3,023 research outputs found

    Sen's Capability Approach : A Critical Appraisal [HC54. S528 2008 f rb].

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    Kertas ini memperdebatkan bahawa pendekatan kebolehan Sen boleh diperkukuhkan jikalau elemen institusi ditambahkan secara eksplisit. Pendekatan kebolehan Sen telah mengiktiraf peranan institusi dalam menghadkan kebolehan individu, tetapi ianya dibuat secara sekali imbas. This thesis argues that Sen’s capability approach can be strengthened by explicitly incorporating institutions. Sen’s capability approach acknowledges the role of institutions in limiting the capabilities of individuals, but does not provide more than a passing mention of institutions

    her15, a novel gene with oscillating mRNA expression domains and its potential role in zebrafish somitogenesis

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    Somitogenesis is the key developmental process which lays down the framework for an organised body plan in vertebrates and cephalochordates. Somitogenesis divides the body axis into transient segmental structures called somites, which later give rise to muscles and vertebrae of the trunk and tail. Somites are generated from the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm (PSM) by an intricate process of prepatterning. Prepatterning is driven by a segmentation clock referred to as the presomitic mesoderm oscillator. This oscillator consists of certain gene members with oscillating mRNA expression compartments that sweep like a wave from the posterior to the anterior end of the embryonic PSM. The Delta-Notch pathway and various genes belonging to the hairy-(h) and Enhancer of split - [E(spl)] related family, are the core conserved components of this oscillator. h/E(spl) genes in zebrafish are commonly referred to as her genes. her1 and her7, play very important roles in the regulation of somitogenesis. The open question is how many her genes are core components of the zebrafish presomitic mesoderm oscillator and how do they interact with one another? To answer this, an in situ screen for h/E(spl) genes in zebrafish was conducted by Sieger et al., (2004). Three new her genes with oscillating mRNA expression domains were identified and one of them is her15, which has been further characterized in this PhD thesis. her15 mRNA is expressed as a distinct oscillatory posterior PSM domain which shows three primary phases, namely broad, intermediate and dot-like. Comparable to other her genes, her15 also showed stripes in the anterior PSM but unlike others, these stripes were found to be expressed at double segmental distance. Additionally, the her15 stripe was found to label the posterior border of the last somite. Morpholino gene knock down studies showed that the oscillating expression of her15 is partly dependent on her7 regulation, but independent of her1. Oscillating her15 mRNA signals in the posterior PSM displays fluctuations with respect to left and right halves of the embryonic PSM, suggestive of the autonomy of both halves of the embryo in generating the signal. Misexpression studies suggest a prospective role for her15 in the regulation of somite border formation and oscillatory gene expression in zebrafish PSM. Morpholinos against her15 did not result in morphological border disruption, or in changes in mRNA expression of genes of the Delta-Notch pathway. ZfChp, the second candidate gene which has been analyzed in the present thesis, came out of a screen of the NIH cDNA in situ expression database. ZfChp exhibits dynamic stripes of mRNA expression in the intermediate PSM region, a dynamic zone where tail bud mesenchymal cells undergo transition to epithelial state (mesenchymal to epithelial transition-MET), thus giving rise to somites. It the molecular signature of a Rho family GTPase with respect to conserved Rho GTPase domains. The Delta-Notch signaling pathway positively regulates the dynamic stripes of ZfChp in the intermediate PSM region. This provides the first molecular evidence supporting a link between prepatterning of the PSM and MET in zebrafish embryos


