704 research outputs found

    Actinic keratoses show variable histological basal growth patterns - a proposed classification adjustment

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    Background: Common histological classification schemes of actinic keratoses (AK) do not evaluate growth patterns at basal epidermal aspects of AK. Until now, the importance of basal epidermal growth patterns of AK has not been studied. Objective: To investigate the extent of atypical keratinocytes throughout the epidermis and variation in basal growth patterns of AK. Methods: AK lesions occurring on the head/face from patients seen in routine practice were assessed histologically. We determined histological grade (AK I-III), basal growth patterns of atypical keratinocytes (crowding, budding, papillary sprouting) and accompanying parameters. Results: Of the 246 lesions included, 28.0% were histologically classified as AK I, 46.7% as AK II, and 25.2% as AK III. 26.4% of the basal growth patterns were classified as crowding (pro I), 49.6% as budding (pro II), 17.9% as papillary sprouting (pro III) and 6.1% without basal directed growth. No significant correlation of the histological AK I-III grading and underlying growth patterns was observed (P= 0.4666). However, adnexal structure involvement (OR= 2.37; 95%CI 1.21-4.65), infiltration (OR= 2.53; 95%CI 1.31-4.90) and increased number of vessels (OR= 2.56; 95%CI 1.42-4.65) were independent positive predictive markers for pro II and pro III basal growth patterns. Conclusions: Basal growth patterns (pro I-III) in AK do not correlate with the established AK I-III histological grading system. Besides the degree of upward extension, varying degrees of downward extension exist. Histological classification should consider both, upwards and downward growth patterns when assessing AK

    Actinic keratoses - a systemic review

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    Mainly elderly people with pale skin are affected by actinic keratoses (AK). Due to the demographic change, the prevalence of AK increased over the last years. An established risk factor is chronic UV-exposure (outdoor workers) inducing mutations of the tumor suppressor gene TP53 and the oncogene H-Ras. This leads to an intraepidermal proliferation of atypical keratinocytes. The term “field cancerization” characterises the presentation of multiple AK in UV-exposed areas. AK are also termed squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in situ. The risk for AK turning into a SCC is 6-10%. In order to avoid invasive growth, an early treatment is recommended. During the last years multiple therapeutic options have been established. Depending on the clinical extent, lesion- or field-directed therapies with excellent clinical response and cosmetic results are available

    Do pre-operative radiologic assessment predict postoperative outcomes in patients with insertional Achilles tendinopathy?: a retrospective database study

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    INTRODUCTION Diagnosis and treatment of insertional tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon (IAT) remains a challenge. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of pre-operative radiological pathologies on the patient-reported outcomes following open debridement of all pathologies for IAT. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this IRB-approved retrospective correlation and comparative study, patients with pre-operative imaging were identified from the authors' retrospective IAT database comprising of 118 patients. All were treated by a standardized surgical treatment strategy utilizing a midline, transachillary approach and debridement of all pathologies. A total of fifteen radiologic parameters were measured on radiographs (RX) and MRI. The patient-reported outcomes were assessed using the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Achilles questionnaire (VISA-A-G) and the general health questionnaire SF-12 at a minimum follow-up of 12~months. The data are presented as mean ± SD (95% CI). RESULTS 88 patients (74.6%) with an average age of 50 ± 12 (47-52) years were included. Radiographs were available in 68 patients and MRI in 53. The mean follow-up was 3.8 ± 1.9 (3.4-4.3) years. The overall VISA-A-G was 81 ± 22 (77-86), the SF-12 PCS 54 ± 7 (52-55), and the SF-12 MCS 52 ± 9 (50-54) points. None of the assessed radiological parameters had a significant influence on the patient-reported outcome following surgical treatment for IAT. CONCLUSION In this retrospective correlation study, no significant association was found between preoperative radiographic and MRI radiologic parameters for IAT and postoperative patient-reported outcomes (VISA-A-G and SF-12)

