17,808 research outputs found


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    Current export base methods that calculate basic and non-basic employment are too restrictive because they fail to account for uncertainty involved in the process. This paper shows the assignment of industries as either basic or non-basic by the location quotient procedure does not consistently represent the data for Nevada counties. Using fuzzy set procedures and membership functions in conjunction with the location quotient allow more flexibility in terms of matching the data for each industry in the region of interest. Using fuzzy set procedures we determine the proportion of employment that is basic and non-basic in nine non-governmental industries.Labor and Human Capital,

    Frequency shift keying in vortex-based spin torque oscillators

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    Vortex-based spin-torque oscillators can be made from extended spin valves connected to an electrical nanocontact. We study the implementation of frequency shift keying modulation in these oscillators. Upon a square modulation of the current in the 10 MHz range, the vortex frequency follows the current command, with easy identification of the two swapping frequencies in the spectral measurements. The frequency distribution of the output power can be accounted for by convolution transformations of the dc current vortex waveform, and the current modulation. Modeling indicates that the frequency transitions are phase coherent and last less than 25 ns. Complementing the multi-octave tunability and first-class agility, the capability of frequency shift keying modulation is an additional milestone for the implementation of vortex-based oscillators in RF circuit.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Highly efficient room temperature spin injection in a metal-insulator-semiconductor light emitting diode

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    We demonstrate highly efficient spin injection at low and room temperature in an AlGaAs/GaAs semiconductor heterostructure from a CoFe/AlOx tunnel spin injector. We use a double-step oxide deposition for the fabrication of a pinhole-free AlOx tunnel barrier. The measurements of the circular polarization of the electroluminescence in the Oblique Hanle Effect geometry reveal injected spin polarizations of at least 24% at 80K and 12% at room temperature

    Agility of vortex-based nanocontact spin torque oscillators

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    We study the agility of current-tunable oscillators based on a magnetic vortex orbiting around a point contact in spin-valves. Theory predicts frequency-tuning by currents occurs at constant orbital radius, so an exceptional agility is anticipated. To test this, we have inserted an oscillator in a microwave interferometer to apply abrupt current variations while time resolving its emission. Using frequency shift keying, we show that the oscillator can switch between two stabilized frequencies differing by 25% in less than ten periods. With a wide frequency tunability and a good agility, such oscillators possess desirable figures of merit for modulation-based rf applications.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Voltage controlled spin injection in a (Ga,Mn)As/(Al,Ga)As Zener diode

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    The spin polarization of the electron current in a p-(Ga,Mn)As-n-(Al,Ga)As-Zener tunnel diode, which is embedded in a light-emitting diode, has been studied theoretically. A series of self-consistent simulations determines the charge distribution, the band bending, and the current-voltage characteristics for the entire structure. An empirical tight-binding model, together with the Landauer- Buttiker theory of coherent transport has been developed to study the current spin polarization. This dual approach allows to explain the experimentally observed high magnitude and strong bias dependence of the current spin polarization.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication

    Estimation of Dynamic Gaussian Processes

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    Gaussian processes provide a compact representation for modeling and estimating an unknown function, that can be updated as new measurements of the function are obtained. This paper extends this powerful framework to the case where the unknown function dynamically changes over time. Specifically, we assume that the function evolves according to an integro-difference equation and that the measurements are obtained locally in a spatial sense. In this setting, we will provide the expressions for the conditional mean and covariance of the process given the measurements, which results in a generalized estimation framework, for which we coined the term Dynamic Gaussian Process (DGP) estimation. This new framework generalizes both Gaussian process regression and Kalman filtering. For a broad class of kernels, described by a set of basis functions, fast implementations are provided. We illustrate the results on a numerical example, demonstrating that the method can accurately estimate an evolving continuous function, even in the presence of noisy measurements and disturbances.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be presented at 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2023, Singapore, Singapor

    Seculiere intolerantie: Morele progressiviteit en afwijzing van de islam in Nederland

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    Terwijl Nederland bekendstaat als baken van tolerantie, wordt er de laatste jaren opvallend veel kritiek geuit op de islam. Bovendien hanteren islamkritische opinie- leiders hierbij een discours waarbij progressieve waarden centraal staan. Dit roept de vraag op hoe morele progressiviteit en afwijzing van de islam met elkaar verbon- den zijn onder de bredere bevolking. En hoe verhoudt een op progressieve waarden gebaseerde verwerping van de islam zich tot

    A Search for the Near-Infrared Counterpart to GCRT J1745-3009

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    We present an optical/near-infrared search for a counterpart to the perplexing radio transient GCRT J1745-3009, a source located ~1 degree from the Galactic Center. Motivated by some similarities to radio bursts from nearby ultracool dwarfs, and by a distance upper limit of 70 pc for the emission to not violate the 1e12 K brightness temperature limit for incoherent radiation, we searched for a nearby star at the position of GCRT J1745-3009. We found only a single marginal candidate, limiting the presence of any late-type star to >1 kpc (spectral types earlier than M9), >200 pc (spectral types L and T0-T4), and >100 pc (spectral types T4-T7), thus severely restricting the possible local counterparts to GCRT J1745-3009. We also exclude any white dwarf within 1 kpc or a supergiant star out to the distance of the Galactic Center as possible counterparts. This implies that GCRT J1745-3009 likely requires a coherent emission process, although whether or not it reflects a new class of sources is unclear.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Electrical Spin Injection in a Ferromagnetic / Tunnel Barrier/ Semiconductor Heterostructure

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    We demonstrate experimentally the electrical ballistic electron spin injection from a ferromagnetic metal / tunnel barrier contact into a semiconductor III-V heterostructure. We introduce the Oblique Hanle Effect technique for reliable optical measurement of the degree of injected spin polarization. In a CoFe / Al2O3 / GaAs / (Al,Ga)As heterostructure we observed injected spin polarization in excess of 8 % at 80K.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
