1,192 research outputs found

    Reflux und Essstörungen - "Ein Fall für Zwei"

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    The term erosion describes tooth wear caused by acids. Erosions can be a consequence of medical problems like gastroesophageal reflux disease or eating disorders which lead to a regular contact of gastric acid with teeth. These, so called intrinsic erosions occur in such typical locations within the dental arches that even in the absence of other symptoms gastric acid can be assumed to be the cause. Dental professionals may thus be the first to discover and diagnose the underlying medical problem. A good cooperation between the physician and the dentist is consequently necessary for a causal treatment of the patient. Parallel to the therapy of the underlying disease practical dental prophylactic measures like chewing gum und fluoride rinses are recommended

    Warum sollen sich praktizierende Ärzte für Zähne interessieren?

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    Foetor ex ore und Halitosis. Was steckt hinter dem Mundgeruch?

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    Rund jede vierte Person hat Mundgeruch. Dabei muss zwischen Foetor ex ore (90%, nur im Mundatem perzeptierbar) und Halitosis (10%, im Mund- und/oder Nasenatem feststellbar) unterschieden werden. Eine entsprechende Differentialdiagnose ist Voraussetzung fĂĽr die Kausaltherapie. Prophylaxe und Therapie basieren auf der mechanischen und chemischen Reduktion der Erreger

    Mundhygiene bei jungen Erwachsenen : gründlich und schonend Zähne bürsten

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    Compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of micropollutants in the environment — current developments and future challenges

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    Over the last decade, the occurrence of micropollutants in the environment has become a worldwide issue of increasing concern. Compound-specific stable-isotope analysis (CSIA) of natural isotopic abundance may greatly enhance the evaluation of sources and transformation processes of micropollutants, such as pesticides, personal care products or pharmaceuticals. We summarize recent advances from laboratory studies, review current limitations and analytical challenges associated with low concentrations and high polarity of micropollutants, and delineate the potential of micropolluant CSIA for field applications. We highlight future challenges and prospects regarding source apportionment, identification of biotic and abiotic transformation reactions on a mechanistic level, as well as integrative evaluation of degradation hot spots on the catchment scale. Such advances may feed into a framework for risk assessment of micropollutants that includes CSIA

    A daily reconstruction of historical weather to study past climate variability and impacts

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    Studying daily weather of the past can provide relevant insights into the decadal variability of weather events and climate impacts that are not resolved in current climate reconstructions. While monthly to seasonal reconstructions have been evaluated for the past several hundred years, the daily time scale has received little attention, mainly because the necessary data sets are scarce. In this thesis, a daily reconstruction of high-resolution (1x1 km²) temperature and precipitation fields from 1763 to 1960 is presented, that forms together with present-day fields a 258-year-long gridded data set for Switzerland (Chapter 2). Further, reconstructions for sea level pressure and temperature for several short periods in the late 18ᵗʰ and early 19ᵗʰ century for Europe are presented (Sect. 1.3 and Appendix A). These data sets allow for new analyses of daily weather and daily-based climate indices that were hitherto not possible. The meteorological fields were reconstructed using the Analogue Resampling Method (ARM) to generate a first guess of the meteorological fields, and subsequently improved by assimilating temperature and pressure observations and bias-correcting precipitation fields. For Switzerland, cross-validation results of the temperature reconstruction show good skill even for the very early periods before 1864, when observations were sparse. The reconstruction skill for precipitation is lower than for temperature, but wet days frequencies compare well to independent observations. Based on this gridded data set, we calculated climate indices and two phenological phases to evaluate spring weather over the 258-year-long period (Chapter 3). Although it receives less attention than winter and summer, the spring season is important because adverse weather conditions in spring delay plant growth, and late frosts can damage vegetation. Climate and phenological indices impressively depict the warming of the recent decades compared to the pre-industrial reference period 1871 to 1900. Cherry flowering, for example, advanced by up to 20 days in the Swiss Plateau since the pre-industrial reference period. In the 258-year-long series, the spring of 1785 stands out of the reconstruction with a mean temperature of only 4.10 °C and up to 30 days of frost registered in the Swiss Plateau. Further data sets and historical sources confirm that this was a record-breaking cold spring, with prolonged inversion conditions in the Swiss Plateau. Among the ten warmest summer half years in Switzerland, only one summer from the 20ᵗʰ century remains, the summer of 1947 (Chapter 4). It still ranks as the fifth warmest summer on record based on a time series for the Swiss Plateau since 1756. In some parts of Switzerland, precipitation deficits are still the lowest since 1864. The repeated occurrence of blocking anticyclones led to a total of five heat waves in some parts of Switzerland between May and September, contributing to the anomalously warm temperatures. The warm and dry conditions had severe consequences such as extensive glacier ice loss, drying out of lakes, and forest damage. If we compare the warm summers to their mean climatic state, the summer of 1947 was indeed as extreme as 2003. However, the summer of 2022, the second warmest summer on record, was a fairly normal summer compared to its mean climate. Compared to the summer temperatures expected by the end of the century (2070 - 2099), the record summers of 1947, 2003, and 2022 would only be fairly normal summers under an emissions reduction scenario (RCP2.6), and such summers would be exceptionally cold if no emissions reductions are achieved (RCP8.5)

