39 research outputs found

    Ketahanan terhadap Kondisi pH Asam dan Aktifitas Antagonis terhadap Bakteri Patogen Empat Jenis Bakteri Asam Laktat

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    One of the most widely developed health foods was food products containing beneficial living microbial cells known as probiotics. The first probiotic product used Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei bacteria as components in fermented milk. In its development, the number of microbial species involved in probiotic products was increasing rapidly. Type of lactic acid bacteria used was one factor that would  determine the quality of probiotic products. The purpose of this study was to determine the properties of resistance to acid conditions and the antagonistic activity of pathogenic bacteria in four types of lactic acid bacteria (BAL). Lactic acid bacteria were L.acidophillus, L. bulgaricus, L.casei and S.thermophillus. Acid resistance properties   was done by growing the four types of lactic acid bacteria on MRS media whose pH was adjusted at pH 2.5 with the addition of acid (HCl). The antibacterial properties of pathogens were carried out by growing all four types of BAL on MRS media that had been inoculated with pathogenic bacteria ( B.cereus, E.coli and S.aureus).  The results obtained were analyzed by Anova and if there was a significant difference (α = 0.05%) followed by BNT Test. The results on acid resistance properties showed no significant difference to the difference in the number of lactic acid bacteria grown on the control medium with the acid medium (pH 2.5) between each type of lactic acid bacteria tested. The colony log difference between the amount of lactic acid control bacteria and the acid treatment ranged from 5.937 - 7.156 logs of colony / ml. Likewise on testing of antagonistic properties against pathogenic bacteria against  B.  cereus, E. coli and S. aureus, there was no significant difference in inhibition diameter between the four BAL types. Diameter of inhibition ranged from 1,142-1,373 mm.  Based on the results of research that has been done, it can be concluded that from the aspect of acid resistence and antagonistic properties against pathogenic bacteria the four types of lactic acid bacteria potentially as probiotics. Keywords:  antibacterial activity , lactic acid bacteria, acid resistanc


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    Oyster mushroom (Pleuorutus ostreatus) is one of healthy vegetables and  widely consumed. Oyster mushroom is very perishable. When stored at cool temperatur, oyster mushroom only stands for 3-5 days, although it has been packed in  polyethylene plastic bags. To extend its shelf life , oyster mushroom can be processed ​​into flour. This study  was aimed  to find  the best treatment to produceoyster mushroom flour that has the best chemical and organoleptic properties. The  experiment was arranged in a Completely Randomized Block Design with single factor and 4 replications. The single factor was consisted of six levels pretreatment : control, blanching, soaking in 0.5% citric acid for 10 minutes, blanching + soaking in 0.5% citric acid for 10 minutes, soaking in 2500 ppm sodium bisulphite for 10 minutes, and blanching + soaking in 2500 ppm sodium bisulphite for 10 minutes. The parameters observed : chemical characteristics (water,  ash,  protein, fat, carbohydrate contents) and organleptic property of color.  ANOVA was used to analyse the data, and then continued using Honestly Significant Difference test (HSD) at 5% level of significance. The results showed that pretreatment significantly affected the moisture, fat, protein, ash, carbohydrate contents and color  of oyster mushroom flour. The best  oyster mushroom flour was found in the  control  flour (with no pre-treatment) with chemical characteristics: water content 7.29%, ash content 8.01%,  protein content 17.50%, fat content 1,93% and carbohydrate content of 73.68%., and organoleptic characteristic of color was scored as white (4.3). Keywords :citric acid,  blanching, flour,  oyster mushroom, sodium bisulphit

    Karakteristik Sensori, Kimia dan Fisik Pempek dari Ikan Tenggiri dan Ikan Kiter pada Berbagai Formulasi

