37,309 research outputs found

    Gravitational Localization of All Local Fields on the Brane

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    We present a new (p1)(p - 1)-brane solution to Einstein's equations in a general space-time dimension. This solution is a natural generalization of the stringlike defect solution with codimension 2 in 6 space-time dimensions, which has been recently discovered by Gogberashvili and Singleton, to a general (p1)(p - 1)-brane solution with codimension nn in general D=p+nD = p + n space-time dimensions. It is shown that all the local fields are localized on the brane only through the gravitational interaction although this solution does not have a warp factor and takes a finite value in the radial infinity. Thus, this solution is a solution in an arbitrary space-time dimension realizing the idea of "gravitational trapping" of the whole bulk fields on the brane within the framework of a local field theory. Some problems associated with this solution and localization are pointed out.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, Late

    Topological Symmetry, Background Independence, and Matrix Models

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    We illustrate a physical situation in which topological symmetry, its breakdown, space-time uncertainty principle, and background independence may play an important role in constructing and understanding matrix models. First, we show that the space-time uncertainty principle of string may be understood as a manifestation of the breakdown of the topological symmetry in the large NN matrix model. Next, we construct a new type of matrix models which is a matrix model analog of the topological Chern-Simons and BF theories. It is of interest that these topological matrix models are not only completely independent of the background metric but also have nontrivial "p-brane" solutions as well as commuting classical space-time as the classical solutions. In this paper, we would like to point out some elementary and unsolved problems associated to the matrix models, whose resolution would lead to the more satisfying matrix model in future.Comment: 19 pages, LaTex, Invited paper to appear in the special issue of the Journal of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals on "Superstrings, M, F, S, ....... Theory", edited by M.S. El Naschie and C. Castr

    Evaporation of Three Dimensional Black Hole in Quantum Gravity

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    We discuss an evaporation of (2+1)-dimensional black hole by using quantum gravity holding in the vicinity of the black hole horizon. It is shown that the black hole evaporates at a definite rate by emitting matters through the quantum tunneling effect. A relation of the present formalism to the black hole entropy is briefly commented.Comment: 13 pages, phyzz

    Antisymmetric Tensor Fields in the Locally Localized Gravity Models

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    We study the localization property of antisymmetric tensor fields in the locally localized gravity models. It is shown that all the antisymmetric tensor fields, including the vector field, in a bulk space-time are trapped on an AdSAdS brane by a gravitational interaction where the presence of the brane cosmological constant plays an important role as in the cases of the other bulk fields. The normalized zero-modes spread rather widely in extra space so small extra dimensions might be needed in order not to conflict with experiment.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex 2e, no figure

    Thermodynamics of Black Hole in (N+3)-dimensions from Euclidean N-brane Theory

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    In this article we consider an N-brane description of an (N+3)-dimensional black hole horizon. First of all, we start by reviewing a previous work where a string theory is used as describing the dynamics of the event horizon of a four dimensional black hole. Then we consider a particle model defined on one dimensional Euclidean line in a three dimensional black hole as a target spacetime metric. By solving the field equations we find a ``world line instanton'' which connects the past event horizon with the future one. This solution gives us the exact value of the Hawking temperature and to leading order the Bekenstein-Hawking formula of black hole entropy. We also show that this formalism is extensible to an arbitrary spacetime dimension. Finally we make a comment of one-loop quantum correction to the black hole entropy