309 research outputs found

    Ur/Web: A Simple Model for Programming the Web

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    The World Wide Web has evolved gradually from a document delivery platform to an architecture for distributed programming. This largely unplanned evolution is apparent in the set of interconnected languages and protocols that any Web application must manage. This paper presents Ur/Web, a domain-specific, statically typed functional programming language with a much simpler model for programming modern Web applications. Ur/Web's model is unified, where programs in a single programming language are compiled to other "Web standards" languages as needed; modular, supporting novel kinds of encapsulation of Web-specific state; and exposes simple concurrency, where programmers can reason about distributed, multithreaded applications via a mix of transactions and cooperative preemption. We give a tutorial introduction to the main features of Ur/Web, formalize the basic programming model with operational semantics, and discuss the language implementation and the production Web applications that use it.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1217501

    Analysis of Research Approaches Integration in Marketing—Methodological and Empirical Aspects

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    In social studies, including marketing studies, proposals for applications of an integrated methodology appear, based on the so-called third methodological path, which is also referred to as the mixed methods. In the article, an attempt is made to outline the cognitive orientation in marketing and picture the ways of connecting approaches in the social sciences as the inspiration for marketing. The aim of the article is to propose a methodology of researching forms and degrees of methodological integration in marketing studies along with diagnosing the scale and forms of methodological integration in marketing studies. Studies of analyses on the application of integrated approaches in marketing research and the author’s own analysis have helped to determine that attempts to research along the third methodological path are being made, however, such studies are rare. Methodological integration is used most often as a research support for the positivist interpretative research

    Concrete Semantics with Coq and CoqHammer

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    The "Concrete Semantics" book gives an introduction to imperative programming languages accompanied by an Isabelle/HOL formalization. In this paper we discuss a re-formalization of the book using the Coq proof assistant. In order to achieve a similar brevity of the formal text we extensively use CoqHammer, as well as Coq Ltac-level automation. We compare the formalization efficiency, compactness, and the readability of the proof scripts originating from a Coq re-formalization of two chapters from the book

    Compositional Computational Reflection

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    Current work on computational reflection is single-minded; each reflective procedure is written with a specific application or scope in mind. Composition of these reflective procedures is done by a proof- generating tactic language such as Ltac. This composition, however, comes at the cost of both larger proof terms and redundant preprocessing. In this work, we propose a methodology for writing composable reflective procedures that solve many small tasks in a single invocation. The key technical insights are techniques for reasoning semantically about extensible syntax in intensional type theory. Our techniques make it possible to compose sound procedures and write generic procedures parametrized by lemmas mimicking Coq’s support for hint databases.Engineering and Applied Science

    Electronic Motion in The Slovak Republic

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    The analysis contains description of legal frame for electronic motion in the Slovak Republic underlining approach of public authorities to citizens through use of electronic means of communication. The analysis contains description of contemporary situation with regards to use of electronic motion in the area of commercial/company’s register, tax administration, social and health insurance. The analysis contains practical issues on use of electronic motion within commercial/company’s register

    Legal Framework of e-Government and e-Justice

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    Legal Framework of e-Government and e-Justic