5,663 research outputs found

    Book review: Psychology and politics: a social identity perspective

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    "Psychology and Politics: a Social Identity Perspective." Alexa Ispas. Psychology Press. December 2012. --- This book covers a wide range of political topics, such as the way in which categorising ourselves into groups influences how we perceive the social world, the implications of categorisation for social influence, and the mechanisms underlying obedience under authoritarian regimes. Yves Laberge thinks this book serves as an excellent update on the social identity perspective

    A model for the biological precipitation of Precambrian iron-formation

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    A biological model for the precipitation of Precambrian iron formations is presented. Assuming an oxygen deficient atmosphere and water column to allow sufficient Fe solubility, it is proposed that local oxidizing environments, produced biologically, led to precipitation of iron formations. It is further suggested that spheroidal structures about 30 mm in diameter, which are widespread in low grade cherty rion formations, are relict forms of the organic walled microfossil Eosphaera tylerii. The presence of these structures suggests that the organism may have had a siliceous test, which allowed sufficient rigidity for accumulation and preservation. The model involves precipitation of ferric hydrates by oxidation of iron in the photic zone by a variety of photosynthetic organisms. Silica may have formed in the frustules of silica secreting organisms, including Eosphaera tylerii. Iron formates formed, therefore, by a sediment rain of biologically produced ferric hydrates and silica and other organic material. Siderite and hematite formed diagenetically on basin floors, and subsequent metamorphism produced magnetite and iron silicates

    Editors' Note / Note de la rédaction

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    It was with more than a little trepidation that I deposited my doctoral thesis at the University of Ottawa this past September. These feelings were, of course, accompanied by a great deal of satisfaction and relief at having (nearly) completed a project that I have been working on for years now, and for which I remain passionate. My trepidation stems from the usual feelings of anxiety that come with submitting a thesis: I pray to Clio for a speedy administrative process and for a timely and successful defence. I hope the readers are satisfied with the work, but I also look forward to discussing it in detail with five different people who have actually read it! /J’avais envoyé cet hiver les étudiants de mon cours de méthode historique à Bibliothèque et archives Canada. J’étais alors enthousiasmé par le succès de l’activité : les étudiants s’étaient lancés à la recherche de documents couvrant une période historique et un thème spécifique choisi en classe. La phase de recherche et de consultation des documents archivistiques avait ravi les étudiants, qui étaient fascinés par le processus de recherche documentaire et la facilité relative avec laquelle ils avaient eu accès aux documents

    The Wisconsin magmatic terrane: An Early Proterozoic greenstone-granite terrane formed by plate tectonic processes

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    The Wisconsin magmatic terrane (WMT) is an east trending belt of dominantly volcanic-plutonic complexes of Early Proterozoic age (approx. 1850 m.y.) that lies to the south of the Archean rocks and Early Proterozoic epicratonic sequence (Marquette Range Supergroup) in Michigan. It is separated from the epicratonic Marquette Range Supergroup by the high-angle Niagara fault, is bounded on the south, in central Wisconsin, by Archean gneisses, is truncated on the west by rocks of the Midcontinent rift system, and is intruded on the east by the post-orogenic Wolf river batholith. The overall lithologic, geochemical, metallogenic, metamorphic, and deformational characteristics of the WMT are similar to those observed in recent volcanic arc terranes formed at sites of plate convergence. It is concluded that the WMT represents an evolved oceanic island-arc terrane accreated to the Superior craton in the Early Proterozoic. This conclusion is strengthened by the apparent absence of Archean basement from most of the WMT, and the recent recognition of the passive margin character of the epicratonic Marquette Range Supergroup
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