575 research outputs found

    Channa Reddy In Telangana Statehood Movement: Initiation, Intervention And Contribution

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    The present paper tries to explore some of the repeated accusations and half-truths against the Telangana leader – Dr. Marri Channa Reddy, who led the movement in 1969. It is believed that the leaders started the Telangana Statehood movement as a problem-solving movement against subregionalism. Dr. Reddy was a staunch opponent of Andhra’s internal colonization. This is not only absurd but also a parody of the truth. This is mainly due to the lack of original documents in an organized campaign for the separate state of Telangana. The print and electronic media reports speak of alarming national integration at the request of the state of Telangana. While national integration can no longer be mere integration, biased politicians and media cannot accept the exclusive right to speak on behalf of the common man. Therefore, an ordinary person needs to understand how effectively the public and leader’s participation took place in the country\u27s democratic and political process in articulating their rights and entitlements. And, thus, the initiation, intervention, and contribution of a prominent political leader of Telangana State were discussed in this paper with substantial shreds of evidence

    Strain measurement by contour analysis

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    Background: The determination of yield stress curves for ductile metals from uniaxial material tests is complicated by the presence of tri-axial stress states due to necking. A need exists for a straightforward solution to this problem. Objective: This work presents a simple solution for this problem specific to axis-symmetric specimens. Equivalent uniaxial true strain and true stress, corrected for triaxiality effects, are calculated without resorting to inverse analysis methods. Methods: A computer program is presented which takes shadow images from tensile tests, obtained in a backlight configuration. A single camera is sufficient as no stereoscopic effects need to be addressed. The specimen's contours are digitally extracted, and strain is calculated from the contour change. At the same time, stress triaxiality is computed using a novel curvature fitting algorithm. Results: The method is accurate as comparison with manufactured solutions obtained from Finite Element simulations show. Application to 303 stainless steel specimens at different levels of stress triaxiality show that equivalent uniaxial true stress -- true strain relations are accurately recovered. Conclusions: The here presented computer program solves a long-standing challenge in a straightforward manner. It is expected to be a useful tool for experimental strain analysis

    Huippututkimusta kyynärpäätuntumassa

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is caused by novel coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), emerged at Wuhan in China in December 2019 and has rapidly spread throughout the world. The droplets expelled during face-to-face exposure, mainly through talking, coughing, or sneezing, are the most common mode of transmission. So far, children have not been affected frequently without deaths. However, the course of this virus in the future is unknown. The diagnosis is mainly made through reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and serology testing. Treatment with dexamethasone at an early phase of developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by SARS-CoV-2 alters the pulmonary and systemic inflammatory response and decreases mortality. Corticosteroid therapy is associated with a sizable reduction in the duration of mechanical ventilation and hospital mortality. One of the major risk factor associated with corticosteroid therapy is associated with acquiring secondary infections. Pulmonary epithelial damage and inflammatory disease are the predisposing risk factors for pulmonary aspergillosis due to the release of danger molecular patterns during severe COVID-19. Galactomannan and culture testing of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid are the most sensitive diagnostic measures for aspergillosis in intensive care unit (ICU). Finally, the treatment of coronavirus associated pulmonary aspergillosis is complex. The only way one can prevent the spread of infection by following precautions such as frequent hand washing, wearing a mask in public places, social distancing, and by avoiding unnecessary gatherings

    Hiilidioksidin, hapen ja verenpaineen merkitys äkillisen sydänpysähdyksen ja elvytyksen jälkeen

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    Väittelijä Pekka Jakkula ; Helsingin yliopist

    Hiilidioksidi-, happi- ja verenpainetasojen merkitys sydänpysähdyksestä elvytetyn potilaan tehohoidossa

