142 research outputs found

    Body mass index related electrocardiographic findings in healthy young individuals with a normal body mass index

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    IntroductionAn increased body mass index (BMI) (>25 kg/m2) is associated with a wide range of electrocardiographic changes. However, the association between electrocardiographic changes and BMI in healthy young individuals with a normal BMI (18.5–25 kg/m2) is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between BMI and electrocardiographic parameters.MethodsData from 1,290 volunteers aged 18 to 30 years collected at our centre were analysed. Only subjects considered healthy by a physician after review of collected data with a normal BMI and in sinus rhythm were included in the analysis. Subjects with a normal BMI (18.5–25 kg/m2) were divided into BMI quartiles analysis and a backward multivariate regression analysis with a normal BMI as a continuous variable was performed.ResultsMean age was 22.7 ± 3.0 years, mean BMI was 22.0, and 73.4% were male. There were significant differences between the BMI quartiles in terms of maximum P-wave duration, P-wave balance, total P-wave area in lead V1, PR-interval duration, and heart axis. In the multivariate model maximum P-wave duration (standardised coefficient (SC) = +0.112, P P-wave balance in lead V1 (SC = +0.072, P P P ConclusionIncreased BMI was related with discrete electrocardiographic alterations including an increased P-wave duration, increased P-wave balance, a leftward shift of the heart axis, and decreased Sokolow-Lyon voltage on a standard twelve lead electrocardiogram in healthy young individuals with a normal BMI.Medicinal Chemistr

    Structure–Activity Relationship Studies of α-Ketoamides as Inhibitors of the Phospholipase A and Acyltransferase Enzyme Family

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    The phospholipase A and acyltransferase (PLAAT) family of cysteine hydrolases consists of five members, which are involved in the Ca2+-independent production of N-acylphosphatidylethanolamines (NAPEs). NAPEs are lipid precursors for bioactive N-acylethanolamines (NAEs) that are involved in various physiological processes such as food intake, pain, inflammation, stress, and anxiety. Recently, we identified alpha-ketoamides as the first pan-active PLAAT inhibitor scaffold that reduced arachidonic acid levels in PLAAT3-overexpressing U2OS cells and in HepG2 cells. Here, we report the structure-activity relationships of the alpha-ketoamide series using activity-based protein profiling. This led to the identification of LEI-301, a nanomolar potent inhibitor for the PLAAT family members. LEI-301 reduced the NAE levels, including anandamide, in cells overexpressing PLAAT2 or PLAAT5. Collectively, LEI-301 may help to dissect the physiological role of the PLAATs

    Increased wintertime European atmospheric blocking frequencies in General Circulation Models with an eddy-permitting ocean

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    Midlatitude atmospheric blocking events are important drivers of long-lasting extreme weather conditions at regional to continental scales. However, modern climate models consistently underestimate their frequency of occurrence compared to observations, casting doubt on future projections of climate extremes. Using the prominent and largely underestimated winter blocking events in Europe as a test case, this study first introduces a spatio-temporal approach to study blocking activity based on a clustering technique, allowing to assess models’ ability to simulate both realistic frequencies and locations of blocking events. A sensitivity analysis from an ensemble of 49 simulations from 24 coupled climate models shows that the presence of a mesoscale eddy-permitting ocean model increases the realism of simulated blocking events for almost all types of patterns clustered from observations. This finding is further explained and supported by concomitant reductions in well-documented biases in Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current positions, as well as in the midlatitude jet stream variability

    Ocean model resolution dependence of Caribbean sea-level projections

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    Abstract Sea-level rise poses severe threats to coastal and low-lying regions around the world, by exacerbating coastal erosion and flooding. Adequate sea-level projections over the next decades are important for both decision making and for the development of successful adaptation strategies in these coastal and low-lying regions to climate change. Ocean components of climate models used in the most recent sea-level projections do not explicitly resolve ocean mesoscale processes. Only a few effects of these mesoscale processes are represented in these models, which leads to errors in the simulated properties of the ocean circulation that affect sea-level projections. Using the Caribbean Sea as an example region, we demonstrate a strong dependence of future sea-level change on ocean model resolution in simulations with a global climate model. The results indicate that, at least for the Caribbean Sea, adequate regional projections of sea-level change can only be obtained with ocean models which capture mesoscale processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Tropical biogeomorphic seagrass landscapes for coastal protection:Persistence and wave attenuation during major storms events

