85%) while MEKH was second (87.61%). Bothe effects were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of BHA (77.92%) and α-tocopherol (73.65%) at the same dosage. The scavenging effect on DPPH of MEBQ and MEKH were 85.67% and 82.40%, respectively. No toxicity or mutagenicity were found in MEBQ and MEKH toward Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and Salmonella typhimurium TA100 with or without S-9 mix at tested dosage (0.5-5.0 mg/plate) by means of the Ames test. These results suggest that both MEBQ and MEKH are safe in genotoxicity. MEBQ has greater potentialial for mass-production than does MEKH

    Studies on Jujube Wine Making in Taiwan

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    本研究針對高、屏地區之棗子進行水果酒之研製,配合棗子之特性探討其較適當的製造方法並調查其品質,以確立品質良好之釀酒製程,並藉以增進其用途。研究結果顯示,酵母菌會影響發酵時酒之品質,在7株參試酵母菌中,以Red star Premier Cuvee較適於國產棗子酒之釀。發酵溫度會使糖度、比重、酒精度、pH值、可滴定酸、揮發性酸的含量有所差異,而較適發酵溫度為15°C。澄清劑的使用以皂土效果較好;熟成溫度則以15°C或25°C較合適。 In recent years, wine is a new favorite for consumers as human concern their health more in Taiwan. The government of Taiwan has released licenses of wine making now for satisfying diversified demands of consumers and to raise the utility of the second-grade fruits and it is an urgent topic to develop local fruit wines in order to decrease the impact on local farmers and the wine industry caused after joining World Trade Organization (WTO). This study is concerning the flavor and qualities of the jujube wine process of the local jujube and survey the condition of jujube wine making, the optimum process and the index of qualitative analysis in order to increase its utility. The results showed the different quality when the jujube flesh treated with seven different yeast strains showed, and it had the better flavor by inoculating Red star Premier Cuvee. The sugar content, specific gravity, alcohol content, pH value, titratable acidity and volatile acidity dissimilar at different fermentative temperature during jujube fermentation, and the optimum fermentative temperature was at 15°C. The bentonite showed the best effect on jujube wine clarification, the optimum aging condition were at 15°C or 25°C