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    Aims The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of targeting low-normal or high-normal arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2), normoxia or moderate hyperoxia, and low-normal or high-normal mean arterial pressure (MAP) in comatose patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) and successful resuscitation. In addition, we assessed the effects of the two different levels of PaCO2, arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) and MAP on markers of neurological and myocardial injury, cerebral oxygenation, and epileptic activity. Moreover, we investigated the association between cerebral oxygenation and the extent of cerebral injury as assessed with markers of brain injury and neurological outcome. Materials and methods In the Carbon dioxide, Oxygen and Mean arterial pressure After Cardiac Arrest and REsuscitation (COMACARE) trial with 23 factorial design, 123 patients resuscitated from OHCA with a shockable initial rhythm were randomly assigned to targeting low-normal (4.5–4.7 kPa) or high-normal (5.8–6.0 kPa) PaCO2, normoxia (PaO2 10–15 kPa) or moderate hyperoxia (PaO2 20–25 kPa), and low-normal (65-75 mmHg) or high-normal (80-100 mmHg) MAP during the first 36 h in the intensive care unit. The primary outcome was the serum concentration of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) at 48 h after cardiac arrest (CA). Secondary endpoints included NSE concentrations at 24 and 72 h after CA; S100 calcium-binding protein B (S100B) and cardiac troponin T (TnT) concentrations at 24, 48, and 72 h after CA; clinically significant changes in continuous electroencephalography (EEG), results of frontal regional oxygen saturation (rSO2) measured with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) during the first 48 h of intensive care; and neurologic outcome at 6 months (Studies II-III). In a post hoc analysis, we evaluated the association between frontal rSO2 and NSE concentration at 48 h, and the association between frontal rSO2 and good (Cerebral Performance Category [CPC] 1-2) and poor (CPC 3-5) neurological outcome (Study IV). In another post hoc analysis, we combined data from a subgroup of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and vasopressor dependent hypotension with data from a comparable subgroup of another trial (Neuroprotect) to evaluate the association between MAP and myocardial injury assessed with the area under the 72-hour TnT curve (Study V). Main results We observed a clear separation between the study groups in PaCO2, PaO2, and MAP during the 36-hour intervention period. However, there was no difference in serum NSE concentrations between the intervention groups at any of the studied time points. S100B and TnT concentrations, EEG findings, and neurological outcome at 6 months were comparable between the groups. High-normal PaCO2 and moderate hyperoxia significantly increased frontal rSO2, but MAP level did not. No significant association between frontal rSO2 and NSE or neurological outcome was observed. In a subgroup of patients with AMI and vasopressor dependent hypotension, combined from the two trials (COMACARE and Neuroprotect), myocardial injury was significantly lower in patients assigned to the higher MAP group. The risk of new-onset CA or arrhythmias was not increased despite significantly higher doses of noradrenaline and dobutamine in the higher MAP group. Conclusions Targeting low-normal or high-normal PaCO2, normoxia or moderate hyperoxia, and low-normal or high-normal MAP was feasible in comatose patients after OHCA and successful resuscitation. None of the studied interventions affected the extent of the developing brain damage as measured with biomarkers of neurological injury. High-normal PaCO2 and moderate hyperoxia resulted in increased cerebral oxygenation, but this was not associated with the extent of brain injury. In patients with AMI and vasopressor dependent hypotension, targeting a MAP between 80/85-100 mmHg was associated with smaller myocardial injury without clinically significant side effects.Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, voidaanko sairaalan ulkopuolella äkillisen sydänpysähdyksen saaneiden potilaiden valtimoveren hiilidioksidi- ja happiosapaineita sekä verenpainetasoa säädellä luotettavasti tuloksekkaan elvytyksen jälkeen. Lisäksi tutkimme, miten erilaiset hiilidioksidi-, happi- ja verenpainetasot vaikuttavat aivovaurion ja sydänlihasvaurion laajuutta kuvaavien merkkiaineiden pitoisuuksiin, aivojen happeutumiseen ja epileptiseen aktiviteettiin. Selvitimme myös, liittyykö elvytyksen jälkeinen aivojen happisaturaatio aivovaurion laajuuteen tai potilaiden neurologiseen ennusteeseen. 120 sairaalan ulkopuolella kammiovärinästä elvytettyä, tajutonta ja hengityskonehoitoa tarvitsevaa potilasta satunnaistettiin samanaikaisesti kolmen eri muuttujan suhteen joko matalampaan tai korkeampaan tavoitearvoon 36 h ajaksi teho-osastolle saapumisesta lukien. Tavoitteet olivat valtimoveren hiilidioksidiosapaine 4.5-4.7 tai 5.8-6.0 kPa, valtimoveren happiosapaine 10-15 tai 20-25 kPa ja keskiverenpaine 65-75 tai 80-100 mmHg. Aivo- ja sydänlihasvaurioiden laajuutta kuvaavien merkkiaineiden pitoisuudet määritettiin verinäytteistä 24, 48 ja 72 h sydänpysähdyksen jälkeen. Kaikilta potilailta mitattiin aivojen happisaturaatiota sekä 4-kanavaista aivosähkökäyrää kahden ensimmäisen tehohoitovuorokauden ajan. Neurologinen toipuminen selvitettiin 6 kk tapahtuman jälkeen. Jälkikäteen suunnitellussa lisäanalyysissä selvitettiin, liittyikö verenpainetaso sydänlihasvaurion laajuuteen niillä elvytetyillä potilailla, joilla sydänpysähdyksen syy oli akuutti sydäninfarkti. Tätä varten yhdistimme oman tutkimuksemme tulokset toisen verenpainetason vaikutusta sydänpysähdyspotilaiden neurologiseen toipumiseen selvittäneen tutkimuksen tuloksiin. Elvytettyjen sydänpysähdyspotilaiden valtimoveren hiilidioksidi- ja happiosapaineen sekä verenpainetason tarkka säätely onnistui erinomaisesti. Mikään tutkituista interventioista ei kuitenkaan vaikuttanut aivo- tai sydänlihasvaurion laajuutta kuvaavien merkkiaineiden pitoisuuksiin tehohoidon aikana. Korkeampi happi- ja hiilidioksiditaso johti korkeampaan aivojen happisaturaatioon, mutta sillä ei ollut yhteyttä aivovaurion laajuuteen tai potilaiden neurologiseen ennusteeseen. Aivojen epileptisessä aktiivisuudessa tai potilaiden neurologisessa toipumisessa ei todettu tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja ryhmien välillä. Kammiovärinästä elvytetyillä akuutista sydäninfarktista kärsivillä potilailla korkeampi keskiverenpainetaso liittyi pienempään sydänlihasvaurioon ilman merkittäviä haittavaikutuksia

