10,777 research outputs found

    Avoided level crossing spectroscopy with dressed matter waves

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    We devise a method for probing resonances of macroscopic matter waves in shaken optical lattices by monitoring their response to slow parameter changes, and show that such resonances can be disabled by particular choices of the driving amplitude. The theoretical analysis of this scheme reveals far-reaching analogies between dressed atoms and time-periodically forced matter waves.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Process chain approach to high-order perturbation calculus for quantum lattice models

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    A method based on Rayleigh-Schroedinger perturbation theory is developed that allows to obtain high-order series expansions for ground-state properties of quantum lattice models. The approach is capable of treating both lattice geometries of large spatial dimensionalities d and on-site degrees of freedom with large state space dimensionalities. It has recently been used to accurately compute the zero-temperature phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard model on a hypercubic lattice, up to arbitrary large filling and for d=2, 3 and greater [Teichmann et al., Phys. Rev. B 79, 100503(R) (2009)].Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Atomic quantum gases in periodically driven optical lattices

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    Time periodic forcing in the form of coherent radiation is a standard tool for the coherent manipulation of small quantum systems like single atoms. In the last years, periodic driving has more and more also been considered as a means for the coherent control of many-body systems. In particular, experiments with ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices subjected to periodic driving in the lower kilohertz regime have attracted a lot of attention. Milestones include the observation of dynamic localization, the dynamic control of the quantum phase transition between a bosonic superfluid and a Mott insulator, as well as the dynamic creation of strong artificial magnetic fields and topological band structures. This article reviews these recent experiments and their theoretical description. Moreover, fundamental properties of periodically driven many-body systems are discussed within the framework of Floquet theory, including heating, relaxation dynamics, anomalous topological edge states, and the response to slow parameter variations.Comment: Review, accepted for publication as Colloquium in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Does Signaling Work in Markets for Information Services? An Empirical Investigation for Insurance Intermediaries in Germany

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    Insurance intermediation services are information services which exhibit strong information asymmetries. We empirically analyze whether signaling works in the German market for insurance intermediation services. For this a signal must increase service quality and be easily identifiable by consumers so that it pays for intermediaries to spend the related costs. By using OLS and logit estimations we test whether intermediary type, reputational activities and a variety of signaling instruments work as credible signals. Our findings confirm the main hypotheses derived from signaling theory as to the poor working of market forces in markets for information services. Accordingly, public policy regulation is necessary to mitigate the resulting problems.signaling, insurance intermediation, information services

    Interband heating processes in a periodically driven optical lattice

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    We investigate multi-"photon" interband excitation processes in an optical lattice that is driven periodically in time by a modulation of the lattice depth. Assuming the system to be prepared in the lowest band, we compute the excitation spectrum numerically. Moreover, we estimate the effective coupling parameters for resonant interband excitation processes analytically, employing degenerate perturbation theory in Floquet space. We find that below a threshold driving strength, interband excitations are suppressed exponentially with respect to the inverse driving frequency. For sufficiently low frequencies, this leads to a rather sudden onset of interband heating, once the driving strength reaches the threshold. We argue that this behavior is rather generic and should also be found in lattice systems that are driven by other forms of periodic forcing. Our results are relevant for Floquet engineering, where a lattice system is driven periodically in time in order to endow it with novel properties like the emergence of a strong artificial magnetic field or a topological band structure. In this context, interband excitation processes correspond to detrimental heating.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    High-frequency approximation for periodically driven quantum systems from a Floquet-space perspective

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    We derive a systematic high-frequency expansion for the effective Hamiltonian and the micromotion operator of periodically driven quantum systems. Our approach is based on the block diagonalization of the quasienergy operator in the extended Floquet Hilbert space by means of degenerate perturbation theory. The final results are equivalent to those obtained within a different approach [Phys.\ Rev.\ A {\bf 68}, 013820 (2003), Phys.\ Rev.\ X {\bf 4}, 031027 (2014)] and can also be related to the Floquet-Magnus expansion [J.\ Phys.\ A {\bf 34}, 3379 (2000)]. We discuss that the dependence on the driving phase, which plagues the latter, can lead to artifactual symmetry breaking. The high-frequency approach is illustrated using the example of a periodically driven Hubbard model. Moreover, we discuss the nature of the approximation and its limitations for systems of many interacting particles.Comment: 48 pages, 7 figure

    The Quality of Insurance Intermediary Services - An Analysis of Conduct and Performance in the German Market of Insurance Intermediation

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    Based on a sample of 946 German insurance intermediaries, the factors that affect the quality of the information services provided by them are studied using OLS-estimations. Applying a search theoretical approach, we analyze the impact of supply and demand side variables on service quality. Besides, the working of signaling devices (like reputation, advertising or certificates) to reduce asymmetric information with respect to the service quality of insurance intermediaries is examined. The results obtained support the main hypotheses derived from industrial organization theories as to the poor working of quality competition under incomplete and asymmetric information on the side of consumers. Thus, public policy should concentrate on increasing transparency about intermediaries' (in-)dependence from insurance companies and improve consumers' financial literacy to raise the overall quality of the information services provided by insurance intermediaries.Performance of Insurance Distribution Systems, Information Quality

    Point patterns occurring on complex structures in space and space-time: An alternative network approach

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    This paper presents an alternative approach of analyzing possibly multitype point patterns in space and space-time that occur on network structures, and introduces several different graph-related intensity measures. The proposed formalism allows to control for processes on undirected, directional as well as partially directed network structures and is not restricted to linearity or circularity

    Orbital-driven melting of a bosonic Mott insulator in a shaken optical lattice

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    In order to study the interplay between localized and dispersive orbital states in a system of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice, we investigate the possibility to coherently couple the lowest two Bloch bands by means of resonant periodic forcing. Considering bosons in one dimension, it is shown that a strongly interacting Floquet system can be realized, where at every lattice site two (and only two) near-degenerate orbital states are relevant. By smoothly tuning both states into resonance we find that the system can undergo an orbital-driven Mott-insulator-to-superfluid transition. As an intriguing consequence of the kinetic frustration in the system, this transition can be either continuous or first-order, depending on parameters such as lattice depth and filling.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
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