291 research outputs found

    An ensemble architecture for forgery detection and localization in digital images

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    Questa tesi presenta un approccio d'insieme unificato - "ensemble" - per il rilevamento e la localizzazione di contraffazioni in immagini digitali. Il focus della ricerca è su due delle più comuni ma efficaci tecniche di contraffazione: "copy-move" e "splicing". L'architettura proposta combina una serie di metodi di rilevamento e localizzazione di manipolazioni per ottenere prestazioni migliori rispetto a metodi utilizzati in modalità "standalone". I principali contributi di questo lavoro sono elencati di seguito. In primo luogo, nel Capitolo 1 e 2 viene presentata un'ampia rassegna dell'attuale stato dell'arte nel rilevamento di manipolazioni ("forgery"), con particolare attenzione agli approcci basati sul deep learning. Un'importante intuizione che ne deriva è la seguente: questi approcci, sebbene promettenti, non possono essere facilmente confrontati in termini di performance perché tipicamente vengono valutati su dataset personalizzati a causa della mancanza di dati annotati con precisione. Inoltre, spesso questi dati non sono resi disponibili pubblicamente. Abbiamo poi progettato un algoritmo di rilevamento di manipolazioni copy-move basato su "keypoint", descritto nel capitolo 3. Rispetto a esistenti approcci simili, abbiamo aggiunto una fase di clustering basato su densità spaziale per filtrare le corrispondenze rumorose dei keypoint. I risultati hanno dimostrato che questo metodo funziona bene su due dataset di riferimento e supera uno dei metodi più citati in letteratura. Nel Capitolo 4 viene proposta una nuova architettura per predire la direzione della luce 3D in una data immagine. Questo approccio sfrutta l'idea di combinare un metodo "data-driven" con un modello di illuminazione fisica, consentendo così di ottenere prestazioni migliori. Al fine di sopperire al problema della scarsità di dati per l'addestramento di architetture di deep learning altamente parametrizzate, in particolare per il compito di scomposizione intrinseca delle immagini, abbiamo sviluppato due algoritmi di generazione dei dati. Questi sono stati utilizzati per produrre due dataset - uno sintetico e uno di immagini reali - con lo scopo di addestrare e valutare il nostro approccio. Il modello di stima della direzione della luce proposto è stato sfruttato in un nuovo approccio di rilevamento di manipolazioni di tipo splicing, discusso nel Capitolo 5, in cui le incoerenze nella direzione della luce tra le diverse regioni dell'immagine vengono utilizzate per evidenziare potenziali attacchi splicing. L'approccio ensemble proposto è descritto nell'ultimo capitolo. Questo include un modulo "FusionForgery" che combina gli output dei metodi "base" proposti in precedenza e assegna un'etichetta binaria (forged vs. original). Nel caso l'immagine sia identificata come contraffatta, il nostro metodo cerca anche di specializzare ulteriormente la decisione tra attacchi splicing o copy-move. In questo secondo caso, viene eseguito anche un tentativo di ricostruire le regioni "sorgente" utilizzate nell'attacco copy-move. Le prestazioni dell'approccio proposto sono state valutate addestrandolo e testandolo su un dataset sintetico, generato da noi, comprendente sia attacchi copy-move che di tipo splicing. L'approccio ensemble supera tutti i singoli metodi "base" in termini di prestazioni, dimostrando la validità della strategia proposta.This thesis presents a unified ensemble approach for forgery detection and localization in digital images. The focus of the research is on two of the most common but effective forgery techniques: copy-move and splicing. The ensemble architecture combines a set of forgery detection and localization methods in order to achieve improved performance with respect to standalone approaches. The main contributions of this work are listed in the following. First, an extensive review of the current state of the art in forgery detection, with a focus on deep learning-based approaches is presented in Chapter 1 and 2. An important insight that is derived is the following: these approaches, although promising, cannot be easily compared in terms of performance because they are typically evaluated on custom datasets due to the lack of precisely annotated data. Also, they are often not publicly available. We then designed a keypoint-based copy-move detection algorithm, which is described in Chapter 3. Compared to previous existing keypoints-based approaches, we added a density-based clustering step to filter out noisy keypoints matches. This method has been demonstrated to perform well on two benchmark datasets and outperforms one of the most cited state-of-the-art methods. In Chapter 4 a novel architecture is proposed to predict the 3D light direction of the light in a given image. This approach leverages the idea of combining, in a data-driven method, a physical illumination model that allows for improved regression performance. In order to fill in the gap of data scarcity for training highly-parameterized deep learning architectures, especially for the task of intrinsic image decomposition, we developed two data generation algorithms that were used to produce two datasets - one synthetic and one of real images - to train and evaluate our approach. The proposed light direction estimation model has then been employed to design a novel splicing detection approach, discussed in Chapter 5, in which light direction inconsistencies between different regions in the image are used to highlight potential splicing attacks. The proposed ensemble scheme for forgery detection is described in the last chapter. It includes a "FusionForgery" module that combines the outputs of the different previously proposed "base" methods and assigns a binary label (forged vs. pristine) to the input image. In the case of forgery prediction, our method also tries to further specialize the decision between splicing and copy-move attacks. If the image is predicted as copy-moved, an attempt to reconstruct the source regions used in the copy-move attack is also done. The performance of the proposed approach has been assessed by training and testing it on a synthetic dataset, generated by us, comprising both copy-move and splicing attacks. The ensemble approach outperforms all of the individual "base" methods, demonstrating the validity of the proposed strategy

