5 research outputs found

    Business of Increasing Functional Rice Production Through the Application of Appropriate TECHNOLOGY in Kateng Village, Central Lombok

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    The limitations of irrigation facilities force farmers to cultivate the land in a hurry to get enough water, as a result, the soil puddling process is not perfect, the potential of the soil as a seed bank is high, resulting in weed problems that are difficult to control. Farmers plant seeds available in the market without tracing the origin of the seeds, varieties and quality of seeds. As a result, the productivity of rice farming in the target area is decreasing. The goal to be achieved is the transfer of appropriate technology so that the knowledge and skills of farmers about agribusiness and integrated pest management (IPM) in the cultivation of brown rice plants increase. The activity was carried out in Kateng Village, Kec. West Praya Kab. Central Lombok from January to July 2020. The method of activity carried out is the Participatory Action Program. The approach is bottom-up and top-down approach with an emphasis on the level of knowledge, skills and local wisdom of partner farmers (Hutwan et al., 2016). The implementation mechanism goes through several stages, namely counseling, determining target farmers as partners, mentoring and monitoring and evaluating programs. The results of the activity showed that the knowledge and skills of farmers about agribusiness and IPM in the cultivation of brown rice plants increased. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of the target farmers in participating in counseling and mentoring activities, as well as the application of appropriate technology, including soil processing, the use of superior seeds, organic fertilizers and IPM in rice cultivation. Appropriate technology introduced led to better growth and yield of brown rice, the intensity of planthopper attacks decreased, thus providing higher yields and benefits compared to manual cultivation

    Kandidat Galur Unggul Mutan Padi G16 Hasil Induksi Mutasi dengan Sinar Gamma: Superior Line Candidate For Rice Mutant G16 Result Of Mutation Induction With Gamma Rays

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    The aim of this study was to obtain superior lines that had higher yields and shorter harvesting ages than their parents. The research was conducted in Saribaye Village, Lingsar, West Lombok Districts, from February to July 2020. The study used a Single Plant Design with the treatment of the M1 G16 mutant population at irradiation doses of 200 Gy, 300 Gy, 400 Gy and 500 Gy and parent (G16 line) as a control. Each treatment planted 200 seeds while the control was repeated three times. The variables observed included the number of productive tillers (saplings), panicle length (cm), number of filled and empty grains per panicle (grains), age of harvest (HSS), weight of 100 grains (g) and weight of filled grain per clump (g). . The value of genetic variance is calculated based on the reduction of phenotype variance with environmental variation (Mangoendidjojo, 2007). Determination of the potential for superior line candidates is done by setting the selection limit value (Xs) according to Kuswanto and Waluyo (2012). The selected genotype is a genotype that has a production value of more than Xs and an age of less than Xs. The results showed that there was an increase in genetic variance due to gamma ray irradiation treatment. A total of three mutant genotypes were successfully selected as candidates for superior strains, namely M1G16-9D3, M1G16-14D3, M1G16-27D3. The three mutant genotypes have the opportunity to be further developed into superior varieties with high yield potential and early maturity

    Penerapan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (Ptt) Padi Sawah Beras Merah di Desa Nyurlembang Kecamatan Narmada Lombok Barat

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    Pengelolaan pertanian di kawasan Desa Nyurlembang Kecamatan Narmada masih belum berjalan optimal. Berbagai komponen dalam pengelolaan tanaman terpadu padi sawah seperti jajar legowo 4:1, umur bibit di atas 21 hari, dan mutu benih yang rendah, masih belum diterapkan sehingga menyebabkan produksi padi yang dihasilkan berkisar 4,5 ton – 5 ton gabah kering panen. Penerapan pengelolaan tanaman terpadu padi sawah mampu meningkatkan produksi menjadi 6,9 ton gabah per hektar. Tujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat adalah : Menambah pengetahuan petani dalam  penerapan pengelolaan tanaman terpadu padi sawah  beras merah, dan melaksanakan Demplot Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu budidaya padi sawah beras merah  sehingga  terjadi peningkatan produksi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode ceramah, diskusi melalui penyuluhan  dan  demontrasi plot (demplot).Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan di  dDesa Nyurlembang Kecamatan Narmada Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah Kelompok Tani (Gapoktan) Subur Makmur yang berada di Desa Nyurlembang Kecamatan Narmada Lobar.  Hasil penyuluhan dan demplot adalah Kelompok Tani Subur Makmur Desa Nyurlembang Kecamatan Narmada Kabupaten Lombok Barat  telah  memahami   makna penerapan pengelolaan tanaman terpadu padi sawah beras merah terutama penggunaan  tanam sistem jajar legowo 4:1, manfaat penggunaan benih bermutu, kelemahan penggunaan  bibit tua (>21 hari setelah semai) serta  manfaat padi beras merah sebagai pangan fungsional. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dihasilkan produksi  padi galur harapan  beras merah lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sistem tege

    Desiminasi Varietas Inpari Unram 1 Bsp ( Padi Fungsional Beras Hitam) di Desa Karang Sidemen Kecamatan Batukliang Utara Kabupaten Lombok Tengah

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    Padi varietas Inpari Unram 1 BSP dengan kandungan antosianin tinggi merupakan salah satu padi fungsional beras hitam     yang   belum banyak dikenal   petani dan masyarakat   luas baik   dalam hal budidaya maupun   manfaatnya bagi kesehatan manusia. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah :  Memperkenalkan varietas Inpari Unram 1 pada kegiatan teknologi budidaya padi fungsional  beras hitam dengan kandungan antosianin tinggi kepada  para petani melalui  demontrasi plot serta manfaatnya bagi manusia.   Metode yang digunakan adalah    metode ceramah, diskusi dan praktik lapang berupa demontrasi plot (Demplot). Waktu pelaksanaan mulai   Juni – September 2020. Demplot dilaksanakan di  lahan sawah milik kelompok tani Briuk Girang   yang berlokasi di desa karang Sidemen Kecamatan Batu Keliang Utara Kabupaten  Lombok  Tengah.     Hasil  kegiatan  menunjukkan,  bahwa  anggota kelompok Tani Briuk Girang Kecamatan Batu Keliang Utara Kabupaten Lombok Tengah  melalui  kegiatan    penyuluhan    telah    paham  tentang    kandungan  dan manfaat dari  beras hitam bagi kesehatan,  paham tentang deskripsi dari  padi beras hitam varietas Inpari Unram 1 BSP serta paham akan Teknologi Budidaya Padi Beras Hitam melalui Penerapan   Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (PPT). Melalui kegiatan demplot para petani dapat melihat secara langsung  penampilan  varietas Inpari Unram 1 BSP   mulai dari pertumbuhan vegetatif, generatif,   saat panen, panen dan pascapanennya . Petani berkeinginan untuk menanam apabila ada pasar yang menampun