299 research outputs found

    Experimental SARS and influenza: similar disease, different pathways

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    In humans, viral infections causing respiratory disease have been known for many years. Every now and then such viruses may cause epidemics involving large groups of people or even pandemics with spread across the world. At the end of last century and at the beginning of this century zoonotic viruses emerged that were of serious risk for the human population: severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by SARS coronavirus (CoV), highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus H5N1, and pandemic influenza virus A(H1N1)pdm09 (pH1N1). Both SARS-CoV and influenza A viruses cause respiratory disease that may lead to severe and even fatal cases of pneumonia. The course and outcome of the infections is related to their pathogenesis, which can be explored by describing and comparing pathology, virology, and genomics. Understanding the pathogenesis of SARS and influenza is valuable for development of therapeutic and preventive strategies. Since the pathology of acute human fatal cases in SARS and influenza is rarely described, there is a need for animal models to provide information about the early stage of the disease. Also, pathological description of human cases with uncomplicated viral pneumonia is sparse because patients have multiple therapeutic interventions and secondary co-infections that may alter the pathology. Interestingly, the pathology of SARS-CoV and influenza virus infections has similar features; however, there are also differences in disease outcome. This thesis focusses on the pathology of SARS-CoV and influenza A virus infections in experimental animals. The pathology of these virus infections in animals is compared to that in humans and is related to the pathogenesis. The animal species that are used in this thesis to study the pathology of SARS-CoV infection are; cynomolgus macaques, African Green monkeys, ferrets,

    Viral metagenomic analysis of feces of wild small carnivores

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    Background: Recent studies have clearly demonstrated the enormous virus diversity that exists among wild animals. This exemplifies the required expansion of our knowledge of the virus diversity present in wildlife, as well as the potential transmission of these viruses to domestic animals or humans. Methods: In the present study we evaluated the viral diversity of fecal samples (n = 42) collected from 10 different species of wild small carnivores inhabiting the northern part of Spain using random PCR in combination with next-generation sequencing. Samples were collected from American mink (Neovison vison), European mink (Mustela lutreola), European polecat (Mustela putorius), European pine marten (Martes martes), stone marten (Martes foina), Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) and Eurasian badger (Meles meles) of the family of Mustelidae; common genet (Genetta genetta) of the family of Viverridae; red fox (Vulpes vulpes) of the family of Canidae and European wild cat (Felis silvestris) of the family of Felidae. Results: A number of sequences of possible novel viruses or virus variants were detected, including a theilovirus, phleboviruses, an amdovirus, a kobuvirus and picobirnaviruses. Conclusions: Using random PCR in combination with next generation sequencing, sequences of various novel viruses or virus variants were detected in fecal samples collected from Spanish carnivores. Detected novel viruses highlight the viral diversity that is present in fecal material of wild carnivores

    Experimental Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Virus Infection of Cats

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    To demonstrate that pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus may cause respiratory disease in cats, we intratracheally infected cats. Diffuse alveolar damage developed. Seroconversion of sentinel cats indicated cat-to-cat virus transmission. Unlike in cats infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1), extrarespiratory lesions did not develop in cats infected with pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus

