17 research outputs found

    Controllable Text Generation for All Ages : Evaluating a Plug-and-Play Approach to Age-Adapted Dialogue

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    Funding Information: We would like to thank the four anonymous GEM reviewers for their valuable feedback and the participants of our crowdsourcing experiments. The work received funding from the University of Amsterdam’s Research Priority Area Human(e) AI and from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 819455).Publisher PD

    Media generations and their advertising attitudes and avoidance

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    This cross-national survey (N = 5784) examined generational differences in media use, advertising attitudes and avoidance for five media (websites, social media, mobile phones, television, newspapers) in six countries (Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, France, and the Netherlands). The results showed that the net generation and the newspaper generation, but not the TV generation, were clearly distinct in the frequency of their media use in all six countries. For advertising attitudes, generational patterns were visible, however, neither for all media nor in all countries. When generational differences did occur, the net generation was on the positive end, whereas the newspaper generation was usually the most negative. For advertising avoidance, generational patterns were less present and consistent. The findings point out interesting directions for future research. Practical implications for advertisers and media planners are discussed

    Definition, conceptualisation and measurement of trust

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    This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 21381 "Conversational Agent as Trustworthy Autonomous System (Trust-CA)". First, we present the abstracts of the talks delivered by the Seminar’s attendees. Then we report on the origin and process of our six breakout (working) groups. For each group, we describe its contributors, goals and key questions, key insights, and future research. The themes of the groups were derived from a pre-Seminar survey, which also led to a list of suggested readings for the topic of trust in conversational agents. The list is included in this report for references

    Van Frankenstein tot de Goede Moeder: de inzet van frames in de strategische communicatie over duurzaamheid

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    In deze bijdrage wordt onderzocht welke frames de stakeholders hanteren in het debat over duurzaamheid. De duurzaamheiddiscussie rondom landbouw en voeding in België dient daarbij als voorbeeld. Een kwalitatieve inhoudsanalyse van onder meer advertenties, brochures en krantenartikelen levert een overzicht op van zes dominante frames. Verder wordt besproken hoe de stakeholders de frames aanwenden. Hieruit blijkt dat geen van de frames exclusief toebehoort aan één stakeholder.status: publishe

    Sustainable food and agriculture: Stakeholder's frames

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    This paper’s primary objective is to acquire insight into the manner in which the principal stakeholders strategically use frames in their public communication about sustainable food and agriculture. A framing analysis of 578 communications revealed a repertory of six culturally embedded frames: the value of responsibility; the metaphor of the undermining-of-foundations; the story of Frankenstein; the myth that all that comes from nature is inherently good; the myth of progress; and the archetype of the Good Mother. The analysis also provided insight into how frames are deployed. It is discussed how frames are interrelated and how different stakeholders use similar frames to support sometimes diametrically opposed interests.status: publishe

    Older adults' television viewing from a life-span perspective: past research and future challenges

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    This chapter overviews research on older adults television viewing and discusses the assumptions and empirical findings in terms of a life-span perspective. The life-span perspective emphasizes that gains and losses jointly occur in later life. Selection and compensation constitute two central strategies in gerontological models of how people adapt to gains and losses. With regard to television viewing, selection means that people can choose television viewing over other activities for reaching goals in high-priority domains because television viewing is appropriate given environmental demands and individual motivations, skills, and capacities. Compensation means that people can use television viewing as a substitute for diminished abilities or activities. This chapter reviews available literature in three sections: time use, social functions, and content preferences. A large share of previous research on older adults television viewing appears to be biased toward compensation, whereas research in this field insufficiently considered selection strategies

    De rol van begrijpelijke taal in een digitale context : ontwikkelingen op de domeinen Leven Lang Leren, complexe financiële producten, bestuur en politiek, en gezondheid

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    Burgers krijgen in toenemende mate de verantwoordelijkheid voor hun eigen welvaren toebedeeld. Voor het nemen van die verantwoordelijkheid moeten ze kunnen beschikken over accurate, relevante en begrijpelijke informatie. De digitale revolutie heeft geleid tot grote veranderingen in de omvang en vorm van informatievoorziening. Om de toekomstige ontwikkelingen en de rol van begrijpelijke taal bij die informatievoorziening in kaart te brengen, zijn interviews gehouden met informanten uit verschillende domeinen. Daarbij kwamen de volgende hoofdlijnen naar voren. De enorme toename van het informatieaanbod vergroot de kans dat er relevante informatie beschikbaar is, maar verkleint de kans om die daadwerkelijk te vinden. Behalve onbegrijpelijke taal vormt ook het gebrek aan motivatie een probleem. Daarnaast is er nog te weinig kennis over hoe verschillende modaliteiten het beste gecombineerd kunnen worden voor een optimale informatievoorziening. Juist die kennis zou van belang zijn om nu moeilijk te bereiken groepen op optimale wijze te informeren