222 research outputs found

    The Language of Pandemic Leaderships: Mapping Political Rhetoric during the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    This paper maps political rhetoric by national leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic. We identify and characterize global variations in major rhetorical storylines invoked in publicly available speeches (N = 1201) across a sample of 26 countries. Employing a text analytics or corpus linguistics approach, we show that state heads rhetorically lead their nations by: enforcing systemic interventions, upholding global unity, encouraging communal cooperation, stoking national fervor, and assuring responsive governance. Principal component analysis further shows that country-level rhetoric is organized along emergent dimensions of cultural cognition: an agency-structure axis to define the loci of pandemic interventions, and a hierarchy-egalitarianism axis which distinguishes top-down enforcement from bottom-up calls for cooperation. Furthermore, we detect a striking contrast between countries featuring populist versus cosmopolitan rhetoric, which diverged in terms of their collective meaning-making around leading over versus leading with, as well as their experienced pandemic severity. We conclude with implications for understanding global pandemic leadership in an unequal world, and the contributions of mixed methods approaches to a generative political psychology in times of crisis

    The Effectiveness of a Caregiver Delivered Phonics Intervention for At-Risk Students

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    Reading skills are important for students\u27 academic success. Phonics specifically is a foundational skill which is necessary for reading fluency and overall reading proficiency. Additional support outside of the classroom can be beneficial for those struggling and at-risk. There are various strategies and interventions that can help students\u27 gain important academic skills. In addition to various reading skills and interventions, parents and caregivers can help implement interventions within the home setting to support students in their academic growth. Overall, the research has documented the effectiveness of reading intervention delivered by parents and caregivers, but there is little research on caregiver implemented phonics interventions. The current study used a multiple probe design across materials to examine the effectiveness of a phonics interventions implemented by parents of four 2nd grade students struggling with phonics skills. Results of this study demonstrated that parents can effectively implement a phonics intervention to increase students\u27 decoding of words including practiced sounds. The intervention was also effective in students decoding all sounds. Finally, it was acceptable to both parents and students. Additional research investigating phonics interventions is needed with a variety of individuals to determine the effects of parent delivered interventions

    Narrative Expansion and Terrorist Labeling: Discursive Conflict Escalation by State Media

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    How does state rhetoric change as conflict intensifies against intrastate enemies? We forward the concept of narrative expansion and labeling, to analyze the escalatory transformation of conflict discourse by the Philippine state media. The data set includes 4,098 articles from the state’s official news agency, covering early attempts at reconciliation and the eventual failure of peace negotiations between the Philippine Government and the National Democratic Front (NDF). Analysis involves a mixed methods approach, combining computational network analytics of word networks with a qualitative interpretation of emergent themes. Results reveal a discursive shift emanating from the state’s mouthpiece, alongside the political deterioration of peace talks with the NDF. The state narrative initially expands to include not only conciliatory but also confrontational talk. Eventually combative talks dominate, including a shift in labeling the enemy as terrorist rather than rebel. Narrative expansion likewise refers to state news discursively increasing the number of social actors involved in the conflict as either enemy or ally. Our findings contribute to understanding how discursive shifts may move from conciliatory to hostile discourse in a protracted intrastate conflict

    Narrative Expansion and Terrorist Labeling: Discursive Conflict Escalation by State Media

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    How does state rhetoric change as conflict intensifies against intrastate enemies? We forward the concept of narrative expansion and labeling, to analyze the escalatory transformation of conflict discourse by the Philippine state media. The data set includes 4,098 articles from the state’s official news agency, covering early attempts at reconciliation and the eventual failure of peace negotiations between the Philippine Government and the National Democratic Front (NDF). Analysis involves a mixed methods approach, combining computational network analytics of word networks with a qualitative interpretation of emergent themes. Results reveal a discursive shift emanating from the state’s mouthpiece, alongside the political deterioration of peace talks with the NDF. The state narrative initially expands to include not only conciliatory but also confrontational talk. Eventually combative talks dominate, including a shift in labeling the enemy as terrorist rather than rebel. Narrative expansion likewise refers to state news discursively increasing the number of social actors involved in the conflict as either enemy or ally. Our findings contribute to understanding how discursive shifts may move from conciliatory to hostile discourse in a protracted intrastate conflict

