2,267 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Argumentation with Epistemic Extensions and Incomplete Information

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    Abstract argumentation offers an appealing way of representing and evaluating arguments and counterarguments. This approach can be enhanced by a probability assignment to each argument. There are various interpretations that can be ascribed to this assignment. In this paper, we regard the assignment as denoting the belief that an agent has that an argument is justifiable, i.e., that both the premises of the argument and the derivation of the claim of the argument from its premises are valid. This leads to the notion of an epistemic extension which is the subset of the arguments in the graph that are believed to some degree (which we defined as the arguments that have a probability assignment greater than 0.5). We consider various constraints on the probability assignment. Some constraints correspond to standard notions of extensions, such as grounded or stable extensions, and some constraints give us new kinds of extensions

    Stratified Labelings for Abstract Argumentation

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    We introduce stratified labelings as a novel semantical approach to abstract argumentation frameworks. Compared to standard labelings, stratified labelings provide a more fine-grained assessment of the controversiality of arguments using ranks instead of the usual labels in, out, and undecided. We relate the framework of stratified labelings to conditional logic and, in particular, to the System Z ranking functions

    Ganztagspädagogik in der Zusammenarbeit von Schule und Jugendhilfe. Perspektiven der Jugendhilfe

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    Ganztagspädagogik erhält in Deutschland aus vielfältiger Not eine Chance. Im Folgenden werden Ansprüche, Bedingungen und Hoffnungen, Möglichkeiten, Gefahren und Grenzen von abgestimmten Konzepten der Bildung, Betreuung, Erziehung und Unterstützung in offenen Kooperationsvorhaben von Schule und Jugendhilfe systematisiert. Dabei werden pädagogische und strukturelle Analyse- und Prüfkriterien aus Jugendhilfe-Sicht entwickelt, die zur internen Selbstklärung beitragen und als mögliche Aushandlungsparameter mit Schule fungieren sollen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Inseparable, but not equal: assessing U.S.-EU relations in the wake of the NSA surveillance affair

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    The revelations about the data collection and espionage activities of the National Security Agency (NSA) have left their mark on transatlantic relations. In the beginning of 2013, the future of relations between the United States and the European Union looked bright, fueled by optimism about the negotiation of a transatlantic free trade area. Since then, tensions have risen over leaked information about the NSA's actions. The dispute is significant beyond the immediate issue of surveillance because it draws attention to the enduring asymmetries in the transatlantic relationship. Discussions about its decline notwithstanding, the U.S. upholds its claim to global leadership and continues to rely on controversial security measures in the name of fighting terrorism. Despite their initial indignation at the revelations, the leaders of European governments have offered conflicting and ineffective responses. In the intelligence field as well as the EU's broader relationship with the U.S., Europe does not seem prepared to challenge the status quo. This poses questions about the nature of future transatlantic cooperation. (author's abstract

    Travelling to the Inner Self: Tourism, Buddhism and Sustainability

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    This paper examines the interdependencies of tourism, Buddhism and sustainability combining in-depth-interviews with Buddhism experts and non-participant observation in a mixed-method approach. The area under investigation is the Alpine region of Austria, Germany and Switzerland, since it is home to Asian and Western forms of Buddhism tourism alike. Results show that Buddhism tourism as a value-based activity on the one hand is not commercial, but since demand is rising, on the other hand tendencies towards more commercial forms can be observed. As a modest form of activity Buddhism tourism does not shape the landscape of the Alpine area and by its nature it incorporates sustainability