2,340 research outputs found

    Single-photon nonlinear optics with Kerr-type nanostructured materials

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    We employ a quantum theory of the nonlinear optical response from an actual solid-state material possessing an intrinsic bulk contribution to the third-order nonlinear susceptibility (Kerr-type nonlinearity), which can be arbitrarily nanostructured to achieve diffraction-limited electromagnetic field confinement. By calculating the zero-time delay second-order correlation of the cavity field, we set the conditions for using semiconductor or insulating materials with near-infrared energy gaps as efficient means to obtain single-photon nonlinear behavior in prospective solid-state integrated devices, alternative to ideal sources of quantum radiation such as, e.g., single two-level emitters.Comment: 5 pages, three figure

    Unconventional photon blockade in doubly resonant microcavities with second-order nonlinearity

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    It is shown that non-centrosymmetric materials with bulk second-order nonlinear susceptibility can be used to generate strongly antibunched radiation at an arbitrary wavelength, solely determined by the resonant behavior of suitably engineered coupled microcavities. The proposed scheme exploits the unconventional photon blockade of a coherent driving field at the input of a coupled cavity system, where one of the two cavities is engineered to resonate at both fundamental and second harmonic frequencies, respectively. Remarkably, the unconventional blockade mechanism occurs with reasonably low quality factors at both harmonics, and does not require a sharp doubly-resonant condition for the second cavity, thus proving its feasibility with current semiconductor technology

    Topological aspects in the photonic crystal analog of single-particle transport in quantum Hall systems

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    We present a perturbative approach to derive the semiclassical equations of motion for the two-dimensional electron dynamics under the simultaneous presence of static electric and magnetic fields, where the quantized Hall conductance is known to be directly related to the topological properties of translationally invariant magnetic Bloch bands. In close analogy to this approach, we develop a perturbative theory of two-dimensional photonic transport in gyrotropic photonic crystals to mimic the physics of quantum Hall systems. We show that a suitable permittivity grading of a gyrotropic photonic crystal is able to simulate the simultaneous presence of analog electric and magnetic field forces for photons, and we rigorously derive the topology-related term in the equation for the electromagnetic energy velocity that is formally equivalent to the electronic case. A possible experimental configuration is proposed to observe a bulk photonic analog to the quantum Hall physics in graded gyromagnetic photonic crystals.Comment: to be published in Phys Rev

    Probing physics students' conceptual knowledge structures through term association

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    Traditional tests are not effective tools for diagnosing the content and structure of students' knowledge of physics. As a possible alternative, a set of term-association tasks (the "ConMap" tasks) was developed to probe the interconnections within students' store of conceptual knowledge. The tasks have students respond spontaneously to a term or problem or topic area with a sequence of associated terms; the response terms and timeof- entry data are captured. The tasks were tried on introductory physics students, and preliminary investigations show that the tasks are capable of eliciting information about the stucture of their knowledge. Specifically, data gathered through the tasks is similar to that produced by a hand-drawn concept map task, has measures that correlate with inclass exam performance, and is sensitive to learning produced by topic coverage in class. Although the results are preliminary and only suggestive, the tasks warrant further study as student-knowledge assessment instruments and sources of experimental data for cognitive modeling efforts.Comment: 31 pages plus 2 tables and 8 figure

    Optimal antibunching in passive photonic devices based on coupled nonlinear resonators

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    We propose the use of weakly nonlinear passive materials for prospective applications in integrated quantum photonics. It is shown that strong enhancement of native optical nonlinearities by electromagnetic field confinement in photonic crystal resonators can lead to single-photon generation only exploiting the quantum interference of two coupled modes and the effect of photon blockade under resonant coherent driving. For realistic system parameters in state of the art microcavities, the efficiency of such single-photon source is theoretically characterized by means of the second-order correlation function at zero time delay as the main figure of merit, where major sources of loss and decoherence are taken into account within a standard master equation treatment. These results could stimulate the realization of integrated quantum photonic devices based on non-resonant material media, fully integrable with current semiconductor technology and matching the relevant telecom band operational wavelengths, as an alternative to single-photon nonlinear devices based on cavity-QED with artificial atoms or single atomic-like emitters.Comment: to appear in New J. Physic

