837 research outputs found

    La fortificació del litoral cadaquesenc al segle XVI

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    Aigua, ciutat i territori a la Roses renaixentista

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    El Arsenal británico de Mahón

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    El arsenal naval de Mahón fue la mayor base británica ultramarina durante el siglo XVIII. Este texto es un resumen de una monográfica investigación sobre este tema. El desarrollo infraestructural y la mano de obra menorquina son dos elementos indisociables para entender la evolución de esta base naval

    “Mil siglos durará nuestra memoria”. El sustrato historiográfico de La Numancia de Miguel de Cervantes

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    The core of this work is the study of the sources used by Miguel de Cervantes while writing his tragedy entitled La Numancia, which relates events from the final stages of the Third Celtiberian War (133 BC). Did the author use primary sources or only secondary ones? Another objective of the paper is to explain that although, for the most part, the plot follows historical events, there are some points in which it departs from both geographical and historical truth. The question tackled in the paper is: what are the reasons behind breaking the process of the recreation of the historical events

    El Triunfante : apunts sobre un navili enfonsat al Golf de Roses

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    El castell de Sant Ferran que no va ser

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    Roses, el Camino Español i l'epidèmia de 1587

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    El naufragio del HMS Hindostan (1804)

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