36 research outputs found

    Perancangan Dudukan Motor Circulating Water Pump (CWP) Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga

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    PT X. which is engaged in fabrication, has a CWP motor mount fabrication project with static and dynamic loads of 28,117 Kg. The design is carried out with a structural strength analysis intended to calculate the maximum moment, von mises stress, and deflection. This can affect the productivity of the company. This study aims to determine the value of von mises stress that occurs below the allowable stress. With manual calculation, the maximum von mises stress value on the CWP structure is 32.094 Mpa with a maximum deflection value of 0.323 mm. The maximum von mises stress value of manual calculation is below the permit stress and meets the permit stress requirement with a value of 100 Mpa. So the designed holder is categorized as very good

    The financial performance of real estate investment trusts (REITS) in Malaysia

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    This study examines the development of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in Malaysia. In addition, this study also investigates the performance of Malaysian REITs using Net Asset Value approach (NAV) and Dividend Distribution Per Unit (DPU). To achieve the objectives, the performances of 18 REITs in Malaysia are carefully observed for the period of ten years starting from the year 2010 until the year 2019. Specifically, trend analysis is used to detect any significant trend in REITs’ performance using NAV and DPU. Annual prices for each company are collected from Bursa Malaysia and Bloomberg. Information about the total asset, total liabilities, and the number of shares outstanding are obtained from the 18 REITs' respective annual reports. The findings of the study reveal that not all of the REIT companies show an upward trend. Based on DPU analysis, only seven or 39 percent of the REIT companies demonstrate an upward trend. The other seven companies (39 percent) exhibit a downward trend, while the balance of four companies or 22 percent do not show any significant trend. The DPUs of these four REITs are observed to fluctuate in no consistent specific direction during the ten-year period. As for NAV, four companies which are Al-Aqar Healthcare REIT, Atrium REIT, Pavilion REIT, and UOA REIT exhibit premium NAV for all ten years. The study has also discovered that NAV can be affected by the increase of the companies’ profit and dividend. Results of this study are hoped to help investors and portfolio managers to have better understanding regarding the performance of REITs so that they can make wise investment decisio

    Perancangan Safety Behavior Checklist Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Manajemen berbasis Responsive Website di Perusahaan Kimia

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    Terdapat jenis pekerjaan konstruksi pada perusahaan kimia baik secara operasional maupun secara perbaikan. Pekerjaan tersebut memiliki banyak macam dan memiliki risiko masing-masing. Pada lain sisi pekerjaan konstruksi merupakan pekerjaan yang memiliki angka kecelakaan kerja tertinggi dari jenis pekerjaan lainnya. Pengawasan dan pelaporan terhadap penerapan dari sistem pencegahan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) wajib dilaksanakan. Beberapa kendala terjadi saat melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut secara manual diantaranya waktu pengisian dan bentuk fisik dari formulir pelaporan itu sendiri. Permasalahaan tersebut menyebabkan sedikitnya data yang tersimpan dalam penerapan K3 yang dilakukan oleh lembaga luar maupun patner perusahaan sehingga tidak adanya sebuah evaluasi menuju penerapan K3 lebih baik. Digitalisasi pelaporan dari paperbased menuju paperless dalam bentuk sebuah responsive website menjadi sebuah solusi sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi manajemen. Formulir pelaporan akan menggunakan Safety Behavior Checklist. Bahasa pemograman akan menggunakan PHP, HTML, dan CSS. Penentuan database akan digunakan Usecase diagram, ER diafram, dan MySql. Responsive website Safety Behavior Checklist dapat diakses pada semua platform seperti desktop, mac, Ios, dan andoid. Kategori Safety Behavior Checklist disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kimia. Safety Behavior Checklist akan bersifat dinamis dengan mengatur pada database responsive website sehingga dapat disesuaikan sesuai kebutuhan di kemudian hari. Sistem informasi manajemen Responsive website Safety Behavior Checklist akan digunakan oleh dua pengguna yaitu User dan admin

    Pemanfaatan Getaran Mesin Sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif

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    Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Transformation of energy is become one way to complete the renewable energy. In oftentimes machine vibrations is considered as interference, but the vibration energy can be convert into electrical energy. This research was conducted to design a machine vibration power plant that uses a mechanical system utilizing vibration energy from industrial machines. Ulrich method is used to determine the design concept. An energy conversion structure has been designed carrying the concept of a mechanical system, making eccentric motion using an intermediary plate system as a channel for engine vibration to cause up and down motion and supported by a transmission system into rotary motion to rotate a generator/dynamo as a generator of electricity. The vibrations generated from industrial machines can be utilized or converted into electrical energy. It is noted that the design of the energy conversion structure with a mechanical crankshaft system has not been able to convert vibrations into electricity according to the plan. The replacement of the material used in the crankshaft energy conversion structure is expected to improve the performance of the energy conversion tool. The engine vibration power plant is offered with a pump concept that can convert vibrations into electrical voltage. The result of the voltage is 0.035V and the resistance is 381.5 Ohms

    Perancangan Ulang Tata Letak Lantai Produksi Berdasarkan Metode 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke)

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    A company engaged in metal casting is building a steel casting project. The layout design in the project has several problems, including the utilization of the area is not optimal, does not pay attention to the proximity relationship between facilities so that excessive movement in material handling occurs. This can affect the productivity of the company. This study aims to determine the total distance of material handling movements so that the selected alternative layout will be obtained. The selected layout can increase efficiency by 4.06% in the total distance of material handling movements. The results of the 5S evaluation using the respondent response sheet on the selected layout have a total score of seiri 4.47, seiton score 4.43, seiso score 4.50, seiketsu score 4.20 and shitsuke score 4.30. Overall, the score is 4.38, so based on the Likert scale it can be categorized as very good

    Analisis Risiko Manual Material Handling Metode SNI 9011 :2021 Pada Pekerjaan Pemuatan Kantong Pupuk

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    Pengangkatan beban secara manual (Manual Material Handling) adalah pekerjaan dengan risiko tinggi terhadap timbulnya keluhan Musculoskeletal disorders. Keluhan tersebut dirasakan oleh pekerja pemuatan kantong pupuk. Dari hasil survei GOTRAK berdasarkan SNI 9011:2021 diketahui bagian tubuh yang memiliki persentase keluhan paling tinggi yaitu pada bagian pinggul sebesar 60%. Berdasarkan uraian data tersebut terlihat bahwa keluhan MSDs pada pekerja cukup tinggi sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis manual material handling untuk mengetahui risiko pada pekerjaan pemuatan kantong pupuk. Untuk menindak lanjuti adanya keluhan pekerja melalui survei GOTRAK maka dilakukan analisis lanjutan menggunakan daftar periksa potensi bahaya ergonomi berdasarkan SNI 9011:2021 dan didapatkan hasil risiko berbahaya dengan nilai skor >7. Rekomendasi diusulkan berdasarkan hirarki pengendalian diantaranya dengan merubah postur dan posisi tubuh pekerja saat melakukan pengangkatan pupuk, pembuatan prosedur dan instruksi kerja, penggantian kantong pupuk, modifikasi conveyor existing, dan penggunaan APD yang tepat. Rekomendasi tersebut akan mengurangi potensi bahaya yang dialami oleh pekerja sehingga  tingkat risiko bahaya ergonomi pada pekerja pemuatan kantong pupuk juga akan menurun.   Kata Kunci: Ergonomi, GOTRAK, Low Back Pain, Manual Material Handlin


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    Penambahan bahan bakar berbasis nabati khususnya bioetanol dari penelitian sebelumnya memberikanefek proses pembakaran makin sempurna, sehingga mesin akan menjadi lebih bersih dan emisi gas buang menurunmenjadi ramah lingkungan. Penggunaan bioetanol yang mempunyai oktan tinggi dapat menjadikan akselerasi mesinlebih ringan dan cepat. Dilakukan eksperimen menguapkan bioetanol dengan mendesain evaporator pada exhaustsepeda motor Supra X 125 cc karburator tahun 2008 untuk menciptakan alternatif bahan bakar terbarukan denganmemanfaatkan energi panas dari exhaust (regenerasi energi). Dilakukan dynotest performa SI Engine sebelummodifikasi dan sesudah modifikasi dengan variasi bukaan katup uap bioetanol 30°, 60°, 90°(fully open throttle)dengan variasi RPM yang dinaikkan dengan interval 1000 dimulai dari RPM 5000 hingga RPM 9000. Pengujian SIEngine dengan evaporator pada exhaust sepeda motor dual fuel bensin-uap dapat diterapkan dan layak jalan untukdioperasikan. Hasil eksperimen menggunakan evaporator ini diambil data optimum pada variasi bioetanol bukaankatup 60°, dengan peningkatan daya dan torsi sebesar 9 HP menjadi 9,4 HP, untuk torsi dari 7,98 Nm menjadi 8,3Nm pada RPM 8000. Angka efisiensi termal kendaraan mengalami penurunan sebesar 25,6%, dari 90,3% menjadi65,3% . Untuk data emisi gas buang mengalami penurunan CO sebesar 10%, HC dengan nilai 51%, kemudianmengalami peningkatan CO2sebesar 46,3

