943 research outputs found

    The Men And Women Of Gettysburg College: Class Of 1903

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    On Thursday September 7, 1899 a new school year (its sixty-eighth) began at Pennsylvania College in Gettysburg.1 Many students had arrived as early as that Sunday to begin settling into their rooms. Many of the forty-three new students2 had been accepted the previous June by passing a series of entrance exams in all of the applicable subject areas, especially the Classics. A number of others had waited and taken the exams as the school year started. Eighteen individuals were exempt from entrance exams because of their satisfactory work during the previous year at the attached preparatory school in Stevens Hall. These students were already familiar with the campus and with upperclassmen that they had come in contact with casually or through their attendance of and participation in various campus societies. In many ways these eighteen formed the core of the class of 1903 from entrance to graduation. Freshmen by and large came from the surrounding towns and counties in Pennsylvania and Maryland; four of the new men were from Gettysburg itself

    The trade-off between scope and precision in sustainability assessments of food systems

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    With sustainability becoming an increasingly important issue, several tools have been developed, promising to assess sustainability of farms and farming systems. However, looking closer at the scope, the level of assessment and the precision of indicators used for impact assessment we discern considerable differences between the sustainability impact assessment tools at hand. The aim of this paper is therefore to classify and analyse six different sustainability impact assessment tools with respect to the assessment level, the scope and the precision. From our analysis we can conclude that there is a trade-off between scope and precision of these tools. Thus one-size-fits-all solutions with respect to tool selection are rarely feasible. Furthermore, as the indicator selection determines the assessment results, different and inconsistent indicators could lead to contradicting and not comparable assessment results. To overcome this shortcoming, sustainability impact assessments should disclose the methodological approach as well as the indictor sets use and aim for harmonisation of assumptions

    Wolfhart Pannenberg: Reason, Hope and Transcendence

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    Sexual Politics on Behalf of LGBTIQ? : Re_Production of Heteronormativity in the German Debate about the Implementation of Sexual Diversity as a Topic in School

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    „Sexualpolitik im Sinne der LSBTTIQ“? Im Herbst 2013 wurde ein Arbeitspapier der baden-württembergischen Landesregierung öffentlich, aus dem die Absicht hervorging, ‚sexuelle Vielfalt‘ als Querschnittsthema in allen Unterrichtsfächern einzuführen. Dieses Vorhaben zog eine Reihe von Protesten nach sich: Fast 192.000 Bürger*innen unterzeichneten eine Petition gegen die geplante Bildungsplanreform. Von Februar 2014 bis Februar 2016 gingen regelmäßig Tausende auf die Straßen, um gegen „Genderideologie und die Sexualisierung unserer Kinder per Bildungsplan“ (Demo für alle 2014) zu demonstrieren. In diesem Beitrag analysiere ich sowohl das Arbeitspapier als auch die Petition aus einer diskursanalytischen Perspektive. Konkret arbeite ich heraus, wie Wissen über Geschlecht und Sexualität in den beiden Dokumenten re_produziert und transformiert wird. Es zeigt sich, dass sich die Petition einer eindeutig ‚antigenderistischen‘ Rhetorik bedient. Aber auch die LSBT*I*Q-Repräsentationen im Bildungsplanentwurf sind durchaus ambivalent. Beide Dokumente tragen trotz ihrer gegensätzlichen Intentionen zur Re_Produktion einer heteronormativen Ordnung bei

    Belonging to God: The Quest for A Communal Spirituality in the Postmodern World

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    Celebrating Eternity: Christian Worship as a Foretaste of Participation in the Triune God

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    Effects of Applied Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Native Grasslands in the Northern Great Plains

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    The majority of the grazing lands in the Northern Great Plains are native grasslands. In some areas profits derived from these grasslands may best be increased by complete renovation and reseeding. However, many of these grasslands can be improved by practices such as deferred grazing, interseedings, rotational grazing and fertilization. This study involves the evaluation of one of these practices, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. It is a study that is to provide basic information which can be used to determi.ne the economic feasibility of grassland fertilization. The purpose of this study was (1) to determine whether significant yield increases could be obtained from nitrogen fertilizer application on native grassland in the Northern Great Plains climate, (2) to determine the extent to which residual nitrogen increases yields in succeeding growing seasons, (3) to determine whether the application of a light rate of phosphorus could produce significant yield increases in soils that are very low in soil test phosphorus levels, (4) to determine the effects of date of nitrogen application on yield and ·(5) to determine the effects of various nitrogen and phosphorus levels and the effects of varying dates of nitrogen application on the content of protein phosphorus, calcium, magnesium: sulfur, potassium, and nitrates in the forage

    Culture and Spirit: The Role of Cultural Context in Theological Reflection

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