    An Exploration of Factors That Motivate Human Rights Workers Working in Areas With Armed Conflict in the Philippines

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    This study examined the experiences and motivation of human rights workers (HRWs) in areas affected by armed conflict in the Philippines. Six human rights workers from Karapatan responded to semi-structured interviews. Karapatan is a Philippine NGO whose mission is to uphold human rights and document instances of human rights violations. The results described the risks experienced by human rights workers in conflict afflicted areas in the country. Intrinsic factors that motivate HRWs to continuously engage in human rights work despite facing adverse situations include altruism; belief that they are advocating a just cause; feeling a sense of fulfillment; and strongly identifying with their work. Findings likewise show that human rights workers draw strength from the relationships that they have with their partner communities. They are motivated to match the courage of community members (tumbasan ang tapang); and are strengthened by the strong and reciprocal bonds that they have with the communities that they serve. Implications on selecting; preparing; developing and providing organizational support to human rights workers are discussed

    The PIDS-NEDA Annual Macroeconometric Model version 1989 : a summary

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    The development of the PIDS-NEDA Macroeconometric Model is a joint effort began• in 1985 by the Philippine •Institute for Development •Studies (P!DS) and the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). The main objective Was to come up with a model £hat government economic Planners could use in arriving at annual and medium-term•economic forecasts or targets and in assessing the implications of various policy options. The first version of the model consisting of 73 equations started to be•used in •1986. This version was •formulated with the end in • view•of•analyzing the impact of the country's economic adjustment program which is usually formulated in connection with £he country's availment Of funding facility from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    Mødrenes utfordringer med å ta imot sykepleieveiledning, undervisning og informasjon i amming og kengurumetode etter prematur fødsel.

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    Problemstilling Kenguruomsorg er en gjennomførbar og kostnadseffektiv metode for å gi omsorg til fortidligfødte barn. Det omfattes av hud-mot-hud kontakt «kengurumetode» mellom moren og det nyfødte barnet og fullamming fra fødselen til sykehusutskrivelse. Metoden inkluderer også oppfølging av mødrene og premature barn etter hjemreise (WHO, 2018). I denne oppgaven skal vi fokusere på kengurumetode og amming under sykehusinnleggelsen. Sykepleierne spiller en viktig rolle for å sikre korrekt gjennomføring og fremming av denne metoden. Mange mødre opplever utmattelse og følelsesmessige reaksjoner etter fødsel, dermed har de et stort behov for veiledning, informasjon og undervisning. Hensikt Hensikten med oppgaven er å undersøke mødrenes utfordringer med å ta imot veiledning, undervisning og informasjon i kengurumetode og amming fra sykepleiere etter prematur fødsel. Metode Integrativ litteraturoversikt ble benyttet som metode i denne oppgaven. Fribergs analysemodell ble også brukt for å analysere tre vitenskapelige artikler. Relevante teorier og artikler, egne refleksjoner og funnene fra de vitenskapelige artiklene ble sammensatt for å besvare oppgavens formål. Resultater og hovedkonklusjoner Gjennomført litteraturgjennomgang viser at mødrenes utfordringer og sykepleieres holdninger kan ha innvirkning på riktig gjennomførelse og fremming av amming og kengurumetode. Mødrenes utfordringer kan være på grunn av dårlige opplevelser under og etter fødsel og utilstrekkelig samhandling mellom mor og sykepleier. Manglende kunnskap og pedagogisk kompetanse om amming og kengurumetode blant sykepleiere kan også påvirke mødres evne til å ta imot veiledning, informasjon og undervisning

    Mødrenes utfordringer med å ta imot sykepleieveiledning, undervisning og informasjon i amming og kengurumetode etter prematur fødsel.