    L'absentéisme au travail : une approche théorique qui intègre la survenance de la maladie comme un choc exogène

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    Les études économiques qui s?intéressent aux déterminants de l?absentéisme et qui cherchent à prendre en compte l'effet de la santé se contentent d?introduire comme variable explicative l?état de santé général des individus sans jamais chercher à introduire l?effet, plus global, de la survenance de la maladie à un moment donné, qu?elle soit liée ou non, d'ailleurs, à l'état de santé général de l'individu. Le peu d?intérêt manifesté pour la prise en compte de la survenance de la maladie dans les modèles théoriques économiques s?explique par le fait que l?absentéisme au travail y est abordé selon une approche dichotomique. Il y a, d?un côté, l?absentéisme volontaire, considéré comme le résultat d?un choix individuel motivé par la volonté de travailler moins, et de l?autre, l?absentéisme involontaire qui regroupe les décisions d?absence subies par l?individu et liées notamment à la survenance d?une maladie et à l?incapacité à travailler qu?elle génère. Notre objectif consiste à dépasser cette opposition traditionnelle entre absentéisme volontaire et involontaire. En plaçant la survenance de la maladie au c?ur du phénomène de l?absentéisme et en la considérant comme un choc exogène jouant le rôle de déclencheur du processus de décision pouvant conduire à une absence, nous proposons une approche théorique englobante qui cesse d?opposer l?absentéisme volontaire et l?absentéisme involontaire. Nous montrerons que l?enjeu de cette réconciliation ne consiste pas à réunir dans un même modèle deux types d?absentéisme différents (l?absentéisme volontaire et l?absentéisme involontaire), mais qu?il réside dans la nécessité de prendre en compte le fait que, souvent, la décision d?absence est le résultat de deux composantes agissant conjointement, l?une ayant un caractère volontaire et l?autre, involontaire. En d?autres termes, les qualificatifs volontaire et involontaire ne caractérisent pas deux types d?absentéisme différents mais sont deux dimensions d?un même phénomène, la première s?articulant à la seconde pour expliquer la décision d?absence.absentéisme au travail; clivage volontaire/involontaire; maladie; choc exogène; théorie de l'absentéisme

