636 research outputs found

    On the MIMO Capacity for Distributed System under Composite Rayleigh/Rician Fading and Shadowing

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    Wireless channels are commonly affected by short-term fading and long-term fading (shadowing). The shadowing effects must be taken into account also when mobility is present in the wireless scenario. Using a composite fading model, the total channel capacity can be studied for a scenario with short-term Rayleigh fading along with shadowing. This work provides quantitative results for these kinds of scenarios with Rayleigh fading and shadowing, considering also multiple-input and multiple-output systems, which have not been previously reported. In addition, the channel capacity has been studied in depth in its relation with the shadowing level, signal to noise ratio, and the number of elements in the multiple-input and multiple-output system. Moreover, the channel performance with shadowing has been compared to the one without it. Furthermore, Rician model with shadowing is studied and its results are reported. In addition, correlated and experimental results are provided. It is identified that the distributed MIMO systems can benefit from shadowing in Rician channels. This advantage has not been reported previously. This type of fading is proposed for massive MIMO by others and our results open the door to emulate massive MIMO on a reverberation chamber.This work has been supported by “Gobierno de Extremadura” with project number IB13113, PYR-2014 GENIL project (PYR-2014-CEB09-0010/MICINN), and CEIbioTIC project (mP_TIC_11)

    Arenavirus reverse genetics: New approaches for the investigation of arenavirus biology and development of antiviral strategies

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    AbstractSeveral arenaviruses, chiefly Lassa virus, cause hemorrhagic fever disease in humans and pose a significant public health problem in their endemic regions. On the other hand the prototypic arenavirus LCMV is a superb workhorse for the investigation of virus–host interactions and associated disease. The development of novel antiviral strategies to combat pathogenic arenaviruses would be facilitated by a detailed understanding of the arenavirus molecular and cell biology. To this end, the development of reverse genetic systems for several arenaviruses has provided investigators with novel and powerful approaches to dissect the functions of arenavirus proteins and their interactions with host factors required to complete each of the steps of the virus life cycle, as well as to cause disease

    Elimination of trace organics in an MBR/RO system for water reuse

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    An intensive programme for detection of trace organics was performed in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) plant in Almuñécar (south of Spain) over 1 year. The compounds investigated included 15 pharmaceutically active compounds, 12 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and eight other compounds (nonylphenols, linear alkylbenzene sulphonates and phthalates). The MBR operated with two lines in parallel using a hollow fibre and a flat sheet membrane respectively. Additionally, a reverse osmosis (RO) plant treated the MBR permeate over 1 month and the elimination of trace organics by the MBR/ RO system was assessed. The elimination efficiency of trace organics by the MBR was similar to that found in a conventional activated sludge plant treating the same influent. The concentration of trace organics was reduced after the MBR to a great extent and no significant differences were found between the two lines operating in parallel. The elimination efficiency increased up to 80–100% after passing the RO system. The results indicated that the MBR effluent reached the standard required by the Spanish Royal Decree for Water Reuse and can therefore be reused for multiple purposes, but advanced treatment like RO is necessary when the highest effluent quality is required

    Mechanisms of Carbapenemase-Mediated Resistance among High-Risk \u3cem\u3ePseudomonas aeruginosa \u3c/em\u3e Lineages in Peru

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    Objectives: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the leading causes of healthcare-associated infections globally. High-risk carbapenemase-encoding P. aeruginosa clones are disseminating in many regions. The aim of this study was to learn more about the lineages and mechanisms of resistance of P. aeruginosa circulating in Peru. Methods: A total of 141 carbapenemase-producing isolates recovered from hospitalized and ambulatory patients in Lima were sequenced and analyzed to infer their lineages through whole-genome sequence typing (wgST) and to identify their antimicrobial resistance genes. Results: wgST identified nine sequence types (STs); ST111 and ST357 were the most frequently encountered (44.0% and 38.3%, respectively), followed by ST179 (8.5%), with the remaining six detected only sporadically. Among ST357 isolates, 96.3% carried the novel blaIMP-93 allele, whereas the remainder harbored blaIMP-74. 74.2% of ST111 isolates co-harbored blaIMP-18 and blaVIM-2, while the rest carried either of these genes individually. All other ST lineages carried a single carbapenemase, which was either blaIMP-16, blaIMP-74, or blaVIM-2. Conclusion: Our study shows that the high-risk P. aeruginosa clones ST357, which harbors the novel blaIMP-93, and ST111, which carries blaIMP-18 and blaVIM-2, have apparently become endemic in the region

    Enhancing the Antibiotic Antibacterial Effect by Sub Lethal Tellurite Concentrations: Tellurite and Cefotaxime Act Synergistically in Escherichia coli

