654 research outputs found

    Expansions of one density via polynomials orthogonal with respect to the other

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    We expand the Chebyshev polynomials and some of its linear combination in linear combinations of the q-Hermite, the Rogers (q-utraspherical) and the Al-Salam--Chihara polynomials and vice versa. We use these expansions to obtain expansions of some densities, including q-Normal and some related to it, in infinite series constructed of the products of the other density times polynomials orthogonal to it, allowing deeper analysis and discovering new properties. On the way we find an easy proof of expansion of the Poisson--Mehler kernel as well as its reciprocal. We also formulate simple rule relating one set of orthogonal polynomials to the other given the properties of the ratio of the respective densities of measures orthogonalizing these polynomials sets

    Separation of the largest eigenvalues in eigenanalysis of genotype data from discrete subpopulations

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    We present a mathematical model, and the corresponding mathematical analysis, that justifies and quantifies the use of principal component analysis of biallelic genetic marker data for a set of individuals to detect the number of subpopulations represented in the data. We indicate that the power of the technique relies more on the number of individuals genotyped than on the number of markers.Comment: Corrected typos in Section 3.1 (M=120, N=2500) and proof of Lemma

    Markov processes with free Meixner laws

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    We study a time-non-homogeneous Markov process which arose from free probability, and which also appeared in the study of stochastic processes with linear regressions and quadratic conditional variances. Our main result is the explicit expression for the generator of the (non-homogeneous) transition operator acting on functions that extend analytically to complex domain. The paper is self-contained and does not use free probability techniques

    Stationary Markov chains with linear regressions

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    In a previous paper we determined one dimensional distributions of a stationary field with linear regressions and quadratic conditional variances under a linear constraint on the coefficients of the quadratic expression. In this paper we show that for stationary Markov chains with linear regressions and quadratic conditional variances the coefficients of the quadratic expression are indeed tied by a linear constraint which can take only one of the two alternative forms

    Compound real Wishart and q-Wishart matrices

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    We introduce a family of matrices with non-commutative entries that generalize the classical real Wishart matrices. With the help of the Brauer product, we derive a non-asymptotic expression for the moments of traces of monomials in such matrices; the expression is quite similar to the formula derived in our previous work for independent complex Wishart matrices. We then analyze the fluctuations about the Marchenko-Pastur law. We show that after centering by the mean, traces of real symmetric polynomials in q-Wishart matrices converge in distribution, and we identify the asymptotic law as the normal law when q=1, and as the semicircle law when q=0

    Conditional moments of q-Meixner processes

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    We show that stochastic processes with linear conditional expectations and quadratic conditional variances are Markov, and their transition probabilities are related to a three-parameter family of orthogonal polynomials which generalize the Meixner polynomials. Special cases of these processes are known to arise from the non-commutative generalizations of the Levy processes.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages. Corrections to published version affect formulas in Theorem 4.
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