326 research outputs found

    Telomere-associated proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Telomeres comprise the physical ends of chromosomes. Essential functions of telomeres include protecting the terminus from being recognized as a DNA doublestrand break and facilitating the complete replication of the physical end of the DNA. Telomere functions are mediated by a large array of telomere-associated proteins. Mutations in telomere-related genes cause immediate telomere dysfunction, activation of DNA damage response, and accumulation of end-to-end chromosome fusions. In addition, changes in telomere complex composition may affect the ability of the telomerase enzyme to maintain telomeres in vivo. Here, we describe the characterization of telomere-associated proteins in the flowering plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. Using a bioinformatics approach, we identified twelve proteins with sequence similarity to vertebrate duplex telomere DNA binding proteins TRF1 and TRF2. We showed that, like their vertebrate counterparts, some of the Arabidopsis TRFL (TRF-LIKE) proteins can homodimerize and bind telomeric DNA in vitro, indicating that Arabidopsis encodes a large family of double-strand telomeric DNA binding proteins. We have also characterized three Arabidopsis POT1 proteins whose homologs in yeast and vertebrates associate with the single-stranded portion of telomeric DNA. Unexpectedly, we found that unlike POT1 protein in other organisms, Arabidopsis AtPOT1a protein associates with telomeres only in the S phase of the cell cycle and is a physical component of the active telomerase RNP complex, providing positive telomere length regulation. Our data implicated AtPOT1b, another Arabidopsis POT1 protein, in chromosome end protection. Finally, we showed that Arabidopsis thaliana has evolved a third POT1 protein, AtPOT1c, which contributes to both telomere length regulation and telomerase activity, and maintenance of the structure of the chromosome terminus. Thus, Arabidopsis has evolved a set of POT1 proteins that make distinct and novel contributions to telomere biology. Finally, we describe the identification and characterization of a novel Arabidopsis protein CIT1 (Critical for Integrity of Telomeres 1), and show that CIT1 deficiency leads to an immediate and profound telomere dysfunction and chromosome end deprotection. Altogether, these data provide new insight into plant telomereassociated factors and significantly improve our understanding of the overall architecture and evolution of telomeric complex in Arabidopsis