    Viral metagenomic analysis of feces of wild small carnivores

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    Background: Recent studies have clearly demonstrated the enormous virus diversity that exists among wild animals. This exemplifies the required expansion of our knowledge of the virus diversity present in wildlife, as well as the potential transmission of these viruses to domestic animals or humans. Methods: In the present study we evaluated the viral diversity of fecal samples (n = 42) collected from 10 different species of wild small carnivores inhabiting the northern part of Spain using random PCR in combination with next-generation sequencing. Samples were collected from American mink (Neovison vison), European mink (Mustela lutreola), European polecat (Mustela putorius), European pine marten (Martes martes), stone marten (Martes foina), Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) and Eurasian badger (Meles meles) of the family of Mustelidae; common genet (Genetta genetta) of the family of Viverridae; red fox (Vulpes vulpes) of the family of Canidae and European wild cat (Felis silvestris) of the family of Felidae. Results: A number of sequences of possible novel viruses or virus variants were detected, including a theilovirus, phleboviruses, an amdovirus, a kobuvirus and picobirnaviruses. Conclusions: Using random PCR in combination with next generation sequencing, sequences of various novel viruses or virus variants were detected in fecal samples collected from Spanish carnivores. Detected novel viruses highlight the viral diversity that is present in fecal material of wild carnivores.The authors would like to thank Peter van Run for excellent technical assistance. In addition, the authors wish to thank all the following researchers and institutions for their invaluable help during sampling and for providing the specimens used in this study, specially to Patricia Lizarraga, Ricardo Gutierrez, and Laura Elorza (Martioda Wildlife Rescue Centre-Alava Regional Council), Luis Javier Chueca (UPV-EHU), Asun Gomez (TRAGSATEC), Maddis Podra (European mink Association) and the technical staff and rangers from La Rioja Government and Alava regional council. We would like to thank also La Rioja Government (Agriculture, Livestock and Environmental Council. General Direction of Natural Environment. Nature Conservation and Planning Service) and Alava Regional Council (Department of Environment. Biodiversity Section) for providing the legal permissions required to develop this study. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007 -2013) under the project "European Management Platform for Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious disease Entities" (EMPERIE) EC grant agreement number 223498, the VIRGO Consortium and the Niedersachsen-Research Network on Neuroinfectiology (N-RENNT) of the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony. In addition, this research has been partially funded by the Basque Government through the Research group on "Systematics, Biogeography and Population Dynamics" (Ref. IT317-10; GIC10/76). A. Ruiz-Gonzalez holds a Post doc fellowship awarded by the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government (Ref. DKR-2012-64) and was awarded by a short visit Research grant from the ConGenOmics Research networking programme of the European Science Foundation (ESF) in order to visit the Department of Viroscience, Erasmus Medical Centre and develop the current research project

    MVA-based H5N1 vaccine affords cross-clade protection in mice against influenza A/H5N1 viruses at low doses and after single immunization.

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    Human infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses of the H5N1 subtype, frequently reported since 2003, result in high morbidity and mortality. It is feared that these viruses become pandemic, therefore the development of safe and effective vaccines is desirable. MVA-based H5N1 vaccines already proved to be effective when two immunizations with high doses were used. Dose-sparing strategies would increase the number of people that can be vaccinated when the amount of vaccine preparations that can be produced is limited. Furthermore, protective immunity is induced ideally after a single immunization. Therefore the minimal requirements for induction of protective immunity with a MVA-based H5N1 vaccine were assessed in mice. To this end, mice were vaccinated once or twice with descending doses of a recombinant MVA expressing the HA gene of influenza virus A/Vietnam/1194/04. The protective efficacy was determined after challenge infection with the homologous clade 1 virus and a heterologous virus derived from clade 2.1, A/Indonesia/5/05 by assessing weight loss, virus replication and histopathological changes. It was concluded that MVA-based vaccines allowed significant dose-sparing and afford cross-clade protection, also after a single immunization, which are favorable properties for an H5N1 vaccine candidate

    Influenza A viruses are transmitted via the air from the nasal respiratory epithelium of ferrets

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    Human influenza A viruses are known to be transmitted via the air from person to person. It is unknown from which anatomical site of the respiratory tract influenza A virus transmission occurs. Here, pairs of genetically tagged and untagged influenza A/H1N1, A/H3N2 and A/H5N1 viruses that are transmissible via the air are used to co-infect donor ferrets via the intranasal and intratracheal routes to cause an upper and lower respiratory tract infection, respectively. In all transmission cases, we observe that the viruses in the recipient ferrets are of the same genotype as the viruses inoculated intranasally, demonstrating that they are expelled from the upper respiratory tract of ferrets rather than from trachea or the lower airways. Moreover, influenza A viruses that are transmissible via the air preferentially infect ferret and human nasal respiratory epithelium. These results indicate that virus replication in the upper respiratory tract, the nasal respiratory epithelium in particular, of donors is a driver for transmission of influenza A viruses via the air

    Faeces as a novel material to estimate lyssavirus prevalence in bat populations

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    Rabies is caused by infection with a lyssavirus. Bat rabies is of concern for both public health and bat conservation. The current method for lyssavirus prevalence studies in bat populations is by oral swabbing, which is invasive for the bats, dangerous for handlers, time-consuming and expensive. In many situations, such sampling is not feasible, and hence, our understanding of epidemiology of bat rabies is limited. Faeces are usually easy to collect from bat colonies without disturbing the bats and thus could be a practical and feasible material for lyssavirus prevalence studies. To further explore this idea, we performed virological analysis on faecal pellets and oral swabs of seven serotine bats (Eptesicus serotinus) that were positive for European bat 1 lyssavirus in the brain. We also performed immunohistochemical and virological analyses on digestive tract samples of these bats to determine potential sources of lyssavirus in the faeces. We found that lyssavirus detection by RT-qPCR was nearly as sensitive in faecal pellets (6/7 bats positive, 86%) as in oral swabs (7/7 bats positive, 100%). The likely source of lyssavirus in the faeces was virus excreted into the oral cavity from the salivary glands (5/6 bats positive by immunohistochemistry and RT-qPCR) or tongue (3/4 bats positive by immunohistochemistry) and swallowed with saliva. Virus could not be isolated from any of the seven faecal pellets, suggesting the lyssavirus detected in faeces is not infectious. Lyssavirus detection in the majority of faecal pellets of infected bats shows that this novel material should be further explored for lyssavirus prevalence studies in bats

    Infection of ferrets with wild type-based recombinant canine distemper virus overwhelms the immune system and causes fatal systemic disease

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    Canine distemper virus (CDV) causes systemic infection resulting in severe and often fatal disease in a large spectrum of animal host species. The virus is closely related to measles virus and targets myeloid, lymphoid, and epithelial cells, but CDV is more virulent and the infection spreads more rapidly within the infected host. Here, we aimed to study the pathogenesis of wild-type CDV infection by experimentally inoculating ferrets with recombinant CDV (rCDV) based on an isolate directly obtained from a naturally infected raccoon. The recombinant virus was engineered to express a fluorescent reporter protein, facilitating assessment of viral tropism and virulence. In ferrets, this wild type-based rCDV infected myeloid, lymphoid, and epithelial cells, and the infection resulted in systemic dissemination to multiple tissues and organs, especially those of the lymphatic system. High infection percentages in immune cells resulted in depletion of these cells both from circulation and from lymphoid tissues. The majority of CDV-infected ferrets reached their humane endpoints within 20 d and had to be euthanized. In that period, the virus also reached the central nervous system in several ferrets, but we did not observe the development of neurological complications during the study period of 23 d. Two out of 14 ferrets survived CDV infection and developed neutralizing antibodies. We show for the first time the pathogenesis of a non-adapted wild type-based rCDV in ferrets. IMPORTANCE Infection of ferrets with recombinant canine distemper virus (rCDV) expressing a fluorescent reporter protein has been used as proxy to understand measles pathogenesis and immune suppression in humans. CDV and measles virus use the same cellular receptors, but CDV is more virulent, and infection is often associated with neurological complications. rCDV strains in current use have complicated passage histories, which may have affected their pathogenesis. Here, we studied the pathogenesis of the first wild type-based rCDV in ferrets. We used macroscopic fluorescence to identify infected cells and tissues; multicolor flow cytometry to determine viral tropism in immune cells; and histopathology and immunohistochemistry to characterize infected cells and lesions in tissues. We conclude that CDV often overwhelmed the immune system, resulting in viral dissemination to multiple tissues in the absence of a detectable neutralizing antibody response. This virus is a promising tool to study the pathogenesis of morbillivirus infections.</p

    Inoculation of raccoons with a wild-type-based recombinant canine distemper virus results in viremia, lymphopenia, fever, and widespread histological lesions

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    Raccoons are naturally susceptible to canine distemper virus (CDV) infection and can be a potential source of spill-over events. CDV is a highly contagious morbillivirus that infects multiple species of carnivores and omnivores, resulting in severe and often fatal disease. Here, we used a recombinant CDV (rCDV) based on a full-genome sequence detected in a naturally infected raccoon to perform pathogenesis studies in raccoons. Five raccoons were inoculated intratracheally with a recombinant virus engineered to express a fluorescentreporter protein, and extensive virological, serological, histological, and immunohistochemical assessments were performed at differenttime points post inoculation. rCDV-infected white blood cells were detected as early as 4 days post inoculation (dpi). Raccoon necropsies at 6 and 8 dpi revealed replication in the lymphoid tissues, preceding spread into peripheral tissues observed during necropsies at 21 dpi. Whereas lymphocytes, and to a lesser extent myeloid cells, were the main target cells of CDV at early time points, CDV additionally targeted epithelia at 21 dpi. At this later time point, CDV-infected cells were observed throughout the host. We observed lymphopenia and lymphocyte depletion from lymphoid tissues after CDV infection, in the absence of detectable CDV neutralizing antibodies and an impaired ability to clear CDV, indicating that the animals were severely immunosuppressed. The use of a wild-type-based recombinant virus in a natural host species infection study allowed systematic and sensitive assessment of antigen detection by immunohistochemistry, enabling further comparative pathology studies of CDV infection in differentspecies.</p
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