7,726 research outputs found

    Dispersionless Hierarchies, Hamilton-Jacobi Theory and Twistor Correspondences

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    The dispersionless KP and Toda hierarchies possess an underlying twistorial structure. A twistorial approach is partly implemented by the method of Riemann-Hilbert problem. This is however still short of clarifying geometric ingredients of twistor theory, such as twistor lines and twistor surfaces. A more geometric approach can be developed in a Hamilton-Jacobi formalism of Gibbons and Kodama. AMS Subject Classifiation (1991): 35Q20, 58F07,70H99Comment: 20 pages, latex, no figure

    Old and New Reductions of Dispersionless Toda Hierarchy

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    This paper is focused on geometric aspects of two particular types of finite-variable reductions in the dispersionless Toda hierarchy. The reductions are formulated in terms of "Landau-Ginzburg potentials" that play the role of reduced Lax functions. One of them is a generalization of Dubrovin and Zhang's trigonometric polynomial. The other is a transcendental function, the logarithm of which resembles the waterbag models of the dispersionless KP hierarchy. They both satisfy a radial version of the L\"owner equations. Consistency of these L\"owner equations yields a radial version of the Gibbons-Tsarev equations. These equations are used to formulate hodograph solutions of the reduced hierarchy. Geometric aspects of the Gibbons-Tsarev equations are explained in the language of classical differential geometry (Darboux equations, Egorov metrics and Combescure transformations). Flat coordinates of the underlying Egorov metrics are presented

    Modified melting crystal model and Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy

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    This paper addresses the issue of integrable structure in a modified melting crystal model of topological string theory on the resolved conifold. The partition function can be expressed as the vacuum expectation value of an operator on the Fock space of 2D complex free fermion fields. The quantum torus algebra of fermion bilinears behind this expression is shown to have an extended set of "shift symmetries". They are used to prove that the partition function (deformed by external potentials) is essentially a tau function of the 2D Toda hierarchy. This special solution of the 2D Toda hierarchy can be characterized by a factorization problem of \ZZ\times\ZZ matrices as well. The associated Lax operators turn out to be quotients of first order difference operators. This implies that the solution of the 2D Toda hierarchy in question is actually a solution of the Ablowitz-Ladik (equivalently, relativistic Toda) hierarchy. As a byproduct, the shift symmetries are shown to be related to matrix-valued quantum dilogarithmic functions.Comment: latex2e, 33 pages, no figure; (v2) accepted for publicatio