    Essstörungen (II): Zahnmedizinische Aspekte

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    Patients suffering from eating disorders exhibit oral symptoms indicative to the otherwise concealed illness. The most striking features are the intrinsic erosions due to the regular surreptitious vomiting. They occur in very typical locations within the dental arches and have been termed "perimolysis". Dental professionals are often the first to discover and diagnose eating disorders by detecting perimolysis and consequently face the difficult task to motivate the patients--who often deny their illness--to seek psychiatric help and dental care. Such motivation must be done while respecting the patients' integrity and sense of self-worth. The primary goal of dental care is to preserve the remaining teeth and to prevent further erosive loss of dental hard tissue. The key elements of a dental preventive programme based on pathophysiologic grounds are to enhance local defence mechanisms, to offer chemical and mechanical protection and to diminish abrasive and erosive challenges. Dental restorative therapy must be part of a combined medical and dental treatment plan and should not be started before the eating disorder has been treated and the patients are considered to have stable prognosis. In view of the young age of the patients, the large extension of the erosive lesions and in order to avoid endodontological treatment of mostly sound pulps, non-invasive restorative concepts using adhesive technology should be preferably used. Prophylactic measures and restorative treatment are covered by health insurance (KGV; KLV 18c, 7) if the patients undergo psychiatric or similar adequate treatment

    The prevalence of approximal caries in patients after fixed orthodontic treatment and in untreated subjects: A retrospective, cross-sectional study on bitewing radiographs

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    Objective: The aim of this retrospective, cross-sectional study was to investigate the prevalence of approximal carious lesions in patients after fixed multibracket therapy and in subjects without orthodontics on bitewing radiographs. Material and methods: Bitewing radiographs of 104orthodontically treated patients with fixed multibracket appliances were compared to those of 111untreated subjects. The individuals in both groups were between 15 and 16.25years of age when radiographs were taken. The test group with orthodontics was recruited from the archive of the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Zürich. The untreated control group was selected randomly from 16communities in the Canton of Zürich. The approximal surfaces of the permanent premolars and molars of all subjects were assessed by two calibrated investigators. Results: The average number of enamel lesions in the test group after fixed orthodontic treatment was lower than in the control group (0.57 vs. 1.85, p < 0.001). The same was found for dentin lesions (0.06 vs. 0.49, p < 0.001). The distribution of lesions was similar in both groups. Conclusion: Fewer approximal carious lesions were detected in the test group after fixed multibracket appliances than in the age-matched control group without orthodontic treatmen

    Using molecular, isotopic, and spectroscopic analysis to assess natural organic matter sources and petroleum contaminants in water and sediment of the St. Lawrence Waterway (Quebec, Canada)

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    The St. Lawrence waterway is a dynamic aquatic system with inputs of organic matter (OM) originating from various terrestrial and marine sources, and a freshwater to saltwater gradient from the St. Lawrence River to the Gulf. The OM along this waterway is highly reworked in the water column, with a small fraction making its way into the sediments which acts as a long-term sink for organic matter. This waterway is also an important transportation route for numerous commodities, including petroleum and petroleum products. Our research involved the comprehensive mapping of the OM in the sediments and water column of the St. Lawrence River, Estuary, Gulf and the Saguenay Fjord. Water samples were collected along the River, Estuary, Gulf and Saguenay Fjord and parallel factor analysis was used to tease out various groups of fluorophores. In addition to the natural water samples collected along the St. Lawrence waterway, water samples containing UV irradiated petroleum products were included in the PARAFAC model to determine its efficiency at teasing out the components originating from natural OM from those linked to oil contamination. The PARAFAC analysis resulted in the identification of 6 components in our data set, with 4 components indicative of natural organic matter (3 terrestrial OM and one marine OM) and 2 representing oil components. With these findings, we were able to characterize groups of fluorophores along this transect and develop a ratio using 2 components (C4/C1) to differentiate oil contributions from natural OM in the water column. Similarly, surface sediments along the St. Lawrence Estuary, Gulf and Saguenay Fjord were collected and extracted to isolate the straight-chain n-alkanes to map the current abundances and sources of hydrocarbons in sediments of the Estuary and Gulf using molecular (diagnostic ratios) and isotopic fingerprinting (δ13C, δ2H). Variations in the carbon isotope signatures of odd-to-even straight chain alkanes allows for the differentiation of naturally occurring hydrocarbons from those of petroleum source, and the addition of hydrogen isotope signatures further increases our power of discrimination. Based on the diagnostic ratios alone, the OM sources were misrepresented and inaccurate when there was more than one input of OM. However, with the addition of the compound specific carbon and hydrogen isotope analysis, it was determined that n-alkanes were derived predominantly from natural sources. Additionally, we found that even numbered n-alkanes, which are less frequently analyzed due to their lower abundances in natural samples, would allow for the identification and tracking of petroleum-derived contaminants in sediments to a greater degree than molecular data alone. Analyzing both the possibility of oil contamination in the water column and sediments allows for the tracking of recent and long term impacts an oil spill would have along the St. Lawrence River, Estuary Gulf and Saguenay Fjord
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