    Low dose native type II collagen prevents pain in a rat osteoarthritis model

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    BACKGROUND: Osteoarthritis is the most widespread joint-affecting disease. Patients with osteoarthritis experience pain and impaired mobility resulting in marked reduction of quality of life. A progressive cartilage loss is responsible of an evolving disease difficult to treat. The characteristic of chronicity determines the need of new active disease modifying drugs. Aim of the present research is to evaluate the role of low doses of native type II collagen in the rat model of osteoarthritis induced by sodium monoiodoacetate (MIA). METHODS: 1, 3 and 10 mg kg(-1) porcine native type II collagen were daily per os administered for 13 days starting from the day of MIA intra-articular injection. RESULTS: On day 14, collagen-treated rats showed a significant prevention of pain threshold alterations induced by MIA. Evaluation were performed on paws using mechanical noxious (Paw pressure test) or non-noxious (Electronic Von Frey test) stimuli, and a decrease of articular pain was directly measured on the damaged joint (PAM test). The efficacy of collagen in reducing pain was as higher as the dose was lowered. Moreover, a reduced postural unbalance, measured as hind limb weight bearing alterations (Incapacitance test), and a general improvement of motor activity (Animex test) were observed. Finally, the decrease of plasma and urine levels of CTX-II (Cross Linked C-Telopeptide of Type II Collagen), a biomarker of cartilage degradation, suggests a collagen-dependent decrease of structural joint damage. CONCLUSIONS: These results describe the preclinical efficacy of low dosages of native type II collagen as pain reliever by a mechanism that involves a protective effect on cartilage

    Delay of morphine tolerance by palmitoylethanolamide

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    In spite of the potency and efficacy of morphine, its clinical application for chronic persistent pain is limited by the development of tolerance to the antinociceptive effect. The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying morphine tolerance are complex and still unclear. Recently, the activation of glial cells and the release of glia-derived proinflammatory mediators have been suggested to play a role in the phenomenon. N-Palmitoylethanolamine (PEA) is an endogenous compound with antinociceptive effects able to reduce the glial activation. On this basis, 30 mg kg−1 PEA was subcutaneously daily administered in morphine treated rats (10 mg kg−1 intraperitoneally, daily). PEA treatment significantly attenuated the development of tolerance doubling the number of days of morphine antinociceptive efficacy in comparison to the vehicle + morphine group. PEA prevented both microglia and astrocyte cell number increase induced by morphine in the dorsal horn; on the contrary, the morphine-dependent increase of spinal TNF-α levels was not modified by PEA. Nevertheless, the immunohistochemical analysis revealed significantly higher TNF-α immunoreactivity in astrocytes of PEA-protected rats suggesting a PEA-mediated decrease of cytokine release from astrocyte. PEA intervenes in the nervous alterations that lead to the lack of morphine antinociceptive effects; a possible application of this endogenous compound in opioid-based therapies is suggested

    Different apoptotic pathways activated by oxaliplatin in primary astrocytes vs. colo-rectal cancer cells

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    Oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy improves the outcomes of metastatic colorectal cancer patients. Its most significant and dose-limiting side effect is the development of a neuropathic syndrome. The mechanism of the neurotoxicity is unclear. The limited knowledge about differences existing between neurotoxic and antitumor effects hinders the discovery of effective and safe adjuvant therapies. In vitro, we suggested cell-specific activation apoptotic pathways in normal nervous cells (astrocytes) vs. colon-cancer cells (HT-29). In the present research we compared the apoptotic signals evoked by oxaliplatin in astrocytes and HT-29 analyzing the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways. In astrocytes, oxaliplatin induced a mitochondrial derangement measured as cytosolic release of cytochrome C, increase in superoxide anion levels and decreased expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2. Caspase-8, a main initiator of the extrinsic process remained unaltered. On the contrary, in HT-29 oxaliplatin increased caspase-8 activity and Bid expression, thus activating the extrinsic apoptosis, while the Bcl-2 increased expression blocked the mitochondrial damage. Data suggest the preferred activation of the intrinsic apoptosis as oxaliplatin damage signaling in normal nervous cells. The extrinsic pathway prevails in tumor cells indicating a possible strategy for planning new molecules to treat oxaliplatin-dependent neurotoxicity without negatively influence chemotherapy

