2,173 research outputs found

    Negation in Modern Standard Arabic: An LFG approach

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    Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) uses five different particles to express sentential negation: the invariant particle maa, the particle laa and its tensed counterparts lam (PAST) and lan (FUT), and laysa which is marked only for SUBJ agreement. Partial analyses of these elements are offered in other frameworks, notably Minimalism (Shlonsky, 1997; Benmamoun, 2000), but have not to date received an analysis within LFG. We propose an approach to four of these particles: the fifth one, namely maa, raises a number of additional issues and we leave it to one side for reasons of space. laa, lam, lan show distinctions of TENSE, occur only with imperfective forms of the verb (excluding the perfective) and must immediately precede the verb itself. They are limited to occurrence in verbal sentences. We propose that the adjacency requirement follows from the fact that these negative particles are non-projecting words adjoined to the (imperfective) V. On the other hand, laysa is a fully verbal element, and is thus a negative verb, occurring only with present tense interpretation


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    Nowadays, effective microorganism technology is widely used in treating and improving water quality for its environmentally friendly properties. The quality of river water can be considered as one of the most important concern for official authorities worldwide. In Malaysia, the local government is tending to enhance the water quality of rivers in the county by utilizing effective microorganism technology. Determining the suitable amount of the EM to improve water quality is one of the barriers that need to overcome. This report discusses one of the proposed methods for solving the issue of distributing random amount of effective microorganism (EM) in river. Utilizing an automated control system is the focal objective of this writing to dilute pollutant in river. By using such technology, effective microorganism will be poured into the river in mud-ball form based on the need of it. In this paper, developing a prototype consists of well-designed control system to test and study the impact of EM dispensation in a tank of water will be explained in details

    How much does transmit correlation affect the sum-rate scaling of MIMO Gaussian broadcast channels?

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    This paper considers the effect of spatial correlation between transmit antennas on the sum-rate capacity of the MIMO Gaussian broadcast channel (i.e., downlink of a cellular system). Specifically, for a system with a large number of users n, we analyze the scaling laws of the sum-rate for the dirty paper coding and for different types of beamforming transmission schemes. When the channel is i.i.d., it has been shown that for large n, the sum rate is equal to M log log n + M log P/M + o(1) where M is the number of transmit antennas, P is the average signal to noise ratio, and o(1) refers to terms that go to zero as n → ∞. When the channel exhibits some spatial correlation with a covariance matrix R (non-singular with tr(R) = M), we prove that the sum rate of dirty paper coding is M log log n + M log P/M + log det(R) + o(1). We further show that the sum-rate of various beamforming schemes achieves M log log n + M log P/M + M log c + o(1) where c ≤ 1 depends on the type of beamforming. We can in fact compute c for random beamforming proposed in and more generally, for random beamforming with preceding in which beams are pre-multiplied by a fixed matrix. Simulation results are presented at the end of the paper

    Design and construction of a novel reconfigurable micro manufacturing cell

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Demands for producing small components are increasing. Such components are usually produced using large-size conventional machining tools. This results in the inadequate usage of resources, including energy, space and time. In the 1990s, the concept of a microfactory was introduced in order to achieve better usage of these resources by scaling down the size of the machine tool itself. Several industries can benefit from implementing such a concept, such as the medical, automotive and electronics industries. A novel architecture for a reconfigurable micro-manufacturing cell (RMC) is presented in this research, aiming at delivering certain manufacturing strategies such as point of use (POU) and cellular manufacturing (CM) as well as several capabilities, including modularity, reconfigurability, mobility and upgradability. Unlike conventional machine tools, the proposed design is capable of providing several machining processes within a small footprint (500 mm2), yet processing parts within a volume up to 100 mm3. In addition, it delivers a rapid structure and process reconfiguration while achieving a micromachining level of accuracy. The approach followed in developing the system is highly iterative with several feedback loops. It was deemed necessary to adopt such an approach to ensure that not only was the design relevant, but also that it progresses the state-of-the-art and takes into account the many considerations in machine design. Following this approach, several design iterations have been developed before reaching a final design that is capable of delivering the required manufacturing qualities and operational performance. A prototype has been built based on the specifications of the selected design iteration, followed by providing a detailed material and components selection process and assembly method before running a performance assessment analysis of the prototype. At this stage, a correlation between the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model and prototype has been considered, aiming at studying the level of performance of the RMC when optimising the design in the future. Then, based on the data collected during each stage of the design process, an optimisation process was suggested to improve the overall performance of the system, using computer aided design and modelling (CAD/CAM) tools to generate, analyse and optimise the design