    CO2 separation by cryogenic and hydrate

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    According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC AR4), fossil fuels are utilised to produce more than 80% of the world's energy and this is likely to remain unchanged in the nearest future, especially as industrialisation is pursued by such economic giants as China. Without substantial change in energy policies with primary focus on the development of sustainable technologies for power generation, mitigation of associated Green House Gas (GHG) emissions cannot be fully implemented, and will require continual improvement in order to achieve objectives set by the Kyoto protocol. Research and development in the field of Carbon Capture and Sequestration is therefore being thoroughly explored. In this work a new sustainable technology for CO2 capture from IGCC power stations is developed and discussed in detail. This technology is based on cryogenic condensation integrated with gas hydrate formation.With the massive global reduction in recoverable oil and the potential size in a few decades time, the accent started to shift towards the other available fossil fuels such as gas and coal. The amount of Natural Gas trapped in the form of solid hydrate sunk in the deep ocean and permafrost areas cannot be estimated precisely, however, the scientific community agrees that values in order of 1015 to 1017 cubic metres are realistic. This has caused overwhelming research into gas hydrates as storage media for different gases. Gas hydrates are highly organized crystalline structures with molecules of light gases encaged in a framework created by water molecules. They can form at any place where free water in intimate contact with hydrate forming gas is exposed to elevated pressures and low temperatures. The ability to store large quantity of gas per unit volume makes gas hydrates an attractive option for any application requiring gas preservation. One of such modern applications for gas hydrates has arisen from the global warming problem and addresses the potential capability to efficiently capture and safely store the CO2.Coal remains the main energy source in the world; for example, in Australia it is providing 40% of total energy and up to 80% of electricity (Cuevas-Cubria et al., 2010). The main advantages of coal over the other fossil energy resources are its abundance, its easy recoverability and lower cost. Massive pollution produced during burning of this fuel forced the creation of new technologies that allow for GHG reduction. Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) is the most favoured advanced option for energy recovery from a variety of sources, particularly coal, the so-called 'clean coal technology'. IGCC generates a high pressure shifted syngas stream composed essentially of Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide. Historically, the CO2 was separated from rich sources (such as natural gas) via the Ryan-Holmes cryogenic condensation process. However, applied at the gas or oil refinery this method can consume up to 50% of the generated energy to bring the CO2 levels down to pipeline requirements which does not seem attractive in terms of cost of CO2 avoided. High temperatures utilised for coal gasification are also not favourable for the implementation of cryogenic condensation to an IGCC stream.On the other hand, high pressure and high CO2 content in the IGCC flue gas provide the ideal conditions for CO2 capture in the form of solid hydrates. This option has been investigated under the guidance of the US Department of Energy by a team of researchers (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Nexant, Inc., and SIMTECHE) since 1999 and at the Chinese Academy of Science. A few proof-of-concept reports can be found stating that the utilisation of the hydrate formation phenomenon for purification of gas streams is less energy intensive than any of the other existing CO2 capture methods. The ability to encapsulate significant amounts of gas in little space and relatively mild conditions of storage make the hydrates an extremely attractive option for easy handling of high rates of GHG emissions. However, this research is still on a laboratory scale.In this thesis a new method is developed for cost and energy efficient CO2 sequestration from IGCC sources based on a simple configuration. High feed pressure facilitates bulk removal of CO2 by cryogenic methods, and high energy recovery is achieved through process integration with hydrate formation. Liquid CO2 produced as a result of condensation carries most of the cold energy required for initial refrigeration, and the hydrate unit does not consume any substantial additional energy. Separated CO2 is characterised by high purity sufficient for utilisation in enhanced oil and gas recovery processes. The hydrate can be easily handled and stored. Although the focus is made on IGCC flue gas application, the method can be extended to other sources with high CO2 levels and supplied at high pressure.Additional value is brought to this research by extensive investigation of the phase behaviour of gas mixtures containing CO2. Particular attention is paid to the distinctive features of gas hydrates produced in different systems including mixtures with hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbons in various concentrations and in the presence of chemicals dissolved in water. This knowledge will contribute to the future development in the field of hydrates and will be useful for both academic research and industrial application

    Applying Lean, Information and Logistics Technologies in Condition of Resource Constraints of Defense Industrial Complex

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    The article discusses the main types of resources and its constraints at the enterprises of the Russian defense industrial complex. The importance of effective allocation and optimization of resources use in the context of anti-Russian sanctions and import substitution is noted. The factor of production characteristic for modern enterprises of the defense industrial complex are distinguished. Offers a possible compensation of resource constraints with the use of modern information and logistic technologies and technologies of lean manufacturing. Given examples of the use of information technologies of projects to improve production. Production diversification is considered as a possible source of industry financing. Positions system approach to solving personnel problems. Givens consideration to replacing rest types of resources with information resource. Attention is focused on the need to implement and/or modernized the information and material flow technologies available in the defense industrial complex. Modern information and lean technologies can significantly reduce the costs of all types of resources and optimize its management


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    This article deals with various specific types of diabetes mellitus and other carbohydrate metabolism distortions occurring against the background of different endocrinopathies: hypercorticism, acromegaly, hyperparathyroidism, pheochromocytoma and other. Epidemiology of carbohydrate metabolism distortions as well as pathophysiological mechanisms of hyperglycemia development in various endocrinopathies are included in the article, the necessity of endocrinopathy screening among patients with refractory carbohydrate metabolism distortions is substantiated, objectives and tactics of glucose-reduction-therapy in these patients are defiend. This article also contains data upon prevalence and prevention of long-term complications of diabetes mellitus.Статья посвящена специфическим типам сахарного диабета и другим нарушениям углеводного обмена, развивающимся при различных эндокринопатиях: гиперкортицизме, акромегалии, гиперпаратиреозе, феохромоцитоме и других. В статье представлены эпидемиология нарушений углеводного обмена и патофизиологические механизмы развития гипергликемии при различных эндокринопатиях, обоснована необходимость скрининга эндокринопатий среди плохо поддающихся коррекции лиц с нарушениями углеводного обмена, охарактеризованы цели и тактика сахароснижающей терапии у этих пациентов. Представлены распространенность и профилактика поздних осложнений сахарного диабета

