6 research outputs found

    Memposisikan Abdul Karim Jamak sebagai Ulama Asia Tenggara dari Kerinci, Jambi, Indonesia

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    Abdul Karim Jamak almost straight into a discussion of the religious phenomenon in Kerinci, Sumatra and even in Southeast Asia. His activities are mostly done in Kerinci, as a place that is quite difficult to reach once, to be controversial with many additional stories about him. This study wants to explore the biography of Abdul Karim Jamak and his role in Islamic missionary activity, and to describe some of the results of the research before about this an Islamic ulama of the Kerinci. The results of this study itself show that controversial stories about Jamaah Islamiyah led by Abdul Karim is not an Islamic deviant splinter group. In fact, Abdul Karim plays an important role in islamization and could be positioned as one of the scholars of the archipelago, and even Southeast Asia ulama from Kerinci, Indonesia

    Masyarakat Muslim Melayu di Singapura: Kajian Terhadap Isu dan Tantangan dalam Dakwah dan Pemikiran Islam Era Globalisasi

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    This paper aims to examine and assess the position of Islam as al-Din or religion for Malay Muslim community in Singapore. By using primary and secondary sources in the field of Islamic thought, the main and primary issues faced Malay Moslem society from various ranks, as well as internal, external and et cetera in addition to studying the methods and approaches applied by MUIS (Majelis Ugama Islam Singapore) specifically as the Islamic supreme and organization in the republic to solve the problems that arise in society since the first. The result of the study showed that Islam in Singapore is ASWJ (Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah), as any other country in the overseas, but rather obvious distinction is due to the nature and attitude of openness and positiveness shown by Malay Muslim society in accepting diversity and different forms and thoughts. In summary, they are united in the difference “agree to disagree.

    Kontribusi Salman Al-farisi dan Kebudayaan Persia dalam Pemikiran Islam

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    This article as the title indicates is to examine the life and background of salman alfarisi and his position in islam and especially in the world of persian people and nation within the islamic framework. the discussion we also be focusing on the nation of salman al farisi anfd their contribution to the islam and the worl