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    The emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria during the last decades has become a public health concern worldwide. Aiming to explore new alternatives to treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria and given that the tellurium oxyanion tellurite is highly toxic for most microorganisms, we evaluated the ability of sub lethal tellurite concentrations to strengthen the effect of several antibiotics. Tellurite, at nM or µM concentrations, increased importantly the toxicity of defined antibacterials. This was observed with both Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria, irrespective of the antibiotic or tellurite tolerance of the particular microorganism. The tellurite-mediated antibiotic-potentiating effect occurs in laboratory and clinical, uropathogenic Escherichia coli, especially with antibiotics disturbing the cell wall (ampicillin, cefotaxime) or protein synthesis (tetracycline, chloramphenicol, gentamicin). In particular, the effect of tellurite on the activity of the clinically-relevant, third-generation cephalosporin (cefotaxime), was evaluated. Cell viability assays showed that tellurite and cefotaxime act synergistically against E. coli. In conclusion, using tellurite like an adjuvant could be of great help to cope with several multi-resistant pathogens

    Glycosylation Affects JUNV GPC Trafficking

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    Junin virus (JUNV), a highly pathogenic New World arenavirus, is the causative agent of Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF). The live-attenuated Candid #1 (Can) strain currently serves as a vaccine for at-risk populations. We have previously shown that the Can glycoprotein (GPC) gene is the primary gene responsible for attenuation in a guinea pig model of AHF. However, the mechanisms through which the GPC contributes to the attenuation of the Can strain remain unknown. A more complete understanding of the mechanisms underlying the attenuation and immunogenicity of the Can strain will potentially allow for the rational design of additional safe and novel vaccines. Here, we provide a detailed comparison of both RNA and protein expression profiles between both inter- and intra-segment chimeric JUNV recombinant clones expressing combinations of genes from the Can strain and the pathogenic Romero (Rom) strain. The recombinant viruses that express Can GPC, which were shown to be attenuated in guinea pigs, displayed different RNA levels and GPC processing patterns as determined by Northern and Western blot analyses, respectively. Analysis of recombinant viruses containing amino acid substitutions selected at different mouse brain passages during the generation of Can revealed that altered Can GPC processing was primarily due to the T168A substitution within G1, which eliminates an N-linked glycosylation motif. Incorporation of the T168A substitution in the Rom GPC resulted in a Can-like processing pattern of Rom GPC. In addition, JUNV GPCs containing T168A substitution were retained within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and displayed significantly lower cell surface expression than wild-type Rom GPC. Interestingly, the reversion A168T in Can GPC significantly increased GPC expression at the cell surface. Our results demonstrate that recombinant JUNV (rJUNV) expressing Can GPC display markedly different protein expression and elevated genomic RNA expression when compared to viruses expressing Rom GPC. Additionally, our findings indicate that the N-linked glycosylation motif at amino acid positions 166–168 is important for trafficking of JUNV GPC to the cell surface, and the elimination of this motif interferes with the GPC release from the ER

    Joint Effect of MCP-1 Genotype GG and MMP-1 Genotype 2G/2G Increases the Likelihood of Developing Pulmonary Tuberculosis in BCG-Vaccinated Individuals

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    We previously reported that the – 2518 MCP-1 genotype GG increases the likelihood of developing tuberculosis (TB) in non-BCG-vaccinated Mexicans and Koreans. Here, we tested the hypothesis that this genotype, alone or together with the – 1607 MMP-1 functional polymorphism, increases the likelihood of developing TB in BCG-vaccinated individuals. We conducted population-based case-control studies of BCG-vaccinated individuals in Mexico and Peru that included 193 TB cases and 243 healthy tuberculin-positive controls from Mexico and 701 TB cases and 796 controls from Peru. We also performed immunohistochemistry (IHC) analysis of lymph nodes from carriers of relevant two-locus genotypes and in vitro studies to determine how these variants may operate to increase the risk of developing active disease. We report that a joint effect between the – 2518 MCP-1 genotype GG and the – 1607 MMP-1 genotype 2G/2G consistently increases the odds of developing TB 3.59-fold in Mexicans and 3.9-fold in Peruvians. IHC analysis of lymph nodes indicated that carriers of the two-locus genotype MCP-1 GG MMP-1 2G/2G express the highest levels of both MCP-1 and MMP-1. Carriers of these susceptibility genotypes might be at increased risk of developing TB because they produce high levels of MCP-1, which enhances the induction of MMP-1 production by M. tuberculosis-sonicate antigens to higher levels than in carriers of the other two-locus MCP-1 MMP-1 genotypes studied. This notion was supported by in vitro experiments and luciferase based promoter activity assay. MMP-1 may destabilize granuloma formation and promote tissue damage and disease progression early in the infection. Our findings may foster the development of new and personalized therapeutic approaches targeting MCP-1 and/or MMP-1