37 research outputs found


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    "我讨厌旅行。"半个世纪以前,结构主义大师克洛德.列维—斯特劳斯(Claude Levi-Strauss)如是说。但正是"讨厌旅行"的列维—斯特劳斯因其讨厌的旅行缔造了经典名篇《忧郁的热带》(TristesTropiques,1955),成就了人类学史上的一段佳话,其于西印度群岛特别是巴西的旅行经历也成为人

    The Research on the Economic Effect of Internet Finance

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    互联网金融是2013年兴起的一类金融模式创新,其借助互联网、移动通信、云计算、大数据等高新技术,将理财、融资、交易变得更加容易、高效和便捷,实现了存款理财化、融资多元化、支付电子化、需求多元化。互联网金融这种更多关注用户体验的金融创新,促进了金融与互联网深度融合,在得到业界广泛认可的同时,也得到国家监管机构的认可和鼓励,为我国金融产业带来新的发展机遇。互联网金融模式在一定程度上解决了信息不对称的问题,加速了传统金融机构的去中介化,扩大了企业和消费者的可借贷边界,势必会对金融市场和宏观经济产生影响。但是,互联网金融如何影响宏观经济、产生怎么样的影响、如何监管等问题还未有文献进行深入的研究。因此,...Internet financing, emerging in 2013, is an innovation of financial model. By utilizing the Internet, mobile communications, cloud computing, big data and other high-tech, internet banking makes financial management, financing and trading easier, more efficient and more convenient; therefore, has achieved a deposit of financial management, diversified financing, electronic payment and demand diver...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_网络经济学学号:1552012015359


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    采用常规固相反应法,以ZnO-0.5Si O2体系为基体成分,研究了A位取代ZnO-0.5Si O2陶瓷的烧结特性和介电性能的影响规律.结果表明:Mg在一定范围内A位取代ZnO-0.5Si O2中的Zn可形成(Zn1-x,Mgx)2Si O4固溶体,x(Mg)最大固溶度不超过0.5.当取代量超过固溶度后,出现Mg2Si O4和Mg2Si O3相.x(Mg)≤0.5,陶瓷介电常数变化不大,品质因子较高;x(Mg)>0.5时,陶瓷介电常数增大,品质因子急剧下降.研究还揭示了(Zn1-x,Mgx)2Si O4(x=0.1~0.3)陶瓷在1 275℃烧结具有良好的介电性能,其介电常数为6.19~6.23,品质因子为48 000~53 000 GHz,频率温度系数为-50×10-6~-60×10-6/℃

    Effects of submarine topography and water depth on distribution of pelagic fish community in Minnan-Taiwan bank fishing ground.

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    根据闽南 台湾浅滩渔场灯光围网信息船 1989~ 1999年的渔捞纪录 ,研究闽南 台湾浅滩渔场海底地形、水深与中上层鱼类群聚的关系 .结果表明 ,渔场地形起伏 ,水深变化大 ,中上层鱼类分布较为密集 ,但各渔区间的分布不均匀 .南北方向上渔获产量分布是由北向南递增 ,东西方向上渔获产量分布是由浅滩两侧向浅滩的南、北中部靠拢 ;中上层鱼类主要分布在海峡南部混合水和海峡暖水区 ,其中心渔场位于上升流终年存在的高盐区 ,同时群聚于海底断裂区和海底隆起边缘区 ;中上层鱼类群聚区或中心渔场随海峡南部混合水和海峡暖水的季节变化而变化 ,不仅与渔场地形、水深有关 ,还与影响海区季风的风向、风力和不同水系强弱有关 ;本渔场中上层鱼类在不同季节群聚水深 ,春、夏季为 30~ 6 0m ,秋、冬季为 4 0~ 80m .According to the fishing record of the light seine information vessel in Minnan Taiwan bank ground during 1989 to 1999, the effects of submarine topography and water depth on distribution of pelagic fish community in Minnan Taiwan bank fishing ground was studied. The results showed that the pelagic fish distributed concentratively, while the submarine topography and water depth varied widely, but in different fishing regions, the distribution of pelagic fishes was uneven. The distribution of fishing yield increased from north to south, and closed up from sides of the bank to south or north in the regions. Pelagic fish distributed mainly in mixed water in the southern Taiwan Strait, and in warm water in the Taiwan Strait. The central fishing grounds were at high salt regions. Close gathering regions of pelagic fish or central fishing ground would be varied with the seasonal variation of mixed water in the southern Taiwan Strait and warm water in the Taiwan Strait.Central fishing ground was not only related to submarine topography and water depth, but also related to wind direction, wind power and various water systems. In the fishing ground, the gathering depth of pelagic fish was 30~60 m in spring and summer, and 40~80m in autumn and winter.福建省水产厅科研基金资助项目 (闽水科 1998 0 8)


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    An Analysis of the Concessionaire and Type in Remising the Operational Right of Tourist Attraction Areas

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    文章就景区经营权出让中的景区类型、景区经营主体资格两个基础性问题展开论述,认为判断景区类型是否可以出让以及出让的程度应该以景区的目的与宗旨、景区的惟一性与级别为标准。针对企业经营景区中因经营主体引发的诸多问题,文章提出了确定景区经营主体资格的指标与方法。The article is mainly focused on the two basic problems in remising the operational right of tourist attraction areas: one is the concessionaire and the other is the type of tourist attraction areas. It holds that whether and how the tourist attraction areas can be remised is based on their purpose, their uniqueness and grade. Concerning a good many problems arising from remising the operational right of the tourist attraction areas, the article determines the index of concessionaire' s qualifications as well as its methods

    Analysing and Pondering over the Domestic Literature of Tourism

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    旅游研究文献是旅游研究水平、研究状况的反映和晴雨表。文章从文献研究角度出发 ,选取了《旅游学刊》、《经济地理》两份刊物作为旅游类和非旅游类学术期刊的代表样本 ,对旅游研究的文献来源、研究内容、作者群体三个方面进行剖析 ;在此基础上 ,就旅游研究的相关问题进行思考Literatures of tourism are the reflection and barometer of level and state of tourist study. From the angle of research literature, Transaction of Tourism and Economic Geography are chosen as sample of tourist and non tourist journal. The analysis includes source, content and authors as three aspects. On this basis, the relevant problems are pondered over