8,503 research outputs found

    Quantum diffusion on a cyclic one dimensional lattice

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    The quantum diffusion of a particle in an initially localized state on a cyclic lattice with N sites is studied. Diffusion and reconstruction time are calculated. Strong differences are found for even or odd number of sites and the limit N->infinit is studied. The predictions of the model could be tested with micro - and nanotechnology devices.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Chaco Culture National Historical Park: A Case Study

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    Looks at the management of CCNHP by the National Park Service. The long history of CCNHP as a heritage site provides an excellent illustration of how values emerge and evolve with new knowledge

    Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site: A Case Study

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    Focuses on the values-based management of Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site -- consisting of Hadrian's Wall, its associated remains, and its immediate surroundings -- since the site's World Heritage listing in 1987

    Bed II Sequence Stratigraphic context of EF-HR and HWK EE archaeological sites, and the Oldowan/Acheulean succession at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania

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    Archaeological excavations at EF-HR and HWK EE allow reassessment of Bed II stratigraphy within the Junction Area and eastern Olduvai Gorge. Application of Sequence Stratigraphic methods provides a time-stratigraphic framework enabling correlation of sedimentary units across facies boundaries, applicable even in those areas where conventional timelines, such as tephrostratigraphic markers, are absent, eroded, or reworked. Sequence Stratigraphically, Bed II subdivides into five major Sequences 1 to 5, all floored by major disconformities that incise deeply into the underlying succession, proving that simple "layer cake" stratigraphy is inappropriate. Previous establishment of the Lemuta Member has invalidated the use of Tuff IIA as the boundary between Lower and Middle Bed II, now redefined at the disconformity between Sequences 2 and 3, a lithostratigraphic contact underlying the succession containing the Lower, Middle, and Upper Augitic Sandstones. HWK EE site records Oldowan technology in the Lower Augitic Sandstone at the base of Sequence 3, within Middle Bed II. We suggest placement of recently reported Acheulean levels at FLK W within the Middle Augitic Sandstone, thus emphasizing that handaxes are yet to be found in earlier stratigraphic units of the Olduvai sequence. This would place a boundary between the Oldowan and Acheulean technologies at Olduvai in the Tuff IIB zone or earliest Middle Augitic Sandstone. A major disconformity between Sequences 3 and 4 at and near EF-HR cuts through the level of Tuff IIC, placing the main Acheulean EF-HR assemblage at the base of Sequence 4, within Upper rather than Middle Bed II. Sequence stratigraphic methods also yield a more highly resolved Bed II stratigraphic framework. Backwall and sidewall surveying of archaeological trenches at EF-HR and HWK EE permits definition of “Lake-parasequences” nested within the major Sequences that record downcutting of disconformities associated with lake regression, then sedimentation associated with lake transgression, capped finally by another erosional disconformity or hiatal paraconformity caused by the next lake withdrawal. On a relative time-scale rather than a vertical metre scale, the resulting Wheeler diagram framework provides a basis for recognizing time-equivalent depositional episodes and the position of time gaps at various scales. Relative timing of archaeological assemblage levels can then be differentiated at a millennial scale within this framework

    El cine aplicado a la enseñanza / aprendizaje del E/LE par a los niveles del nuevo plan curricular del IC

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    El taller muestra la posibilidad de trabajar con cine en el aula de e/le. Para demostrarlo se ofrece una propuesta didáctica a partir de la explotación de varias secuencias de la película El Verdugo de L. García Berlanga. Se muestra de qué forma pueden tratarse paralelamente los distintos componentes (temático y/o culturales, funcionales, gramaticales, nociones, estratégicos y géneros discursivos y textuales) del Plan Curricular del IC. Niveles de referencia, así como las distintas actividades de la lengua de forma integrada

    Simultaneous measurement of in-plane and out-of-plane displacement fields in scattering media using phase-contrast spectral optical coherence tomography

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    The use of phase contrast spectral optical coherence tomography to measure two orthogonal displacement components on a slice within a scattering medium is demonstrated. This is achieved by combining sequential oblique illumination of the object and recording two interferograms before plus two after the deformation. The proposed technique is illustrated with results from a sample undergoing simple shear. Depth-resolved out-of-plane and in-plane sensitivities of 0.14 and 4.2 μm per fringe are demonstrated up to a depth of 400 μm in a water based polymer

    Effect of Xylanase on the Technological Behaviour of Wheat Flours

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    The objective of this work is to investigate the effect of enzyme xylanase on the technological behaviour of wheat flours, particularly in alveograms and bread making, using two flour qualities and two bread making methods. The enzyme used was xylanase from Bacillus subtilis which is sold for mainly for baking applications. Breads were made applying both the French and the pan bread methods. Experts scored the external and internal characteristics of breads. Increase in enzyme concentration produced a decrease in maximum pressure (P) and tensile strength/extensibility (P/L) but deformation energy (W) remained almost constant in the alveogram. This means that the water released by the hydrolysis of insoluble pentosans has reduced the tenacity of the dough. The higher the enzyme concentration, the lower the dough consistency during kneading. Besides, the greatest improvement of quality was produced when xylanase was added to low quality flour and when the French type bread making method was applied.Fil: Osella, C.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología de Los Alimentos; ArgentinaFil: de la Torre, M. A. G.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología de Los Alimentos; ArgentinaFil: Erben, Melina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología de Los Alimentos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: Gallardo, A.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología de Los Alimentos; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez, H.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología de Los Alimentos; Argentin

    Violence against women. The aggressor's profile: approaches to evaluation of the risk

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    La Administración de Justicia es cada vez más consciente de la importancia de que la pericia médica en los casos de violencia familiar se haga de forma completa, rigurosa y científica. Por ello, desde hace seis años pusimos nuestra experiencia y conocimientos a su servicio creando la "Unidad de Valoración Médico-forense de Violencia Familiar" en la Universidad de Granada, al objeto de realizar una pericia médico-legal integral en cada caso de violencia, dirigida a establecer una valoración global y completa de la víctima, del agresor y de los hijos, cuando los hay. En el presente trabajo se describe la sistemática utilizada en la evaluación psicológico-psiquiátrica de las partes involucradas en el problema y los resultados que nos permiten establecer los diversos perfiles de maltratadores. La comparación entre los resultados obtenidos en el perfil de personalidad de la víctima y del agresor permite comprender cómo surge la dinámica de la violencia y cuáles son los detonantes del comportamiento maltratador, así como el nivel de riesgo que este representa para aquélla. Esta valoración integral puede proporcionar al juez, al fiscal y a los letrados una información rigurosa y objetiva sobre la que apoyar la mejor decisión para todos los implicados y las medidas a adoptar en cada caso.Judges and Justice more and more realise the importance of medical expert reports in cases of domestic violence being made in a complete, rigorous and scientific way. For this reason, for the last six years we have placed our experience and knowledge at their service by creating the "Forensic Evaluation of Domestic Violence Unit" in the University of Granada. Our purpose was to carry out integral medical expertise in each case of violence, trying to establish a global and complete evaluation, of both victim and aggressor (and their children, when there are any). This paper describes the systematic protocol we have used for the psychological-psychiatric evaluation of the parts involved in the problem, as well as the obtained results which allow as to establish the diverse aggressor profiles. The comparison between the results for the profile of victim and aggressor personalities allows a comprehension of how the dynamics of the violence arises and what is the trigger for the aggressive behavior, as well as the level of risk that the aggressor represents for the victim. This global evaluation can provide to judge, prosecutor, and lawyers rigorous and objective information as a basis for the best decision for both victim and aggressor as well as for the measures to adopt in each cas