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    Background. Fetal supra renal mass revealed incidentally by routine antenatal ultrasound is a great challenge for diagnosis and management by a surgeon. This is a matter of parental anxiety and diagnostic dilemma to a physician. Indeed, such masses turn out to be complicated by an intra-tumor hemorrhage in neuroblastoma or antenatally diagnosed adrenal hemorrhage. The first one needs intensive management and the latter needs watchful observation. Objective. A case of bilateral fetal adrenal mass revealed by routine fetal ultrasound examination at 28th week of gestation which turned out to be adrenal hemorrhage is presented. This is aimed to make awareness to ensure that clinicians always keep benign etiologies first and thoroughly investigate in case of incidentally detected fetal adrenal mass. Methods. The study is a single case report of incidentally revealed supra renal mass. This case report encompasses differentiating features between the two and investigations that aid the surgeon to avoid unnecessary intervention in a benign hemorrhage. Results. The baby was kept on follow up with serial ultrasound scans in the postnatal period and by the second scan in a month, the hemorrhage had resolved completely. Conclusion. In cases of benign looking masses like adrenal hemorrhage or spontaneously resolving neuroblastoma, appropriate antenatal assessment and close monitoring with serial ultrasound scans can avoid surgery.Вступ. Утворення в наднирниках плода, випадково виявлені під час звичайного допологового ультразвукового дослідження, створюють для хірургів велику проблему в діагностиці та лікуванні. Вони викликають занепокоєння батьків і створюють діагностичну проблему для лікуючого лікаря. Такі утворення можуть виявитися ускладненим внутрішньопухлинним крововиливом у нейробластому або антенатально діагностованим крововиливом у надниркові залози. Перший потребує інтенсивного лікування, а другий потребує уважного спостереження. Мета. Представлено випадок двостороннього утворення в надниркових залозах плода, виявленого під час планового ультразвукового дослідження плода на 28-му тижні вагітності, які виявилися крововиливом у надниркові залози. Випадок представлено для того, щоб клініцисти завжди звертали увагу на доброякісну етіологію та проводили ретельне обстеження у випадку випадкового виявлення новоутворень надниркових залоз плода. Методи. Представлено випадок випадково виявлених утворень надниркових залоз. Описано відмінності між ними та дослідження, які допомагають хірургу уникнути непотрібного втручання при доброякісному крововиливі. Результати. У післяпологовому періоді дитину спостерігали за допомогою серійних ультразвукових досліджень. До другого УЗД через місяць крововилив повністю розсмоктався. Висновки. У випадках доброякісних новоутворень, таких як крововилив у надниркові залози або нейробластома, що спонтанно розсмоктується, відповідна антенатальна оцінка та ретельний моніторинг за допомогою серійних ультразвукових досліджень можуть допомогти уникнути операції

    Misinformation Concierge: A Proof-of-Concept with Curated Twitter Dataset on COVID-19 Vaccination

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    We demonstrate the Misinformation Concierge, a proof-of-concept that provides actionable intelligence on misinformation prevalent in social media. Specifically, it uses language processing and machine learning tools to identify subtopics of discourse and discern non/misleading posts; presents statistical reports for policy-makers to understand the big picture of prevalent misinformation in a timely manner; and recommends rebuttal messages for specific pieces of misinformation, identified from within the corpus of data - providing means to intervene and counter misinformation promptly. The Misinformation Concierge proof-of-concept using a curated dataset is accessible at: https://demo-frontend-uy34.onrender.com/Comment: This is a preprinted version of our CIKM paper. Please cite our CIKM pape

    The Global Crisis, Trade, and the Malaysian Economy

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    The importance of trade to the Malaysian economy cannot have been more strongly expressed than through the recent global crisis. Malaysia was vulnerable being a small open economy that has an export-dependent manufacturing sector. The very countries that generate the demand for Malaysia’s exports were struck by the crisis. As can be expected, Malaysia’s exports plummeted. The impacts of the crisis, consequently, caused reduced activity in the manufacturing sector and resulted in a sharp contraction in output. The crisis demands that policy makers take the challenge of strengthening the export sector more seriously.

    Colour Vision Test for Railway Dispatchers

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    Introduction Colour codes are used extensively in railways to convey specific information governing movement of trains and equipment on the track. One such task is the railway traffic control display that uses colour coded video display terminals (VDTs) to convey information of the signal status, train movements and track status to the railway dispatcher. Because individuals with colour vision deficiencies (colour-defectives) may have problems with these colour-related tasks, questions were raised about the suitability of colour vision defectives to work as railway dispatchers. In order to answer that, a VDT based Dispatch Colour Vision Test based on the actual railway traffic display was developed previously. Purpose The main purpose of this thesis is to establish the pass/fail scores and repeatability of the VDT based Dispatch Colour Vision Test that resulted from the previous work. Secondly, the study will also examine whether clinical colour vision tests can predict the performance on the practical task. Methods The Dispatch colour vision test was divided into three parts based on the colour sets that the dispatcher had to recognize. The testing computer system used the the same RGB colour settings, graphics card and monitor as in railway dispatch centres. Subjects viewed the display colours and entered their responses by using a mouse. One hundred colour-normals and fifty two colour-defectives participated in the initial session. The test was repeated approximately after 10 days. Ninety three colour-normals (93%) and 44 (85%) colour-defectives participated in the second session. The total number of errors and time to complete the test was recorded. Results Pass/Fail on the VDT Dispatch colour vision test was based on colour-normal errors. Ignoring orange-red errors, two errors were allowed in the first session and one error was allowed in the second session. Based on this criterion, 42% of colour vision defectives could perform as well as colour normal subjects. The kappa coefficient of agreement between the sessions for the colour-defectives was 0.85. Detailed analysis between the colour differences and the errors showed only a weak correlation between the two. However, the general trend was that colour-defectives made more errors on colours that were near or along the same lines of confusions and the colours were nearly equal in luminance. Nevertheless, the interaction between luminance and location with respect to the lines of confusion was not easy to interpret. The time to complete the task for the colour-defectives who passed the test took 14% longer than colour-normals and colour-defectives who failed took 30% longer than colour-normals. All groups showed a similar learning effect with an 18% reduction in mean times to complete the task at the second session. There was no significant correlation between the number of errors and time to complete or the clinical tests and completion times for any of the groups. Clinical colour vision tests have limited value in predicting performance of colour-defectives on the Dispatch test. Logistic analysis results showed that the Farnsworth D-15 along with the Nagel was the best predictor of the VDT Dispatch colour test pass/fail results. However, these results were similar to using the Farnsworth D-15 test alone. Ninety-five percent of the individuals who failed the Farnsworth D-15 also failed the Dispatch test. However, approximately 25% of the individuals who passed the Farnsworth D-15 failed the VDT Dispatch colour test which is an unacceptable false negative rate. These results indicate the Farnsworth D-15 can only be used to predict who is likely to fail the dispatch test. Conclusions Forty two percent of colour vision defectives could perform as well as colour-normals in identifying VDT railway display colours and time to complete the task. Clinical colour vision tests were inadequate predictors of performance in practical task, overall. However, the Farnsworth D-15 was a very good predictor of who would fail the VDT Dispatch test. Hence a practical VDT Dispatch test may be needed to test individuals who would want to work as railway dispatchers