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    Pempek is one of the traditional snack food from Palembang which is made from fish and very popular in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the combination of barred mackerel fish and pick handle barracuda fish meat on sensory, chemical, and physical properties and to determine the best economic formulation of pempek. This study used the Completely Randomized Design with six-level treatments of a combination of barred mackerel fish and pick handle barracuda fish, respectively, 200 g-0 g (P1), 160 g-40 g (P2), 120 g-80 g (P3), 80 g-120 g (P4), 40 g-160 g (P5), and 0 g-200 g (P6). The characteristics of pempek were observed on the sensory (color, aroma, taste, texture, and overall acceptance), chemical (moisture and protein content), and physical properties (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness). The result showed that the treatment only has a significant effect on the color parameter of sensory properties. The higher amount of use of pick handle barracuda fish significantly reduced the panelist preference on color. The best formulation chosen was the combination of 40 g barred mackerel fish and 160 g pick handle barracuda with an economic total raw material cost of Rp 12.750. This formulation is recommended to produce pempek with the best quality and economic cost.Pempek is one of traditional snack food from Palembang which made from fish and very popular in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the combination of barred mackerel fish and pickhandle barracuda fish meat on sensory, chemical and physical properties and to determine the best economic formulation of pempek. This study used the Completely Randomized Design with six level treatments of combination of barred mackerel fish and pickhandle barracuda fish, respectively, 200 g-0 g (P1), 160 g-40 g (P2), 120 g-80 g (P3), 80 g-120 g (P4), 40 g-160 g (P5), and 0 g-200 g (P6). The characteristics of pempek was observed on the sensory (color, aroma, taste, texture and overall acceptance), chemical (moisture and protein content), and physical properties (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness). The result showed that the treatment only has a significant effect on color parameter of sensory properties. The higher amount use of pickhandle barracuda fish significantly reduced the panelist preference on color. The best formulation chosen was the combination of 40 g barred mackerel fish and 160 g pickhandle barracuda with the economic total raw material cost Rp 12.750. This formulation is recommended to produce pempek with best quality and economic cost.   Keywords: economic, formulation, pempek, sensory propertie


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    Red guava was a potential fruit that could be used as raw material for probiotic drinks. The addition of spices such as cinnamon and sappan wood could increase the acceptance of its sensory properties as well as its functional benefits. This study aims to determine the effect of spices (cinnamon and sappan wood) and spice concentration on total lactic acid bacteria, total acid, pH and sensory properties of red guava juice probiotic drink fermented with Lactobacillus casei bacteria. The treatments were arranged in a Completely Randomized Block Design (RAKL) with two factors and three replications. The first factor was the type of spice which consists of cinnamon (J1) and sappan wood (J2). The second factor was the concentration of spices, namely 1% (K1), 2% (K2), 3% (K3), 4% (K4), and 5% (K5).The data were analyzed by comparison test and orthogonal polynomial (OP/OC) at 5% level. The results showed that the type of spice (cinnamon and sappan wood) significantly affected the total lactic acid bacteria (LAB), total lactic acid, aroma, and overall acceptance of the red-spiced guava juice probiotic drink. Spice concentration had a significant linear effect on total lactic acid bacteria (LAB), total lactic acid, pH, and aroma, quadratic effect on taste and overall acceptance of red guava juice probiotic drink. The addition of  3% cinnamon extract resulted in a red-spiced guava juice probiotic drink with the best characteristics with a total LAB of 10.93 log cfu/ml; titrable acidity of 0.49%; pH of 4.25; hedonic  taste score of 3.31 (medium like);  hedonic aroma score of 3.24 (medium like); and an overall acceptance score of 3.53 (likes). Jambu biji merah merupakan buah potensial yang dapat digunakan  sebagai bahan baku minuman probiotik.   Penambahan rempah-rempah seperti kayu manis dan kayu secang  dapat meningkatkan penerimaan sifat sensori maupun manfaat fungsionalnya.  Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh jenis rempah  ( kayu manis dan kayu secang) dan  konsentrasi rempah terhadap  total bakteri asam laktat, total asam, pH dan sifat sensori  minuman probiotik sari jambu biji merah yang difermentasi dengan bakteri Lactobacillus casei.  Perlakuan  disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan dua faktor dan tiga ulangan.  Faktor pertama adalah jenis rempah yang terdiri dari kayu manis (J1) dan kayu secang (J2).  Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi rempah yaitu 1% (K1), 2% (K2), 3% (K3), 4% (K4), dan 5% (K5).  Data dianalisis dengan uji lanjut perbandingan dan polinomial ortogonal (OP/OC) pada taraf 5%.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis rempah (kayu manis dan kayu secang) berpengaruh  nyata terhadap total bakteri asam laktat (BAL), total asam laktat, aroma, dan penerimaan keseluruhan minuman probiotik sari jambu biji merah berempah.  Konsentrasi rempah berpengaruh nyata secara linier terhadap total bakteri asam laktat (BAL), total asam laktat, pH, dan aroma, berpengaruh secara  kuadratik terhadap rasa dan penerimaan secara keseluruhan minuman probiotik  sari jambu biji merah .  Penambahan ekstrak kayu manis 3% menghasilkan minuman probiotik sari jambu biji merah berempah dengan karakteristik terbaik yaitu total BAL 10,93 log cfu/ml; total asam laktat 0,49%; pH 4,25; skor rasa 3,31 (agak suka); skor aroma 3,24 (agak suka); dan skor penerimaan keseluruhan 3,53 ( suka)

    PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN BUBUK COKLAT DAN TEPUNG KETAN TERHADAP SIFAT KIMIA DAN SENSORI DODOL COKLAT [Effect of the Comparison of Cocoa Powder and Glutinous Rice Flour on the Chemical and Sensory Properties of Chocolate Dodol]

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    Chocolate dodol is one of food product made from cocoa beans processingtoincrease the economic value. Chocolate dodol processing technology is simple enough to be made in small scale industry (home industry). The research was purposedto obtain a formulation of glutinousriceflour andcocoapowderto getthe best physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of chocolate dodol. The research was designed in a Completely Randomized Block Design in 4 replication. The treatments had 6 levels of comparison of cocoa powder and glutinous rice flour, that were L1 (5%:95%);  L2 (10%:90%); L3 (15%:85%); L4 (20%:80%); L5 (25%:75%); L6 (30%:70%%), respectively. Data were analyzed with analysis of variant to find the treatment effects, and the data were further analyzed with Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test on level of 5% to find the best treatment. The research showed that the best chocolate dodol was made of 25%-30% cocoa powder and 70%-75% glutinous rice flour.  The best chocolate dodol had a plastic texture, tasteand flavor of chocolate, dark brown in color, water content of 3,49%-3,86%, fat content of 2,61%-3,00%, protein content of 0,27%, ash content of  0,69% and carbohydrate content of  92,16%

    Analisis Finansial Dan Sensitivitas Usaha Kecil Menengah Dodol Coklat

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    This research was purposed to determine financial aspects of chocolate dodol home industry. The result of investment feasibility are reasonable to continue (NPV>0, Net B/C >1,IRR> 22% discount rate and raw\u27s material (cocoa beans) as many as 10%-50% and the fuel as many as 15%-90 PP0, Net B/C >1,IRR> 22% discount rate and PP< 5 years of economical\u27s age)


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    This research was aimed to find the most preferred fruitto be mixed with carrot juice, to determine the formulation ofcarrot and the chosen fruit that give the best mixed juice, andto elucidate the physical and chemical characteristics of thechosen juice stored at 10°C for 6 days. The fruits to be chosenwere pineapple, orange, red guava, mango, passion fruit. Theformulations carrot and the chosen fruit used were 50%: 50%,60%: 40%, 70%: 30%, 80%: 20%, 90%, 10%, and 100%: 0%.The results showed that the most preferred fruit to be mixedwith carrot was soursop. Selected formula that gave the bestsensory properties was 80% carrot : 20% soursop. This mixedjuice had scores for aroma, taste, color, and overall acceptanceof 3 (like slightly), 3.600 (like), and 3.240 (like slightly) .During 6- days of cold storage there was a slight decrease invitamin C, total soluble solid, and cloud stability, but there wasa slight increase in pH.Keywords: carrot, cloud stability, mixed juice, soursou

    Fermentabilitas Ekstrak Cincau Hijau (Premna Oblongifolia Merr) Oleh Tiga Jenis Bakteri Asam Laktat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi ekstrak cincau yang tepat dan jenis bakteri asam laktat yangdapat tumbuh pada ekstrak cincau tersebut sehingga diperoleh minuman sinbiotik ekstrak cincau dengan karakteristik terbaik. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 9 perlakuan yang berbeda dimana perlakuan disusun secara faktorial (3 x 3) dalam rancanganacak kelompok lengkap (RAKL) dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah konsentrasi ekstrak cincau hijau yang terdiri daritiga taraf, yaitu 0%, 0.5%, dan 1%. Faktor kedua adalah jenis bakteri asam laktat, yaitu Lactobacilus casei, Lactobacillusacidophilus dan Lactobacillus plantarum. Data dianalisis sidik ragam untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan antarperlakuan dan dianalisis lanjut dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf nyata 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanminuman sinbiotik ekstrak cincau terbaik adalah minuman yang difermentasi oleh Lactobacillus casei pada konsentrasiekstrak cincau 0,5% yang menghasilkan nilai log total BAL sebesar 9,07 atau setara 2,3 x 109koloni/ml, nilai total asamsebesar 0,96% dan nilai pH sebesar 3,58. Namun demikian pada semua konsentrasi ekstrak cincau yang ditambahkan dandifermentasi oleh Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophillus maupun Lactobacillus plantarum tidak menunjukkanadanya aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Bacillus cereus dan Eschericia coli yang diuji dengan metode difusi agar