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    Problemstilling Kenguruomsorg er en gjennomførbar og kostnadseffektiv metode for å gi omsorg til fortidligfødte barn. Det omfattes av hud-mot-hud kontakt «kengurumetode» mellom moren og det nyfødte barnet og fullamming fra fødselen til sykehusutskrivelse. Metoden inkluderer også oppfølging av mødrene og premature barn etter hjemreise (WHO, 2018). I denne oppgaven skal vi fokusere på kengurumetode og amming under sykehusinnleggelsen. Sykepleierne spiller en viktig rolle for å sikre korrekt gjennomføring og fremming av denne metoden. Mange mødre opplever utmattelse og følelsesmessige reaksjoner etter fødsel, dermed har de et stort behov for veiledning, informasjon og undervisning. Hensikt Hensikten med oppgaven er å undersøke mødrenes utfordringer med å ta imot veiledning, undervisning og informasjon i kengurumetode og amming fra sykepleiere etter prematur fødsel. Metode Integrativ litteraturoversikt ble benyttet som metode i denne oppgaven. Fribergs analysemodell ble også brukt for å analysere tre vitenskapelige artikler. Relevante teorier og artikler, egne refleksjoner og funnene fra de vitenskapelige artiklene ble sammensatt for å besvare oppgavens formål. Resultater og hovedkonklusjoner Gjennomført litteraturgjennomgang viser at mødrenes utfordringer og sykepleieres holdninger kan ha innvirkning på riktig gjennomførelse og fremming av amming og kengurumetode. Mødrenes utfordringer kan være på grunn av dårlige opplevelser under og etter fødsel og utilstrekkelig samhandling mellom mor og sykepleier. Manglende kunnskap og pedagogisk kompetanse om amming og kengurumetode blant sykepleiere kan også påvirke mødres evne til å ta imot veiledning, informasjon og undervisning

    A profile of deaths among trauma patients in a university hospital: The Philippine experience

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    BACKGROUND: The Philippine General Hospital (PGH) is the pioneer in trauma care in the country, being the first to create a dedicated Trauma Service in 1989. The service has not conducted a review of its admissions and mortalities since 1992. The purpose of this study is to describe the mortality patterns of this service. METHODS: A descriptive and retrospective 3-year review, covering January 2004 June 2007, was conducted using an electronic patient database. Review of patient records included: population demographics, mechanism of injury, length of stay prior to death, and the cause of death. RESULTS: Of the 4947 patients admitted to the Division of Trauma during the study period, there were 231 (4.7%) deaths. The most common mechanisms of injuries were stab wounds (32.9 %), vehicular crashes (28.6 %), and gunshot wounds (25.5 %). Multiple organ failure/Sepsis (37.7 %) was the most frequent causes of death, followed by Exsanguinations (27.7 %), Central Nervous System failure (18.6 %) and other causes (10.8%). Forty four (66.7 %) of the 66 patients who died within the first 24 hours died from Exsanguinations, while 66 (61.1 %) of the 8 patients who died after 72 hours died from Multiple organ failure/Sepsis. CONCLUSIONS: Intentional causes of injury (i.e. penetrating interpersonal violence) caused the majority of trauma deaths in this series from the Philippine General Hospital. This highlights the need for prioritizing a public health approach to violence prevention in the Philippines. Further research must be conducted to identify risk factors for interpersonal violence. Early identification of lethal injuries that may cause exsanguinations and definitive control of hemorrhage should be the primary focus to prevent acute deaths, within 24 hours of admission. Further adjuncts to the definitive treatment of hemorrhage, the critical care of TBI and MOF/Sepsis are needed to reduce deaths occurring more than 72 hours after admission