    Role of Nitric Oxide, Nitric Oxide Synthase, Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase, and cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase I in Mouse Stem Cell Cardiac Development

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    Introduction and Aim. Nitric oxide (NO) can trigger cardiac differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs), indicating a cardiogenic function of the NO synthetizing enzyme(s) (NOS). However, the involvement of the NO/NOS downstream effectors soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) and cGMP activated protein kinase I (PKG-I) is less defined. Therefore, we assess the involvement of the entire NO/NOS/sGC/PKG-I pathway during cardiac differentiation process. Methods. Mouse ESCs were differentiated toward cardiac lineages by hanging drop methodology for 21 days. NOS/sGC/PKG-I pathway was studied quantifying genes, proteins, enzymatic activities, and effects of inhibition during differentiation. Percentages of beating embryoid bodies (mEBs) were evaluated as an index of cardiogenesis. Results and Discussion. Genes and protein expression of enzymes were increased during differentiation with distinctive kinetics and proteins possessed their enzymatic functions. Exogenous administered NO accelerated whereas the blockade of PKG-I strongly slowed cardiogenesis. sGC inhibition was effective only at early stages and NOS blockade ineffective. Of NOS/sGC/PKG-I pathway, PKG-I seems to play the prominent role in cardiac maturation. Conclusion. We concluded that exogenous administered NO and other pharmacological strategies able to increase the activity of PKG-I provide new tools to investigate and promote differentiation of cardiogenic precursors

    Oxaliplatin Neurotoxicity Involves Peroxisome Alterations. PPARc Agonism as Preventive Pharmacological Approach

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    The development of neuropathic syndromes is an important, dose limiting side effect of anticancer agents like platinum derivates, taxanes and vinca alkaloids. The causes of neurotoxicity are still unclear but the impairment of the oxidative equilibrium is strictly related to pain. Two intracellular organelles, mitochondria and peroxisomes cooperate to the maintaining of the redox cellular state. Whereas a relationship between chemotherapy-dependent mitochondrial alteration and neuropathy has been established, the role of peroxisome is poor explored. In order to study the mechanisms of oxaliplatin-induced neurotoxicity, peroxisomal involvement was evaluated in vitro and in vivo. In primary rat astrocyte cell culture, oxaliplatin (10 µM for 48 h or 1 µM for 5 days) increased the number of peroxisomes, nevertheless expression and functionality of catalase, the most important antioxidant defense enzyme in mammalian peroxisomes, were significantly reduced. Five day incubation with the selective Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) antagonist G3335 (30 µM) induced a similar peroxisomal impairment suggesting a relationship between PPARγ signaling and oxaliplatin neurotoxicity. The PPARγ agonist rosiglitazone (10 µM) reduced the harmful effects induced both by G3335 and oxaliplatin. In vivo, in a rat model of oxaliplatin induced neuropathy, a repeated treatment with rosiglitazone (3 and 10 mg kg(-1) per os) significantly reduced neuropathic pain evoked by noxious (Paw pressure test) and non-noxious (Cold plate test) stimuli. The behavioral effect paralleled with the prevention of catalase impairment induced by oxaliplatin in dorsal root ganglia. In the spinal cord, catalase protection was showed by the lower rosiglitazone dosage without effect on the astrocyte density increase induced by oxaliplatin. Rosiglitazone did not alter the oxaliplatin-induced mortality of the human colon cancer cell line HT-29. These results highlight the role of peroxisomes in oxaliplatin-dependent nervous damage and suggest PPARγ stimulation as a candidate to counteract oxaliplatin neurotoxicity