1,918 research outputs found

    Asiantuntijalausunto perustuslakivaliokunnalle

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    HE 269/2002 vp laiksi yhdenvertaisuuden turvaamisesta sekÀ erÀiden siihen liittyvien lakien muuttamisest

    ‘Activism’ Is Not the Problem

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    The COVID-19 Emergency in Finland: Best Practice and Problems

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    Published on 16 April 2020Finland has a modern Constitution with an ambitious catalogue of fundamental rights. Has this framework, including the constitutional regulation of emergency powers, been able to cope with the COVID-19 crisis? Are there lessons to learn from Finland

    Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Beta-amyloid Pathology -Applicability of Positron Emission Tomography with the Amyloid Radioligand 11C-PIB

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    Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Beta-amyloid Pathology -Applicability of Positron Emission Tomography with the Amyloid Radioligand 11C-PIB Accumulation of beta amyloid (Abeta) in the brain is characteristic for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Carbon-11 labeled 2-(4’-methylaminophenyl)-6-hydroxybenzothiazole (11C-PIB) is a novel positron emission tomography (PET) amyloid imaging agent that appears to be applicable for in vivo Abeta plaque detection and quantitation. The biodistribution and radiation dosimetry of 11C-PIB were investigated in 16 healthy subjects. The reproducibility of a simplified 11C-PIB quantitation method was evaluated with a test-retest study on 6 AD patients and 4 healthy control subjects. Brain 11C-PIB uptake and its possible association with brain atrophy rates were studied over a two-year follow-up in 14 AD patients and 13 healthy controls. Nine monozygotic and 8 dizygotic twin pairs discordant for cognitive impairment and 9 unrelated controls were examined to determine whether brain Abeta accumulation could be detected with 11C-PIB PET in cognitively intact persons who are at increased genetic risk for AD. The highest absorbed radiation dose was received by the gallbladder wall (41.5 mjuGy/MBq). About 20 % of the injected radioactivity was excreted into urine, and the effective whole-body radiation dose was 4.7 mjuSv/MBq. Such a dose allows repeated scans of individual subjects. The reproducibility of the simplified 11C-PIB quantitation was good or excellent both at the regional level (VAR 0.9-5.5 %) and at the voxel level (VAR 4.2-6.4 %). 11C-PIB uptake did not increase during 24 months’ follow-up of subjects with mild or moderate AD, even though brain atrophy and cognitive decline progressed. Baseline neocortical 11C-PIB uptake predicted subsequent volumetric brain changes in healthy control subjects (r = 0.725, p = 0.005). Cognitively intact monozygotic co-twins – but not dizygotic co-twins – of memory-impaired subjects exhibited increased 11C-PIB uptake (117-121 % of control mean) in their temporal and parietal cortices and the posterior cingulate (p11C-PIB PET may be a useful method for patient selection and follow-up for early-phase intervention trials of novel therapeutic agents. AD might be detectable in high-risk individuals in its presymptomatic stage with 11C-PIB PET, which would have important consequences both for future diagnostics and for research on disease-modifying treatments.Alzheimerin taudin beta-amyloidipatologian varhainen toteaminen. 11C-PIB-amyloidimerkkiaineella tehtĂ€vĂ€n positroniemissiotomografian soveltuvuus Beeta-amyloidin (Abeta) kertyminen aivoihin on tyypillistĂ€ Alzheimerin taudille (AT). Hiili-11-isotoopilla leimattu 2-(4’-metyyliaminofenyyli)-6-hydroksibentsotiatsoli (11C-PIB) on uusi positroniemissiotomografiassa (PET) kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€ merkkiaine, joka vaikuttaa soveltuvan amyloidiplakkien toteamiseen ja niiden mÀÀrĂ€n arvioimiseen. 11C-PIB:n jakautumista kehossa ja sen aiheuttamaa sĂ€derasitusta tutkittiin 16 terveellĂ€ henkilöllĂ€. Yksinkertaistettujen 11C-PIB-analyysimenetelmien toistettavuutta selvitettiin toistomittausasetelmalla 6 AT-potilaalla ja 4 terveellĂ€ verrokilla. 11C-PIB-kertymĂ€n muutosta sekĂ€ 11C-PIB-kertymĂ€n ja aivojen kutistumisnopeuden vĂ€listĂ€ suhdetta mitattiin kahden vuoden seurantatutkimuksella, jossa oli 14 AT-potilasta ja 13 tervettĂ€ verrokkia. Tutkimalla 9 samanmunaista ja 8 erimunaista muistihĂ€iriön suhteen toisistaan poikkeavaa kaksosparia sekĂ€ 9 iĂ€kĂ€stĂ€ verrokkihenkilöÀ 11C-PIB PET:lla selvitettiin, voisiko aivoamyloidia olla havaittavissa sellaisilla kognitiivisesti terveillĂ€ henkilöillĂ€, joilla on suurentunut riski sairastua AT:iin. Sappirakon seinĂ€mĂ€ sai elimistĂ€ suurimman mÀÀrĂ€n sĂ€teilyĂ€, 41.5 mjuGy/MBq. Noin 20 % annetusta radioaktiivisuusannoksesta erittyi virtsaan. Efektiivinen sĂ€deannos oli 4.7 mjuSv/MBq. TĂ€mĂ€ annos mahdollistaa toistetut tutkimukset samoilla henkilöillĂ€. Yksinkertaistettujen 11C-PIB PET –analyysimenetelmien toistettavuus oli hyvÀÀ tai erinomaista sekĂ€ alueittain (VAR 0.9-5.5%) ettĂ€ kuva-alkioittain (VAR 4.2-6.4%) tarkasteltuna. 11C-PIB-kertymĂ€ ei lisÀÀntynyt AT-potilailla seuranta-ajan kuluessa, vaikka aivojen kutistuminen ja kognitiivinen heikentyminen etenivĂ€t. Alkutilanteen 11C-PIB-kertymĂ€ vaikutti ennustavan terveiden verrokkien aivojen tilavuusmuutoksia seuranta-aikana (r = 0.725, p = 0.005). Kognitiivisesti terveillĂ€ muistihĂ€iriöisten samanmunaisilla kaksosilla – mutta ei erimunaisilla kaksosilla - oli suurentuneita 11C-PIB-kertymiĂ€ (117-121% verrokkien keskiarvosta) ohimo- ja pÀÀlakialueen aivokuorella sekĂ€ posteriorisessa cingulumissa (p11C-PIB PET voi olla kĂ€ypĂ€ menetelmĂ€ tutkittavien valinnassa ja seurannassa, kun tehdÀÀn varhaisen sairausvaiheen tutkimuksia uusilla lÀÀkkeillĂ€. AT saatetaan voida todeta 11C-PIB PET:n avulla tĂ€ysin oireettomassa vaiheessa sellaisilla henkilöillĂ€, joilla on suurentunut riski sairastua. TĂ€llĂ€ voisi olla merkittĂ€viĂ€ vaikutuksia taudinmÀÀritykselle ja sellaisten hoitojen tutkimiselle, jotka tĂ€htÀÀvĂ€t taudin kulun muuttamiseen.Siirretty Doriast