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Serat Karbon-Serat Sabut Kelapa Terhadap Kekuatan Impact dan Bending pada Aplikasi Helm Sepeda Motor

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    Coconut coir fiber is a fiber derived from coconut shell waste which has economic value, is easy to process and easy to develop for the environmentally friendly composite industry, especially for motorcycle helmets. Carbon fiber is a synthetic fiber made of polyacrylonitrile, a study was conducted to see the response of variations in coconut fiber and carbon fiber layers on the impact and bending strength of composites used for motorcycle helmet applications. The use of synthetic carbon fiber in this composite provides several advantages including high tensile strength, relatively lighter weight, and low thermal expansion so that when combined with natural fibers, in this case coconut fiber, it will increase its structural strength. In this study, the bending strength of 50.765 MPa and impact strength of 0.038 J/mm2 were produced. The two highest values from each of these tests were obtained from the composite composition using 3 layers of carbon fiber and 2 layers of coconut fiber

    Penerapan Metode RCM II untuk Meningkatkan Performa pada Strainer

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    Missile Fast Boat (KCR 60M) with the type of patrol boat and Hospital Assistance Ship (BRS). In some maintenance processes carried out on the ship system, counted on average carried out for 2 weeks. But that is done for all different equipment and machinery. The topic taken was performance analysis and maintenance proposals for the strainer. Strainer is a support component that functions as an outside water filter that will enter the ship system, because the strainer is the initial entrance of water and easy to do checks and can extend the life time of components such as pumps and heat exchangers that exist in the system. And to analyze all of these things use the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Realibility Centered Maintenance (RCM) methods and the data used such as TTF (Time to Failure) and TTR (Time to Repair). The application of this method is obtained the right maintenance time and more effective. The application of this method to each system on the ship is a sea chest system, sea water cooler system, ballast system, getting an additional maintenance time of 88 hours or about 3 days for the maintenance deadline. In the fuel oil transfer & purifying system, the maximum maintenance time limit is 982 hours or 40 days. As for the oil fill & transfer system to get results which is a time difference of 4.208 hours or about 5 months earlier than company data, it can be a suitable scheduling proposal for each of these systems. And the maximum fouling factor for the strainer component is 3.21 mm. As a result, the life time possessed by each machine component will be longer and its performance becomes optimal especially for strainer components that don’t have a fixed maintenance schedule

    Factors influencing teamwork among employees of Jabatan Perdana Menteri at Putrajaya / Mohamad Hakam Atiq Hamzah

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    This study is conducted to measure Factors influencing teamwork among employees of Jabatan Perdana Menteri at Putrajaya. Emphasizing the respondent’s from similar background industry. The teamwork elements are form under three main dimensions, mainly is coordination, communication and mutual support. Meanwhile, the dependent variable to be measured under this concept is employees’ teamwork. The researcher has adopted the descriptive research on the issue. Then, the researcher’s sampling design is non-probability sampling which is convenience sampling method with 200 questionnaires were distributed to employees within the given time period. Data were collected and evidences are being processed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) program. The findings analysis includes descriptive analysis, reliability testing, correlation and multiple regression analysis. The outcome of multiple regression analysis showed that communication, and mutual have positive significant impact on employees’ teamwork except coordination. In conclusion, its how’s that the organization which provides good teamwork elements to the employees will ultimately enhance their satisfaction and improve organizational performance