    Актинический кератоз - обзор литературы

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    Mainly elderly people with pale skin are affected by actinic keratoses (AK). Due to the demographic change, the prevalence of AK increased over the last years. An established risk factor is chronic UV-exposure (outdoor workers) inducing mutations of the tumor suppressor gene TP53 and the oncogene H-Ras. This leads to an intraepidermal proliferation of atypical keratinocytes. The term field cancerization characterises the presentation of multiple AK in UV-exposed areas. AK are also termed squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in situ. The risk for AK turning into a SCC is 6-10%. In order to avoid invasive growth, an early treatment is recommended. During the last years multiple therapeutic options have been established. Depending on the clinical extent, lesion- or field-directed therapies with excellent clinical response and cosmetic results are available.Актиническому кератозу (АК) в основном подвержены пожилые люди со светлой кожей. За последние годы в связи с демографическими изменениями увеличилась распространенность АК. установленным фактором риска, приводящим к возникновению мутаций в антионкогене TP53 и онкогене H-Ras, является хроническое ультрафиолетовое воздействие (работа на открытом воздухе), которое способствует внутриэпидермальной пролиферации атипичных кератиноцитов. термин поле канцеризации характеризуется наличием множественного АК в участках, подверженных УФ-облучению. также АК называется преинвазивной плоскоклеточной карциномой или плоскоклеточной карциномой in situ. Риск превращения АК в плоскоклеточную карциному составляет 6-10%. Во избежание инвазивного роста рекомендуется лечение на ранних стадиях. За последние годы были разработаны различные варианты терапевтического лечения. В зависимости от степени выраженности признаков существуют методы терапии, направленные на поврежденные участки и дающие превосходные косметические и клинические результаты

    Treatment of Bone Marrow Edema of the Foot and Ankle With the Prostacyclin Analog Iloprost

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    Background: Bone marrow edema (BME) of the foot and ankle is challenging to treat. One approach is intravenous Iloprost treatment, which is a vasoactive prostacyclin analog. The aim of this study was to evaluate the early and intermediate outcome of intravenous Iloprost therapy on BME of the foot and ankle and to analyze the influence of its etiology and Association Research Circulation Osseous (ARCO) stage on the outcome. Methods: This was a retrospective study with prospective follow-up. All patients treated by intravenous Iloprost for BME of the foot and ankle (ARCO I-III) at a single orthopedic reference center were included. Demographics, medical history, and MRIs were assessed prior to treatment (t0). MRIs were used to assess the BMEs' etiology (idiopathic/ ischemic/ metabolic, mechanical/ degenerative, traumatic) and severity (ARCO). Complications as well as changes in pain, treatment, and MRI were evaluated after 3 months (t1). The following patient-rated outcome measures (PROMs) were assessed prospectively (t2): 12Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12), Visual Analog Scale Foot and Ankle (VAS FA), and the Foot Function Index (FFI) (also at t0). The descriptive outcomes and the influence of the etiology and ARCO on the outcome parameters were evaluated. Out of 70 eligible patients, 42 patients (60%;47 +/- 15 years;30% female) with a mean follow-up of 28 +/- 19 months were included. Results: Twelve patients reported minor complications during Iloprost therapy. At t1, pain decreased significantly in 56%, and the amount of BME decreased in 83% of patients. Both parameters correlated moderately (r = -0.463, P =.015). The PROMs at t2 revealed moderate results. The overall FFI improved from 59 +/- 21 to 30 +/- 22 (P <.001), the overall VAS FA was 68 +/- 20, the SF-12 Physical Component Summary 42 +/- 12 and Mental Component Summary 50 +/- 9. Subgroup analysis revealed no significant influence of the etiology or ARCO stage on any outcome measure. Conclusion: Iloprost therapy for BME of the foot and ankle resulted in a 60% pain and 80% edema decrease after 3 months. After 2 years, patient-rated outcome measures showed residual impairment. Neither the etiology nor ARCO stage significantly influenced the outcome

    Photodynamic therapy leads to significant improvement of actinic keratosis area and severity index (AKASI)