    Revisiting Privatisation In Malaysia: The Importance Of Institutional Process

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    This paper argues that institutional process are essential to the execution of economic policy. In the absence of adequate institutional processes, well-intentioned economic policies may not be implemented in the manner expected by theory. The case of privatisation in Malaysia is used as an example to illustrate why institutional processes must be put into place in order to achieve the full benefit of economic policies. Economic theory suggests that privatisation, rather than state-ownership of enterprises, leads to greater economic efficiency. However, this is only the case if privatisation initiatives are carried out in a manner that consistent with good institutional practice. This paper suggests that there is a prima facie case for establishing transparent institutions in order to gain from the proper implementation of economic policy

    Efekt hem arginátu na akutní infekci HIV-1 a na reaktivaci latentní infekce

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    V současnosti dostupná antiretrovirotika efektivně potlačují replikaci HIV-1 a blokují progresi onemocnění. Virus však není možné eliminovat z organismu, neboť HIV-1 integrovaný do genomu není existujícími antiretrovirotiky ovlivňován. Aktivně se proto vyvíjejí nové látky schopné reaktivovat provirus a zlikvidovat latentní rezervoár, tzv. terapie "shock and kill". Normosang (hem arginát; HA) je preparát obsahující lidský hemin využívaný k léčbě akutní porfyrie. Hem je fyziologicky degradován hem oxygenasami na železo (Fe2+ ), oxid uhelnatý (CO) a biliverdin, který je dále přeměňován biliverdin reduktasou na bilirubin. V této práci jsme prokázali, že HA inhibuje replikaci HIV-1 při akutní infekci, což bylo doprovázeno inhibicí reversní transkripce. Naproti tomu HA působil synergicky s forbol myristyl acetátem (PMA) a reaktivoval HIV-1 provirus v buňkách ACH-2 a HIV-1 "minivirus" v klonech buněk Jurkat A2 a H12. HIV-1 "minivirus" byl reaktivován i samotným HA. Dále jsme studovali efekty degradačních produktů hemu na reaktivaci latentního HIV-1 přidaných jednotlivě. K tvorbě Fe2+ jsme využili askorbát, jehož přidání zvyšovalo expresi HIV-1 proviru i "miniviru". Další dva degradační produkty hemu, CO a bilirubin, expresi proviru inhibovaly. Antioxidans N- acetylcystein stejně jako chelátor železa...The available antiretroviral compounds can effectively suppress the replication of HIV-1 and block the disease progression. However it is impossible to eradicate the virus from the organism as the HIV-1 integrated in the genome is not affected by the existing anti-HIV-1 drugs. Therefore, new latency reversing agents are being actively developed as part of "shock and kill" therapy to reactivate the provirus and clear the reservoir. Normosang (heme arginate; HA) is a human hemin- containing compound used to treat acute porphyria. Heme is physiologically catabolised by heme oxygenases to form iron (Fe2+ ), carbon monoxide (CO) and biliverdin that is further converted to bilirubin by biliverdin reductase. In this study, we have demonstrated that HA inhibited HIV-1 replication during the acute infection, which was accompanied by the inhibition of reverse transcription. On the other hand, HA synergised with phorbol myristyl acetate (PMA) and reactivated the HIV-1 provirus in ACH-2 cells and the HIV-1 "mini-virus" in Jurkat cell clones A2 and H12. HIV-1 ''mini-virus'' was reactivated also by HA-alone. Further, we have studied the effects of heme degradation products on latent HIV-1 reactivation when added individually. We employed addition of ascorbate to generate Fe2+ , resulting in an increased...Ústav imunologie a mikrobiologie 1. LF UK a VFNInstitute of Immunology and Microbiology First Faculty of Medicine and General University HospitalFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult