51 research outputs found

    Attentional Bias for Pain and Sex, and Automatic Appraisals of Sexual Penetration:Differential Patterns in Dyspareunia vs Vaginismus?

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    Introduction: Current information processing models propose that heightened attention bias for sex-related threats (eg, pain) and lowered automatic incentive processes ("wanting") may play an important role in the impairment of sexual arousal and the development of sexual dysfunctions such as genitopelvic pain/penetration disorder (GPPPD). Differential threat and incentive processing may also help explain the stronger persistence of coital avoidance in women with vaginismus compared to women with dyspareunia.Aims: As the first aim, we tested if women with GPPPD show (1) heightened attention for pain and sex, and (2) heightened threat and lower incentive associations with sexual penetration. Second, we examined whether the stronger persistence of coital avoidance in vaginismus vs dyspareunia might be explained by a stronger attentional bias or more dysfunctional automatic threat/incentive associations.Methods: Women with lifelong vaginismus (n = 37), dyspareunia (n = 29), and a no-symptoms comparison group (n = 51) completed a visual search task to assess attentional bias, and single target implicit-association tests to measure automatic sex-threat and sex-wanting associations.Results: There were no group differences in attentional bias or automatic associations. Correlational analysis showed that slowed detection of sex stimuli and stronger automatic threat associations were related to lowered sexual arousal.Conclusion: The findings do not corroborate the view that attentional bias for pain or sex contributes to coital pain, or that differences in coital avoidance may be explained by differences in attentional bias or automatic threat/incentive associations. However, the correlational findings are consistent with the view that automatic threat associations and impaired attention for sex stimuli may interfere with the generation of sexual arousal. Copyright (C) 2016, International Society for Sexual Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.</p

    A nurse-led sexual rehabilitation intervention after radiotherapy for gynecological cancer

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    Purpose: Although vaginal dilator use after combined pelvic radiation therapy and brachytherapy (RT/BT) is recommended to prevent vaginal shortening and stenosis, women fail to use them and experience sexual problems. A nurse-led sexual rehabilitation intervention targeting sexual recovery and vaginal dilatation was developed. Its feasibility was investigated during a prospective, longitudinal, observational pilot study. Methods: Four oncology nurses were specifically trained to conduct the intervention. Gynecologic cancer patients treated with RT/BT were assessed using (i) questionnaires on frequency of dilator use (monthly), sexual functioning, and sexual distress (at baseline and 1, 6, and 12 months) and psychological and relational distress (at 1, 6, and 12 months); (ii) semi-structured interviews (between 6 and 12 months); and (iii) consultation recordings (a random selection of 21 % of all consults). Results: Twenty participants were 26–71 years old (mean = 40). Eight participants discontinued participation after 3 to 9 months. At 6 months after RT, 14 out of 16 (88 %), and at 12 months 9 out of 12 (75 %), participants dilated regularly, either by having sexual intercourse or by using dilators. Sexual functioning improved between 1 and 6 months after RT, with further improvement at 12 months. Most participants reported that the intervention was helpful and the nurses reported having sufficient expertise and counseling skills. Conclusions: According to the pilot results, the intervention was feasible and promising for sexual rehabilitation and regular dilator use after RT. Its (cost-)effectiveness will be investigated in a randomized controlled trial

    Automatic and Deliberate Affective Associations with Sexual Stimuli in Women with Superficial Dyspareunia

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    Current views suggest that in women with superficial dyspareunia the prospect of penile–vaginal intercourse automatically activates fear-related associations. The automatic activation of negative associations is assumed to interfere with the development of sexual arousal. In turn, this may further aggravate the dyspareunia-related complaints. To assess whether automatic negative associations are involved in this sexual pain disorder, women with superficial dyspareunia (n = 35) and a control group (n = 35) completed a modified pictorial Affective Simon Task (AST). Questioning the role of dysfunctional automatic associations in superficial dyspareunia, the AST indicated that symptomatic women displayed relatively positive rather than negative automatic associations with sexual stimuli. At the self-report level, however, affective associations with sex cues were significantly more negative for women with dyspareunia than for controls. This discrepancy between “reflective” and “reflexive” affective associations with sexual stimuli in women with dyspareunia points to the relevance of conscious appraisal and deliberate rather than automatic processes in the onset and maintenance of dyspareunia

    Values clarification in a decision aid about fertility preservation: does it add to information provision?

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    Background We aimed to evaluate the effect of a decision aid (DA) with information only compared to a DA with values clarification exercise (VCE), and to study the role of personality and information seeking style in DA-use, decisional conflict (DC) and knowledge. Methods Two scenario-based experiments were conducted with two different groups of healthy female participants. Dependent measures were: DC, knowledge, and DA-use (time spent, pages viewed, VCE used). Respondents were randomized between a DA with information only (VCE-) and a DA with information plus a VCE(VCE+) (experiment 1), or between information only (VCE-), information plus VCE without referral to VCE(VCE+), and information plus a VCE with specific referral to the VCE, requesting participants to use the VCE(VCE++) (experiment 2). In experiment 2 we additionally measured personality (neuroticism/conscientiousness) and information seeking style (monitoring/blunting). Results Experiment 1. There were no differences in DC, knowledge or DA-use between VCE- (n=70) and VCE+ (n=70). Both DAs lead to a mean gain in knowledge from 39% at baseline to 73% after viewing the DA. Within VCE+, VCE-users (n=32, 46%) reported less DC compared to non-users. Since there was no difference in DC between VCE- and VCE+, this is likely an effect of VCE-use in a self-selected group, and not of the VCE per se. Experiment 2. There were no differences in DC or knowledge between VCE- (n=65), VCE+ (n=66), VCE++ (n=66). In all groups, knowledge increased on average from 42% at baseline to 72% after viewing the DA. Blunters viewed fewer DA-pages (R=0.38, p<.001). More neurotic women were less certain (R=0.18, p<.01) and felt less supported in decision making (R=0.15, p<.05); conscientious women felt more certain (R=-0.15, p<.05) and had more knowledge after viewing the DA (R=0.15, p<.05). Conclusions Both DAs lead to increased knowledge in healthy populations making hypothetical decisions, and use of the VCE did not improve knowledge or DC. Personality characteristics were associated to some extent with DA-use, information seeking styles with aspects of DC. More research is needed to make clear recommendations regarding the need for tailoring of information provision to personality characteristics, and to assess the effect of VCE use in actual patients

    Wat is er veranderd sinds Masters en Johnson?:Ontwikkelingen in de seksuologische hulpverlening

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    van Lankveld, J., &amp; ter Kuile, M. Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie, 4