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    Background: Actinic keratosis area and severity index (AKASI) is a new quantitative tool for assessing AK severity on the head and can be used to monitor outcomes of different therapies. The aim of this study was to determine treatment outcomes of AK applying AKASI three months after conventional photodynamic therapy (PDT). Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of patients who have undergone PDT on the head and had a documented AKASI evaluation prior to PDT and at follow-up visits. Results: Of the 33 patients included, 32 (97.0%) patients showed an AKASI reduction and 1 (3.0%) patient an increase of AKASI at follow-up visits compared to baseline. The median (range) follow-up period was 96 days (70-161). The median difference of AKASI values between both visits was 73.7% (-34.8-100.0%). The Wilcoxon test showed highly significant differences (P &lt; 0.0001) between visits. 14 (42.4%) patients showed an AKASI 100 (complete clearance), 16 (48.5%) an AKASI 75 and 24 (72.7%) an AKASI 50, respectively. The Mann-Whitney U test showed in a subgroup analysis of patients with a positive history of at least more than one intervention and treatment naïve patients significant differences in these two groups (P = 0.0302). Conclusions: AKASI represents a feasible and comparable tool for objectively assessing field-directed treatment modalities such as PDT in daily routine. The establishment of AKASI 50, 75, 100 serves as an objective measure to compare treatment outcomes to baseline severity of AK

    A randomized, multinational, noninferiority, phase III trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of BF-200 aminolaevulinic acid gel vs. methyl aminolaevulinate cream in the treatment of nonaggressive basal cell carcinoma with photodynamic therapy

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    Background: Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) represents the most common non-melanoma skin cancer worldwide affecting mainly adult, fair-skinned individuals. The WHO distinguishes aggressive and non-aggressive forms of which prototypical variants of the latter are primary nodular and superficial BCC. Objectives: To demonstrate non-inferiority of BF-200 ALA (a nanoemulsion gel containing 5-aminolaevulinic acid) compared to MAL (a cream containing methyl-aminolevulinate) in the treatment of non-aggressive BCC with photodynamic therapy (PDT). Non-inferiority of the primary efficacy variable (overall patient complete response 12 weeks after last PDT) would be declared if the mean response for BF-200 ALA was no worse than that for MAL, within a statistical margin of Δ = -15%. Patients/Methods: The study was a randomized, phase III trial performed in Germany and the UK with ongoing 5-year follow-up. Of 281 randomized patients, 138 were treated with BF-200 ALA, 143 with MAL. Patients received two PDT sessions one week apart. Remaining lesions 12 weeks after the second PDT were retreated. Illumination was performed with a red light source (635 nm, 37 J/cm2). Results shown include clinical endpoints as well as patients’ reassessment 12 months after the last PDT. Results: Of the BF-200 ALA-treated patients, 93.4% were complete responders compared to 91.8% in the MAL group. The difference of means was 1.6 with a one-sided 97.5% CI of -6.5, establishing non-inferiority (p&lt;0.0001). Results for secondary efficacy parameters were in line with the primary outcome. Recurrence rates 12 months after the last treatment were ≤ 10%. Conclusions: Treatment of non-aggressive BCC with BF-200 ALA-PDT is highly effective and well tolerated with proven non-inferiority to MAL-PDT and demonstrates low recurrence rates after 1-year follow-up

    Cryptococcosis mimicking cutaneous cellulitis in a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Cryptococcus neoformans </it>is an encapsulated yeast and the most frequent cryptococcal species found in humans. Cryptococcosis is considered an opportunistic infection as it affects mainly immunosuppressed individuals. In humans, <it>C. neoformans </it>causes three types of infections: pulmonary cryptococcosis, cryptococcal meningitis and wound or cutaneous cryptococcosis.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>An 81-year-old woman developed severe necrotizing cellulitis on her left arm without any preceding injury. The patient had been treated with systemic corticosteroids over twenty years for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Skin biopsies of the wound area were initially interpreted as cutaneous vasculitis of unknown etiology. However, periodic acid Schiff staining and smear analysis later revealed structures consistent with <it>Cryptococcus neoformans</it>, and the infection was subsequently confirmed by culture. After the initiation of therapy with fluconazole 400 mg per day the general condition and the skin ulcers improved rapidly and the patient was discharged to a rehabilitation facility. Subsequently surgical debridement and skin grafting were performed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Opportunistic infections such as cryptococcosis can clinically and histologically mimic cutaneous vasculitis and have to be investigated rigorously as a differential diagnosis in immunosuppressed patients.</p