2,378 research outputs found

    Eliminating Social Homelessness: Providing a Home to Grow

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    Middle school students who belong to marginalized identity groups often experience alienation and isolation. These feelings are compounded for multi-marginalized students who experience social homelessness–a term Harrison (2015) uses to describe students who appear to be accepted in one or more social categories but, because of his or her competing identities, is unable to fully participate in the life of the social group without hiding a part of his or her identity. In addition to this internalized struggle, emerging research indicates that socially homeless students are at an increased risk for bullying and academic failure. Inspired by the need to build homes for students experiencing social homelessness and our professional experiences with student alienation and underachievement, we created a school-wide house system to promote healthy peer relationships for middle grades students. This essay details the motivation and processes behind creating a school-wide house system that promotes a growth mindset and fosters a positive school culture that is inclusive of all students

    Politiques canadiennes de l’énergie et libre-échange – ou le sacrifice d’Iphigénie

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    This study looks into the federal government' s relinquishment of its 1980 energy policy known as the National Energy Programme. Such a sacrifice was made in the name of free trade between Canada and the U.S. Indeed, it is suggested that for the Conservatives, their deregulation of the energy industry for the sake of the economic integration of North America has served as the very proof of free trade. Hence also the end of the Foreign Investment Review Agency symbol of Canadian nationalism. For the free trade negotiations to be concluded, Ottawa needs to establish a common front with the provinces. This new context is in agreement with the "national reconciliation" policy extolled by the Tories soon after they came to power. In the name of a more decentralized Federation, they would surrender much in order to stimulate trade between the regions and the American market. This appears to them as the best way to boost the economy to a point which is already reached by our neighbours in the south. Thus the two projects, i.e. a complete redefinition of the energy policy and rapprochement with Washington, are being seen through simultaneously, in a spirit of compromise. In handing over to the provinces the administration of their off shore territories, and going as far even as to promote their traditional stance regarding the canadian energy policy, Alberta being a case in point, the government espouses a particular style of relationship with the industry. So as to bring Canada to par with current practices in the U.S., it brings forth its objective of "privatisation" which is in accordance with the neo-conservative credo: the subsidization of industry, deregulation, sharing out of the energy industry to the advantage of the private sector, the eventual privatization of Petro Canada. In this study, a first framework for analysis of those phenomena, with regard to the current negotiations between Canada and the US, is proposed

    Facteurs internes et politique étrangère : la contribution canadienne à une réserve stratégique nord-américaine de l'énergie

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    Cet article pose deux questions. D'abord, pourquoi et comment s'est opéré le virage d'une politique étrangère (libérale) et basée sur le principe de l'intégration nationale et territoriale accompagnée d'un effort de rayonnement international - la troisième voie -, vers une politique étrangère (conservatrice) d'inspiration pragmatique et commerciale, mise au service du rayonnement régional nord-américain ? Ensuite, quelle a été la place du secteur énergétique dans la mise en place du libre-échange nord-américain dans le cadre du traité canado-américain (ALÉ) de 1988, puis de l'Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALÉNA) de 1992 ? L'article fait ressortir l'importance des facteurs intérieurs dont la prééminence des traditions « privatisantes » qui triomphaient en Alberta et au Québec (provinces productrices) de même que le débat très vif qui se fait jour, surtout en Ontario (province consommatrice), et menace de renverser les Conservateurs en 1988. Aussi, le rôle de la réserve stratégique de l'énergie comme outil d'intéressement des États-Unis au principe de libre-échange, élément qui fut habilement utilisé par le Canada dans la nouvelle conjoncture, sera étudié. On y verra comment l'énergie devient le fer de lance de la stratégie d'exportation canadienne.This paper addresses two questions. First, why and how did a Canadian foreign policy based on the (Liberal) principle advocating territorial and national integration coupled with international outreach - the "Third Way" - turned into a (Conservative) pragmatic and commercial policy geared towards the North American regional market ? Second, what place did the energy sector occupy in the implementation of North American free trade both in the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 1988 (FTA) and the regional agreement of 1992 (NAFTA) ? This paper outlines the importance of domestic factors such as the prominence of "privatizing" traditions in Alberta and Québec (energy producer provinces), as well as the fiery debate that occurred mainly in Ontario (an energy consumer province), and which almost cost the Conservatives their re-election in 1988. Finally, the author explores the role of the strategic energy reserve as a tool for raising American interest in free trade - a tool Canada used skill fully. The paper demonstrates how energy became the spearhead of the Canadian export strategy
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