8,417 research outputs found

    Study of Black Holes with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

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    We evaluate the potential of the ATLAS detector for discovering black holes produced at the LHC, as predicted in models with large extra dimensions where quantum gravity is at the TeV scale. We assume that black holes decay by Hawking evaporation to all Standard Model particles democratically. We comment on the possibility to estimate the Planck scale.Comment: 27 page

    Fast computation of MadGraph amplitudes on graphics processing unit (GPU)

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    Continuing our previous studies on QED and QCD processes, we use the graphics processing unit (GPU) for fast calculations of helicity amplitudes for general Standard Model (SM) processes. Additional HEGET codes to handle all SM interactions are introduced, as well assthe program MG2CUDA that converts arbitrary MadGraph generated HELAS amplitudess(FORTRAN) into HEGET codes in CUDA. We test all the codes by comparing amplitudes and cross sections for multi-jet srocesses at the LHC associated with production of single and double weak bosonss a top-quark pair, Higgs boson plus a weak boson or a top-quark pair, and multisle Higgs bosons via weak-boson fusion, where all the heavy particles are allowes to decay into light quarks and leptons with full spin correlations. All the helicity amplitudes computed by HEGET are found to agree with those comsuted by HELAS within the expected numerical accuracy, and the cross sections obsained by gBASES, a GPU version of the Monte Carlo integration program, agree wish those obtained by BASES (FORTRAN), as well as those obtained by MadGraph. The performance of GPU was over a factor of 10 faster than CPU for all processes except those with the highest number of jets.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figure

    Electron microscopy of Rous sarcoma virus genome RNA and its heat-dissociated subunits

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    Native and heat-treated RNAs from the purified Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) were fractionated by sucrose density gradients in the presence of ribonuclease inhibitor diethyl-pyrocarbonate and observed by electron microscopy. The structure of native 60-70S RNA was classified into two forms: tanglefolded type and linear type. In the tangle-folded type double stranded portions were observed in several sites. A high frequency of 60-70S RNA were 1.0 mum and 3-3.5 mum in length. Molecules with length about 9mum were of the tangle-folded type while molecules shorter than 6 mum were of the linear form. The structure of heat-treated RNA(30-40S) was linear with the most frequent length being 1-1.5 mum. These results indicate that native 60-70S RNA is folded with the total molecular length being in the order of 6 to 9 mum. Molecules about 3mum long are likely to be the main subunits of 60-70S RNA, and they are fragmented further into smaller subunits of about 1 mum length.</p

    Neurophysiological studies on mechanisms of the central olfactory neurons related to the initiation of mating behavior in the male silkworm moth

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    In insects, olfaction is closely related to such behavior as mating, feeding, and oviposition, which are very important for maintaining the species. Orientation and movement toward potential mates, food or the optimum position for oviposition are usually initiated and ...Thesis--University of Tsukuba, D.Sc.(A), no. 334, 1984. 3. 2