    Indigenous Peoples\u27 Land Rights Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

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    his paper presentes the evolving understanding of indigenous peoples\u27 land rights under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), as reflected in the practice of the Human Rights Committee (HRC), the monitoring body established under the ICCPR. The discussion is based on cases decided under the Optional Protocol to the Covenant, on the Committee\u27s general comments and on the Committee\u27s consideration of periodic reports by States parties. As to the points of entry to the discussion on land rights, two provisions of the ICCPR are identified: the right of all peoples to self- determination (Article 1) and the protection afforded, under the notions of \u27culture\u27 and \u27minority\u27 in Article 27, to indigenous peoples\u27 rights related to lands and resources

    Time to Rewrite the EU Directive on Combating Terrorism

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    The adoption of EU Directive 2017/541 on combating terrorism in March 2017 has profoundly changed the landscape of European counter-terrorism law. The primary aim of this Directive was to further harmonise the legal framework under which terrorist offences are prosecuted across EU Member States by establishing minimum rules and standards. However, the adverse consequences for the rule of law and human rights have been overlooked from the very outset by the EU institutions. Now, five years after its adoption, it is time for a thorough revision

    Ubiquitous patchiness in chlorophyll a concentration in coastal archipelago of Baltic Sea

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    Productivity and trophic status of aquatic systems is traditionally quantified by chlorophyll a measurements. Environmental conditions and ecological interactions cause variability in chlorophyll a abundance. In coastal ecosystems, shallow and complex bathymetry reduces vertical heterogeneity, but promotes horizontal heterogeneity. However, coastal monitoring programs and scientific surveys are primarily focused on the vertical dimension. Here we demonstrate the spatial patchiness of chlorophyll a in coastal waters. We collected horizontally detailed and extensive in situ chlorophyll a data from the coastal Baltic Sea (SW Finland), covering the ice-free season of an annual cycle. Altogether, more than 200,000 observations were logged by an automated underway measurement system equipped with an optical sensor connected to a flow-through system. We analyzed the spatial heterogeneity of calibrated chlorophyll a data by using multiple statistical approaches, and quantified the chlorophyll a patches using a rolling average filter. We were able to identify patches and quantify their abundance and size for each of the 11 sampling campaigns. On average, 285 patches, ranging from 0.6 to 3142 m in size, were observed on the 830 km sampling transect. The average size of the patches was 237 (95% CI 226-248) m, most patches being between 10 and 1000 m. Our results show that patches of chlorophyll a can be effectively identified and quantified by modern in situ optical instrumentation. Such information is both theoretically and practically relevant. First, these results increase our understanding of the overall heterogeneity of the coastal environment. Further, they demonstrate the value of knowing the magnitude and occurrence of chlorophyll a patchiness in accurate detection of changes in coastal ecosystems caused by increased inputs of nutrients.Peer reviewe

    Asiantuntijalausunto perustuslakivaliokunnalle

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    (HE) 45/2001 vp rikosoikeudellista vanhentumista koskevien sÀÀnnösten uudistamiseks