    An all-silicon single-photon source by unconventional photon blockade

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    The lack of suitable quantum emitters in silicon and silicon-based materials has prevented the realization of room temperature, compact, stable, and integrated sources of single photons in a scalable on-chip architecture, so far. Current approaches rely on exploiting the enhanced optical nonlinearity of silicon through light confinement or slow-light propagation, and are based on parametric processes that typically require substantial input energy and spatial footprint to reach a reasonable output yield. Here we propose an alternative all-silicon device that employs a different paradigm, namely the interplay between quantum interference and the third-order intrinsic nonlinearity in a system of two coupled optical cavities. This unconventional photon blockade allows to produce antibunched radiation at extremely low input powers. We demonstrate a reliable protocol to operate this mechanism under pulsed optical excitation, as required for device applications, thus implementing a true single-photon source. We finally propose a state-of-art implementation in a standard silicon-based photonic crystal integrated circuit that outperforms existing parametric devices either in input power or footprint area.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + Supplementary information (3 pages, 2 figures

    Quantum theory of photonic crystal polaritons

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    We formulate a full quantum mechanical theory of the interaction between electromagnetic modes in photonic crystal slabs and quantum well excitons embedded in the photonic structure. We apply the formalism to a high index dielectric layer with a periodic patterning suspended in air. The strong coupling between electromagnetic modes lying above the cladding light line and exciton center of mass eigenfunctions manifests itself with the typical anticrossing behavior. The resulting band dispersion corresponds to the quasi-particles coming from the mixing of electromagnetic and material excitations, which we call photonic crystal polaritons. We compare the results obtained by using the quantum theory to variable angle reflectance spectra coming from a scattering matrix approach, and we find very good quantitative agreement.Comment: Proceedings of the "8th Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems" (OECS-8), 15-17 September 2003, Lecce (Italy

    A proposed study of multiple scattering through clouds up to 1 THz

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    A rigorous computation of the electromagnetic field scattered from an atmospheric liquid water cloud is proposed. The recent development of a fast recursive algorithm (Chew algorithm) for computing the fields scattered from numerous scatterers now makes a rigorous computation feasible. A method is presented for adapting this algorithm to a general case where there are an extremely large number of scatterers. It is also proposed to extend a new binary PAM channel coding technique (El-Khamy coding) to multiple levels with non-square pulse shapes. The Chew algorithm can be used to compute the transfer function of a cloud channel. Then the transfer function can be used to design an optimum El-Khamy code. In principle, these concepts can be applied directly to the realistic case of a time-varying cloud (adaptive channel coding and adaptive equalization). A brief review is included of some preliminary work on cloud dispersive effects on digital communication signals and on cloud liquid water spectra and correlations

    Visible quantum plasmonics from metallic nanodimers

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    We report theoretical evidence that bulk nonlinear materials weakly interacting with highly localized plasmonic modes in ultra-sub-wavelength metallic nanostructures can lead to nonlinear effects at the single plasmon level in the visible range. In particular, the two-plasmon interaction energy in such systems is numerically estimated to be comparable with the typical plasmon linewidths. Localized surface plasmons are thus predicted to exhibit a purely nonclassical behavior, which can be clearly identified by a sub-Poissonian second-order correlation in the signal scattered from the quantized plasmonic field under coherent electromagnetic excitation. We explicitly show that systems sensitive to single-plasmon scattering can be experimentally realized by combining electromagnetic confinement in the interstitial region of gold nanodimers with local infiltration or deposition of ordinary nonlinear materials. We also propose configurations that could allow to realistically detect such an effect with state-of-the-art technology, overcoming the limitations imposed by the short plasmonic lifetime
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