347 research outputs found

    Social Justice in the Teacher Education Program Curriculum

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    Exploring the Purdue Teacher Education Program: Focus on Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice

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    During this time of heightened awareness of social injustices via Black Lives Matter protests, the #MeToo movement, and the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to ensure that teacher preparation curriculum includes attention to knowledge and skills related to social justice issues in education. Th e purpose of this study was to investigate the ways in which social justice, diversity, and equity are addressed in the foundational courses of the Purdue Teacher Education Program (PTEP). McDonald (2005) proposed a framework in which social justice is integrated across all experiences (e.g., courses, activities, clinical placements) in a teacher education program. In an analysis of PTEP, we found that each required course referenced social justice, diversity, and/or equity, albeit to varying degrees, including practical applications of knowledge related to these ideas. In her framework, McDonald recommended conceptual and practical tools related to social justice. In PTEP, such tools (e.g., differentiation, Universal Design for Learning, culturally responsive teaching) are incorporated across multiple courses through readings and assignments. In this investigation, we used curricular analyses, faculty input, and student experiences to identify the nature of social justice references in the program curricula, and also highlight productive connections that begin in the foundations courses and could be continued into the methods courses later in the program. With a better understanding of the program curricula, personnel can both enhance opportunities in their own courses, as well as capitalize on experiences offered in other courses

    Nigeria as a Safe Country of Origin?

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    Humane aspects relating to pet animals in elementary basal readers

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Rilevamento del segnale termoelastico a campo intero mediante analisi lock-in in modalitĆ  off-line

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    Il presente lavoro propone una procedura di post-processamento del segnale termografico misurato su provini sollecitati in modo ciclico al fine di ricavare il segnale termoelastico. Dopo aver descritto la Correlazione Lock-In, usata tradizionalmente dai sistemi commerciali per ricavare il segnale termoelastico, il lavoro mostra come tale procedura sia numericamente equivalente alla determinazione delle armoniche della Trasformata di Fourier Discreta (TFD) del segnale campionato. Viene quindi proposta ed implementata una procedura di filtraggio del segnale termoelastico basata sulla applicazione diretta della TFD, che ha il vantaggio di poter in alcune circostanze fare a meno di un segnale di riferimento esterno. Il lavoro mostra quindi i risultati di una campagna sperimentali condotta su provini con campo tensionale noto, dimostrando come la procedura proposta sia semplice da implementare, versatile e robusta

    The role of wave and current forcing in the process of barrier island overwash

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    With the rapid growth and development of barrier islands, understanding the long-term stability of these islands is an integral part of future coastal planning. The overwash process is the largest influence on the long-term stability of these islands and thus a corresponding understanding is of major importance. A laboratory experiment was undertaken to physically model the wave and current forcing as they pertain to the overwash process. The physical model was subjected to various storm conditions common to the occurrence of the overwash. Combinations of wave height, wave period, and overwash depth were tested in an attempt to isolate the significant parameters. Water surface gradients were also applied to observe their influence on the overwash process. Wave height, current, and bed profile measurements were taken at different locations throughout the tank. In addition, wave height transformation modeling and mean current prediction were performed and compared to the laboratory results in an attempt to model the overwash process through computer simulations. The experimental results demonstrate that the water surface gradient is the mechanism for transporting large quantities of sand on to and over barrier islands. In addition, two other conclusions were drawn about the overwash process: 1) the overwash depth plays an important role in determining the overwash velocity and hence the amount of sand deposited on the barrier island. 2) There seems to exist a correlation between the strength of the return flow and bar formation. It was also determined that modeling the wave height transformation during the overwash process is possible if the model is expressly written for the overwash process and not for nonoverwashing cases. The method utilized to predict the mean currents during overwash was not able to predict their strength but was able to substantiate the correlation between return flow and bar formation. As a result of overwash, the increased shoreward mass transport and reduced return flow in the water column are able to initiate and sustain a shoreward sediment transport. Finally, it was concluded that in all likelihood only "significant" overwash events affect the longterm stability of the barrier islands

    Regulation of tomato fruit ripening

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    Fruit ripening is a sophisticatedly orchestrated developmental process, unique to plants, that results in major physiological and metabolic changes, ultimately leading to fruit decay and seed dispersal. Because of their strong impact on fruit nutritional and sensory qualities, the ripeningassociated changes have been a matter of sustained investigation aiming at unravelling the molecular and genetic basis of fruit ripening. Tomato rapidly emerged as the model of choice for fleshy fruit research and a wealth of genetic resources and genomics tools have been developed, providing new entries into the regulatory mechanisms involved in the triggering and coordination of the ripening process. Some of the key components participating in the control of tomato fruit ripening have been uncovered, but our knowledge of the network of signalling pathways engaged in this complex developmental process remains fragmentary. This review highlights the main advances and emphasizes issues still to be addressed using the rapidly developing ā€˜omicsā€™ approaches

    A fuselage/tank structure study for actively cooled hypersonic cruise vehicles, summary

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    A detailed analytical study was made to investigate the effects of fuselage cross section (circular and elliptical) and the structural arrangement (integral and nonintegral tanks) on aircraft performance. The vehicle was a 200 passenger, liquid hydrogen fueled Mach 6 transport designed to meet a range goal of 9.26 Mn (5000 NM). A variety of trade studies were conducted in the area of configuration arrangement, structural design, and active cooling design in order to maximize the performance of each of three point design aircraft: (1) circular wing-body with nonintegral tanks, (2) circular wing-body with integral tanks and (3) elliptical blended wing-body with integral tanks. Aircraft range and weight were used as the basis for comparison. The resulting design and performance characteristics show that the blended body integral tank aircraft weights the least and has the greatest range capability, however, producibility and maintainability factors favor nonintegral tank concepts

    Advancing Accountability

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