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    The intensity of major storm events generated within the Atlantic Basin is projected to rise with the warming of the oceans, which is likely to exacerbate coastal erosion. Nature-based flood defence has been proposed as a sustainable and effective solution to protect coastlines. However, the ability of natural ecosystems to withstand major storms like tropical hurricanes has yet to be thoroughly tested. Seagrass meadows both stabilise sediment and attenuate waves, providing effective coastal protection services for sandy beaches. To examine the tolerance of Caribbean seagrass meadows to extreme storm events, and to investigate the extent of protection they deliver to beaches, we employed a combination of field surveys, biomechanical measurements and wave modelling simulations. Field surveys of sea- grass meadows before and after a direct hit by the category 5 Hurricane Irma documented that estab- lished seagrass meadows of Thalassia testudinum re- mained unaltered after the extreme storm event. The flexible leaves and thalli of seagrass and calci- fying macroalgae inhabiting the meadows were shown to sustain the wave forces that they are likely to experience during hurricanes. In addition, the seagrass canopy and the complex biogeomorphic landscape built by the seagrass meadows combine to significantly dissipate extreme wave forces, ensuring that erosion is minimised within sandy beach fore- shores. The persistence of the Caribbean seagrass meadows and their coastal protection services dur- ing extreme storm events ensures that a stable coastal ecosystem and beach foreshore is maintained in tropical regions

    Chemical genetics strategy to profile kinase target engagement reveals role of FES in neutrophil phagocytosis

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    Chemical tools to monitor drug-target engagement of endogenously expressed protein kinases are highly desirable for preclinical target validation in drug discovery. Here, we describe a chemical genetics strategy to selectively study target engagement of endogenous kinases. By substituting a serine residue into cysteine at the DFG-1 position in the ATP-binding pocket, we sensitize the non-receptor tyrosine kinase FES towards covalent labeling by a complementary fluorescent chemical probe. This mutation is introduced in the endogenous FES gene of HL-60 cells using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing. Leveraging the temporal and acute control offered by our strategy, we show that FES activity is dispensable for differentiation of HL-60 cells towards macrophages. Instead, FES plays a key role in neutrophil phagocytosis via SYK kinase activation. This chemical genetics strategy holds promise as a target validation method for kinases.Medicinal Chemistr

    LiMeS-Lab:An Integrated Laboratory for the Development of Liquid–Metal Shield Technologies for Fusion Reactors

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    The liquid metal shield laboratory (LiMeS-Lab) will provide the infrastructure to develop, test, and compare liquid metal divertor designs for future fusion reactors. The main research topics of LiMeS-lab will be liquid metal interactions with the substrate material of the divertor, the continuous circulation and capillary refilling of the liquid metal during intense plasma heat loading and the retention of plasma particles in the liquid metal. To facilitate the research, four new devices are in development at the Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research and the Eindhoven University of Technology: LiMeS-AM: a custom metal 3D printer based on powder bed fusion; LiMeS-Wetting, a plasma device to study the wetting of liquid metals on various substrates with different surface treatments; LiMeS-PSI, a linear plasma generator specifically adapted to operate continuous liquid metal loops. Special diagnostic protection will also be implemented to perform measurements in long duration shots without being affected by the liquid metal vapor; LiMeS-TDS, a thermal desorption spectroscopy system to characterize deuterium retention in a metal vapor environment. Each of these devices has specific challenges due to the presence and deposition of metal vapors that need to be addressed in order to function. In this paper, an overview of LiMeS-Lab will be given and the conceptual designs of the last three devices will be presented.</p

    The protective gene dose effect of the APOE ε2 allele on gray matter volume in cognitively unimpaired individuals

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    INTRODUCTION: Harboring two copies of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε2 allele strongly protects against Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the effect of this genotype on gray matter (GM) volume in cognitively unimpaired individuals has not yet been described. METHODS: Multicenter brain magnetic resonance images (MRIs) from cognitively unimpaired ε2 homozygotes were matched (1:1) against all other APOE genotypes for relevant confounders (n = 223). GM volumes of ε2 genotypic groups were compared to each other and to the reference group (APOE ε3/ε3). RESULTS: Carrying at least one ε2 allele was associated with larger GM volumes in brain areas typically affected by AD and also in areas associated with cognitive resilience. APOE ε2 homozygotes, but not APOE ε2 heterozygotes, showed larger GM volumes in areas related to successful aging. DISCUSSION: In addition to the known resistance against amyloid-β deposition, the larger GM volumes in key brain regions may confer APOE ε2 homozygotes additional protection against AD-related cognitive decline
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