    Economic Ideas of the Quaid-i-Azam

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    The present paper consists of four parts. First, it is argued why the Quaid-i- Azam, Mohammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948), concentrated for the most part on political issues and political freedom, why he went in for Islam as the cultural metaphor in arguing the case for Pakistan, and why he opted for couching his marathon (1937-47) discourse in Islamic terms. Second, the legacy in terms of the primacy of economic factors in propelling a colonised people towards political emancipation Jinnah had received from the historic realm and his own background— in particular, the economic bias in his family background, in Bombay’s mercantile culture which was almost at the centre of the most formative influences in his early life, and in the pronouncements of, and proposals mooted by, Muslim leaders from Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (1817-1898) down to Iqbal (1877-1938) on the one hand, and by the Mohammedan Educational Conference (f.1836) to the All India Muslim League (1906-47), on the other. These proposals were essentially aimed at exhorting the intelligentsia to work for the social, economic and political uplift of the masses. Third, the stress on economic emancipation and the rise of Muslim economic nationalism in the 1940s, in the wake of the Lahore Resolution (1940), has been discussed and delineated briefly

    The meaning of self-defence under article 51 of the United Nations charter

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    This thesis examines the development of the concept of individual and collective self-defence as expressed in Article 51 of the UN Charter. In doing so, it will analyse the attempts to stretch the scope of the right of self-defence beyond the limits allowed under Article 51 and assess whether such attempts have undermined the Charter regime. The concept of self-defence is seen as part of a series of evolutionary attempts to limit the horrors of war by formulating criteria for the legitimacy of armed force. This study looks at the developments from the racial and religiously- motivated medieval concept of "Just War", and the "defensive" Islamic concept of Jihad, through arbitration and treaty between sovereign states, to the development of the legal doctrine of self-defence, subject to the criteria of necessity and proportionality, established in the Caroline case. The focus is on the modem development of the concept of self-defence in the UN era, has developed within the context of a global collective security system.However, the circumstances of its drafting left Article 51 with a number of ambiguities and inadequacies, which are explored with reference to illustrative examples from recent history. Attention is drawn to the nature and scope of the so-called "inherent right"; the difficulties surrounding the definitions of "armed attack" and "aggression" as events which activate the sight of self-defence; and the unforeseen burden placed on Article 51 as a result of the paralysing effect of the Cold War on the collective security system. A further development in recent years has been a trend to fit Article 51 to the scope of the post-colonial, post-Cold War era, by attempting to enlarge it, both temporally and spatially. The former leads to claims for various forms of anticipatory and retrospective defence; the latter to broader conceptions of the people, territory and governance system to be defended whereby the legal framework of Article 51 is made subject to political and humanitarian considerations. However well-intentioned, such trends would greatly increase the number of exceptions to the prohibition in Article 2(4) and open the door to misuse of the Article 51 provision thereby increasing the danger of threats to peace and security.Clearly, the 1945 conception of self-defence is no longer adequate to deal with the changing force of international relations. Article 51 must change; the question is whether it can do so within the spirit of its nature as an "emergency" response with value especially to weaker and third world nations

    Case Report Excellent Long Survival of a Female Patient with Osteosarcoma (1998-2019)

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    سجلت حالـة المريضـة و عمرها 9 سنـة عام 1998 وأصبحــت عمرهـا 30 سنة عام 2019 في محافظـــة بابـل منطقـة حـي الإمــام (ع)  من 18686 حــالة ورم خبيـث خلال الفتـرة ما بيـــــــن   (1990 - 2018) كانت كما يلي :- 10052 (53.79%): إنــــــــــــــــــاث. 8634 (46.20%): ذكــــــــــــــــــور. أي بنسبة 1,15 : 1  للنساء : الرجال  . وبعـد إحالتهـا من الأخ اختصاص العظام المحتـرم بعد إصابتها بورم خبيــث بعظم الطرف الأسفل الأيمن (Osteosarcoma) واجري لها عملية بتر القدم اليمنـى ثم عـاد الـورم في السـاق الأيمـن ثم بتـرت ثم عـاد الـورم أسفـل الركبة وأجريـت لها عملية فـوق مفصـل الركبة وتم معالجتها من قبل الدكتور اختصاص العلاج بالأشـــعة العميقة وبالعـلاج الكيميــــاوي ست كورســــات  (سزبلاتين + ادريمايسن) كل 3 أسابيـع و زودت بطـرف صنـاعي واستجابت للعـلاج ولم ينتشـر الورم إلى أعضاء الجسـم الأخرى من خلال الفحوصـات الدوريـة منذ عـام 1998 حتـى الآن (2019 ) .30 years old, unmarried girl with above knee amputation of right lower limbs since 1998 as radical treatment for Osteosarcoma of upper tibia with no systemic or local recurrence after oncological treatment until now

    Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnant Women

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    الغرض من البحث: الغرض من هذا البحث هو دراسة حالات التهاب المجاري البولية نتيجة استعمال صوندة الادرار اثناء اجراء  العمليات القيصرية وكذلك تشخيص مختلف انواع الجراثيم التي تسبب هذا الالتهاب ووضع توصيات حول نوع العلاج والطريقة الصحيحة لوضع صوندة الادرار لغرض  تقليل حالات الالتهابات ومضاعفاتها . العينة وطريقة البحث: دراسة مقطعية أجريت لمرضى تم اختيارهن عشوائيا واللواتي  يرتادون مستشفى النسائية والاطفال  في مدينة الحلة . 2015 البيانات تم الحصول عليها عن طريق الاستبيانات البسيطة وهي تحليل الادرار العام مع فحص الزرع والتحسس لا يجاد المضاد الحيوي الملائم . النتائج: ان نتائج البحث كشفت الانواع التالية من البكتريا المسببة للالتهابات وهي اشريشيا كولاي حوالي  9 مريضة أي بنسبة ((13.84%)..والكليبسيللا حوالي 32 مريضة بنسبة (49.23%) ونوع البروتيوس عدد المصابات بها هو3مريضات وبنسبة (4.61%).  وكذلك نوع السيودوموناص حوالي 2 مريضات ونسبتهن حوالي(3.07%). ونوع ستافيللوكوكس اوريوس عدد المصابات 3 مريضات وبنسبة (4.61%).   ونوع البيتاهيموليتك بكتريا مريضة واحدة وبنسبة (1.53%) ومثلها بكتريا الستاف البس. كذلك ووجدنا ان8 مريضات  استعملن المضاد الحيوي من مجموع النساء ووضعت لهن صوندة الادرار لم يصبن باي التهابات بينما 9 مريضات مع صوندة الادرار بدون مضاد حيوي لم يصبن باي التهابات في المجاري البولية اما بالنسبة للعمر فمن العمر 20-30 سنة بلغ عددهن 42 مريضة (64.62%) والبقية من عمر 31-40 سنة كان عددهن 23 مريضة ((35. 38% الاستنتاجات : لقد وجدنا ان هناك تأثير كبير لصوندة الادرار في أحداث ألتهاب ألمجاري البولية لدى النساء وهذا يستدعي اتباع طرق علمية ومعقمة في أدخال صوندة الادرار ويجب ان يقوم بالعملية كادر متدرب وذو خبرة في هذا المجال. The  urinary tract infection attributed to the use of an indwelling urinary catheter is one of the most common infections acquired by patients in health care facilities. Catheter-acquired urinary infection is the source for about 20% of episodes of health-care acquired bacteremia in acute care facilities, and over 50% in long term care facilities. The most important interventions to prevent bacteriuria and infection are to limit indwelling catheter use and, when catheter use is necessary, to discontinue the catheter as soon as clinically feasible.  Aim of Study: The aim of this research is to study the urinary tract infection after catheterization and to characterize the various types of microorganisms that are associated with this process. Recommendations concerning the type of treatment and the  appropriate ways of catheterization, that help in minimizing urinary tract infection and its complications. Conclusions : about 74% of these 65 patients for whom the urinary catheterization is used  developed urinary tract infections from different kinds of bacteria ,the most common types are Klebsiella pneumoniae (49.23%), also Escherichia coli (13.84%) , Proteus spp. (4.61%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3..07%), staphylococcus aureus (4.61%), β- hemolytic streptococci (1.53%) and Staphylococcus albus (1.53%)