4,243 research outputs found

    A numerical exploration of Miranda's dynamical history

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    The Uranian satellite Miranda presents a high inclination (4.338{\deg}) and evidences of resurfacing. It is accepted since 20 years (e.g. Tittemore and Wisdom 1989, Malhotra and Dermott 1990) that this inclination is due to the past trapping into the 3:1 resonance with Umbriel. These last years there is a renewal of interest for the Uranian system since the Hubble Space Telescope permitted the detection of an inner system of rings and small embedded satellites, their dynamics being of course ruled by the main satellites. For this reason, we here propose to revisit the long-term dynamics of Miranda, using modern tools like intensive computing facilities and new chaos indicators (MEGNO and frequency map analysis). As in the previous studies, we find the resonance responsible for the inclination of Miranda and the secondary resonances associated, likely to have stopped the rise of Miranda's inclination at 4.5{\deg}. Moreover, we get other trajectories in which this inclination reaches 7{\deg}. We also propose an analytical study of the secondary resonances associated, based on the study by Moons and Henrard (1993).Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Multi-criteria scheduling of pipeline workflows

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    Mapping workflow applications onto parallel platforms is a challenging problem, even for simple application patterns such as pipeline graphs. Several antagonist criteria should be optimized, such as throughput and latency (or a combination). In this paper, we study the complexity of the bi-criteria mapping problem for pipeline graphs on communication homogeneous platforms. In particular, we assess the complexity of the well-known chains-to-chains problem for different-speed processors, which turns out to be NP-hard. We provide several efficient polynomial bi-criteria heuristics, and their relative performance is evaluated through extensive simulations

    Using eSkel to Implement the Multiple Baseline Stereo Application

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    We give an overview of the Edinburgh Skeleton Library eSkel, a structured parallel programming library which offers a range of skeletal parallel programming constructs to the C/MPI programmer. Then we illustrate the efficacy of such a high level approach through an application of multiple baseline stereo. We describe the application and show different ways to introduce parallelism using algorithmic skeletons. Some performance results will be reported

    Reclaiming the energy of a schedule: models and algorithms

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    We consider a task graph to be executed on a set of processors. We assume that the mapping is given, say by an ordered list of tasks to execute on each processor, and we aim at optimizing the energy consumption while enforcing a prescribed bound on the execution time. While it is not possible to change the allocation of a task, it is possible to change its speed. Rather than using a local approach such as backfilling, we consider the problem as a whole and study the impact of several speed variation models on its complexity. For continuous speeds, we give a closed-form formula for trees and series-parallel graphs, and we cast the problem into a geometric programming problem for general directed acyclic graphs. We show that the classical dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) model with discrete modes leads to a NP-complete problem, even if the modes are regularly distributed (an important particular case in practice, which we analyze as the incremental model). On the contrary, the VDD-hopping model leads to a polynomial solution. Finally, we provide an approximation algorithm for the incremental model, which we extend for the general DVFS model.Comment: A two-page extended abstract of this work appeared as a short presentation in SPAA'2011, while the long version has been accepted for publication in "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

    Data Assimilation for hyperbolic conservation laws. A Luenberger observer approach based on a kinetic description

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    Developing robust data assimilation methods for hyperbolic conservation laws is a challenging subject. Those PDEs indeed show no dissipation effects and the input of additional information in the model equations may introduce errors that propagate and create shocks. We propose a new approach based on the kinetic description of the conservation law. A kinetic equation is a first order partial differential equation in which the advection velocity is a free variable. In certain cases, it is possible to prove that the nonlinear conservation law is equivalent to a linear kinetic equation. Hence, data assimilation is carried out at the kinetic level, using a Luenberger observer also known as the nudging strategy in data assimilation. Assimilation then resumes to the handling of a BGK type equation. The advantage of this framework is that we deal with a single "linear" equation instead of a nonlinear system and it is easy to recover the macroscopic variables. The study is divided into several steps and essentially based on functional analysis techniques. First we prove the convergence of the model towards the data in case of complete observations in space and time. Second, we analyze the case of partial and noisy observations. To conclude, we validate our method with numerical results on Burgers equation and emphasize the advantages of this method with the more complex Saint-Venant system
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