    IoT based Driver Drowsiness and Pothole Detection Alert System

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    One of the common in progressing countries is the maintenance of roads. Well maintained roads contribute a major portion to the country’s economy. Identification of pavement distress such as potholes and humps not only help drivers to avoid accidents or vehicle damages, but also helps authorities to maintain roads. This paper discusses various pothole detection methods that have been developed and proposes a simple and cost-effective solution to identify the potholes and humps on roads and provide timely alerts to drivers to avoid accidents or vehicle damages. Not only Potholes and humps are the main cause of accidents other than over speeding and drowsiness of driver includes the issue of accidents. Drowsy state may be caused by lack of sleep, medication, tiredness, drugs or driving continuously for long period of time. So, here is the solution for detecting the potholes and humps and to alert the driver from drowsiness while driving. In this paper, the system is structured to detect potholes and to alert the drowsy driver by using the ultrasonic sensor, eyeblink sensor and IR sensor and microcontroller. Ultrasonic sensor senses the humps, IR sensor senses the potholes and eye blink sensor the blinking of eye and this sensing signals fed into the Arduino to alert the driver by buzzer sound

    Multi-exon COL5A1 deletion in a child with classical Ehlers-Danlos syndrome : A case report expanding the allelic spectrum and showing evidence of parental gonosomal mosaicism

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    Classical Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (cEDS) is a rare inherited autosomal dominant connective tissue disorder with core clinical features including skin hyperextensibility, abnormal scarring, and generalized joint hypermobility. Classical EDS is predominantly caused by small pathogenic variants in the genes COL5A1 and COL5A2 and occasionally by a COL1A1 point mutation p.(Arg312Cys), while gross deletions or duplications are uncommon. Gonosomal mosaicism is thought to be exceedingly rare with only two cases reported in the literature. We report a child with cEDS due to a rare gross deletion of exons 2-65 in the COL5A1 gene, inherited from an unaffected mosaic father. The level of mosaicism in the father was approximately 43% in leucocyte cells and 30% in DNA extracted from skin. Our results expand the allelic spectrum of cEDS variants and suggest that parental mosaicism needs to be considered in patients with suspected cEDS, given its implication for genetic counseling.Peer reviewe