    Neocolonialism as a Subtext of the Globalization Project: on the Example of the Franco-Algerian Relations

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    The article is devoted to the transformation of Franco-Algerian relations in the context of growing globalization processes. The sequence of transition of the two countries from postcolonialism to global neo-colonialism is traced in the text. The phenomenon of involution of the bilateral relations is revealed. The article reflects the conjunction between the global neo-colonialism and the politics of Algeria and France.Статья посвящена трансформации франко-алжирских отношений в условиях нарастающих глобализационных процессов. Прослеживается последовательность перехода двух стран от постколониализма к глобальному неоколониализму и выявляется феномен инволюции двусторонних отношений. В статье отражена взаимосвязь неоколониализма и политики Алжира и Франции

    Cognitive Operations in Process of Secondary Text Production in Fanfiction Genre

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    The question of text perception in a foreign language is considered. Cognitive operations to build a text projection used by recipients who are non-native speakers, as well as their ways to objectify the former in their own secondary texts of the fanfiction genre are presented and described. The article is relevant due to the need to research the processes of reception and production of a coherent text both in native and foreign languages, and to create a cognitive model of the text projection building process. Particular attention is paid to the correlations between the strategies and tactics of forming a projection of a text in a foreign language by the recipient with the types of cognitive operation used to interpret new knowledge (preservation, modeling, transfiguration). Data are given on the implementation of cognitive operations on all levels of the perceived text (macro-, schematic, stylistic level). Definitions are provided for the specific tactics used by recipients (non-native speakers) in the process of creating their own texts in a foreign language on various levels (plot preservation tactics, tropes imitation tactics, keyword transplantation tactics, etc.). The results of the study can be applied both in the field of language sciences (psycholinguistics, linguistics) and in the field of foreign language teaching methods to find ways to effectively develop reading and writing skills in language learners


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    Aim: to evaluate motor pathways involvement in children with multiple sclerosis. Patients and methods: we used transcranial magnetic stimulation method. 9 children with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (mean duration 1,68 years) and 20 controls were enrolled. Results: in most of the cases findings in multiple sclerosis group were abnormal. More often polyphasic changes of the motor evoked potentials (MEP) shape (78% of the cases) and elevation of MEP threshold (88%) were seen. Conclusions: transcranial magnetic stimulation demonstrated high sensitivity in children with multiple sclerosis. Main neurophysiologic findings in multiple sclerosis in children may reflect altering membrane excitability of motor neurons and demyelinating lesions. Axonal damage in children with multiple sclerosis are less apparent. Цель: исследование состояния центральных моторных путей у детей с рассеянным склерозом (РС). Материалы и методы. Обследовано 29 пациентов, из них 20 неврологически здоровых (средний возраст 14 лет) составили группу контроля и 9 (средний возраст 13 лет, ремиттирующая форма РС, средняя продолжительность заболевания 1,68 лет) вошли в группу рассеянного склероза. Всем детям проводили магнитно-резонансную томографию, неврологический осмотр и транскраниальную магнитную стимуляцию. Регистрировали порог, латентность, амплитуду и форму вызванного моторного ответа, рассчитывали время центрального моторного проведения. Результаты: Установлено, что время центрального моторного проведения, амплитуды и латентности вызванного моторного ответа у пациентов с рассеянным склерозом достоверно не отличались от группы контроля. В 88% случаев в группе рассеянного склероза был повышен порог и в 78% — изменена форма вызванного моторного ответа. Выводы: Полученные результаты указывают на преобладающее снижение функциональной активности мотонейронов коры у детей с рассеянным склерозом. Поражение моторных путей у данной группы пациентов преимущественно имеет демиелинизирующий характер, аксональные нарушения наблюдаются значительно реже.