1,913 research outputs found

    Monte-Carlo Simulations of Globular Cluster Evolution - I. Method and Test Calculations

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    We present a new parallel supercomputer implementation of the Monte-Carlo method for simulating the dynamical evolution of globular star clusters. Our method is based on a modified version of Henon's Monte-Carlo algorithm for solving the Fokker-Planck equation. Our code allows us to follow the evolution of a cluster containing up to 5x10^5 stars to core collapse in < 40 hours of computing time. In this paper we present the results of test calculations for clusters with equal-mass stars, starting from both Plummer and King model initial conditions. We consider isolated as well as tidally truncated clusters. Our results are compared to those obtained from approximate, self-similar analytic solutions, from direct numerical integrations of the Fokker-Planck equation, and from direct N-body integrations performed on a GRAPE-4 special-purpose computer with N=16384. In all cases we find excellent agreement with other methods, establishing our new code as a robust tool for the numerical study of globular cluster dynamics using a realistic number of stars.Comment: 35 pages, including 8 figures, submitted to ApJ. Revised versio

    Planets in triple star systems--the case of HD188753

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    We consider the formation of the recently discovered ``hot Jupiter'' planet orbiting the primary component of the triple star system HD188753. Although the current outer orbit of the triple is too tight for a Jupiter-like planet to have formed and migrated to its current location, the binary may have been much wider in the past. We assume here that the planetary system formed in an open star cluster, the dynamical evolution of which subsequently led to changes in the system's orbital parameters and binary configuration. We calculate cross sections for various scenarios that could have led to the multiple system currently observed, and conclude that component A of HD188753 with its planet were most likely formed in isolation to be swapped in a triple star system by a dynamical encounter in an open star cluster. We estimate that within 500pc of the Sun there are about 1200 planetary systems which, like Hd188753, have orbital parameters unfavorable for forming planets but still having a planet, making it quite possible that the HD188753 system was indeed formed by a dynamical encounter in an open star cluster.Comment: ApJ Letters in pres

    A runaway collision in a young star cluster as the origin of the brightest supernova

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    Supernova 2006gy in the galaxy NGC 1260 is the most luminous one recorded \cite{2006CBET..644....1Q, 2006CBET..647....1H, 2006CBET..648....1P, 2006CBET..695....1F}. Its progenitor might have been a very massive (>100>100 \msun) star \cite{2006astro.ph.12617S}, but that is incompatible with hydrogen in the spectrum of the supernova, because stars >40>40 \msun are believed to have shed their hydrogen envelopes several hundred thousand years before the explosion \cite{2005A&A...429..581M}. Alternatively, the progenitor might have arisen from the merger of two massive stars \cite{2007ApJ...659L..13O}. Here we show that the collision frequency of massive stars in a dense and young cluster (of the kind to be expected near the center of a galaxy) is sufficient to provide a reasonable chance that SN 2006gy resulted from such a bombardment. If this is the correct explanation, then we predict that when the supernova fades (in a year or so) a dense cluster of massive stars becomes visible at the site of the explosion

    The Evolution of Globular Clusters in the Galaxy

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    We investigate the evolution of globular clusters using N-body calculations and anisotropic Fokker-Planck (FP) calculations. The models include a mass spectrum, mass loss due to stellar evolution, and the tidal field of the parent galaxy. Recent N-body calculations have revealed a serious discrepancy between the results of N-body calculations and isotropic FP calculations. The main reason for the discrepancy is an oversimplified treatment of the tidal field employed in the isotropic FP models. In this paper we perform a series of calculations with anisotropic FP models with a better treatment of the tidal boundary and compare these with N-body calculations. The new tidal boundary condition in our FP model includes one free parameter. We find that a single value of this parameter gives satisfactory agreement between the N-body and FP models over a wide range of initial conditions. Using the improved FP model, we carry out an extensive survey of the evolution of globular clusters over a wide range of initial conditions varying the slope of the mass function, the central concentration, and the relaxation time. The evolution of clusters is followed up to the moment of core collapse or the disruption of the clusters in the tidal field of the parent galaxy. In general, our model clusters, calculated with the anisotropic FP model with the improved treatment for the tidal boundary, live longer than isotropic models. The difference in the lifetime between the isotropic and anisotropic models is particularly large when the effect of mass loss via stellar evolution is rather significant. On the other hand the difference is small for relaxation- dominated clusters which initially have steep mass functions and high central concentrations.Comment: 36 pages, 11 figures, LaTeX; added figures and tables; accepted by Ap

    Dietary Acid Load and Bone Turnover During Long-Duration Spaceflight and Bed Rest

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    Background Bed rest studies document that a lower dietary acid load is associated with lower bone resorption. Objective We tested the effect of dietary acid load on bone metabolism during spaceflight. Design Controlled 4-d diets with a high or low animal proteinto-potassium (APro:K) ratio (High and Low diets, respectively) were given to 17 astronauts before and during spaceflight. Each astronaut had 1 High and 1 Low diet session before flight and 2 High and 2 Low sessions during flight, in addition to a 4-d session around flight day 30 (FD30), when crew members were to consume their typical in-flight intake. At the end of each session, blood and urine samples were collected. Calcium, total protein, energy, and sodium were maintained in each crew member's preflight and in-flight controlled diets. Results Relative to preflight values, N-telopeptide (NTX) and urinary calcium were higher during flight, and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BSAP) was higher toward the end of flight. The High and Low diets did not affect NTX, BSAP, or urinary calcium. Dietary sulfur and age were significantly associated with changes in NTX. Dietary sodium and flight day were significantly associated with urinary calcium during flight. The net endogenous acid production (NEAP) estimated from the typical dietary intake at FD30 was associated with loss of bone mineral content in the lumbar spine after the mission. The results were compared with data from a 70-d bed rest study, in which control (but not exercising) subjects APro:K was associated with higher NTX during bed rest. Conclusions Long-term lowering of NEAP by increasing vegetable and fruit intake may protect against changes in loss of bone mineral content during spaceflight when adequate calcium is consumed, particularly if resistive exercise is not being performed. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01713634

    Gravitational Radiation From Globular Clusters

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    Space-based gravitational wave detectors will have the ability to observe continuous low frequency gravitational radiation from binary star systems. They can determine the direction to continuous sources with an angular resolution approaching tens of arcminutes. This resolution should be sufficient to identify binary sources as members of some nearby globular clusters. Thus, gravitational radiation can be used to determine the population of hard binaries in globular clusters. For particularly hard binaries, the orbital period may change as a result of gravitational wave emission. If one of these binaries can be identified with a globular cluster, then the distance to that cluster can be determined. Thus, gravitational radiation may provide reddening-independent distance measurements to globular clusters.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, uses aasms4.sty, submitted to Ap.

    VLA observations of candidate high-mass protostellar objects at 7 mm

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    We present radio continuum observations at 7 mm made using the Very Large Array towards three massive star forming regions thought to be in very early stages of evolution selected from the sample of Sridharan et al. (2002). Emission was detected towards all three sources (IRAS 18470-0044, IRAS 19217+1651 and IRAS 23151+5912). We find that in all cases the 7 mm emission corresponds to thermal emission from ionized gas. The regions of ionized gas associated with IRAS 19217+1651 and IRAS 23151+5912 are hypercompact with diameters of 0.009 and 0.0006 pc, and emission measures of 7.0 x 10^8 and 2.3 x 10^9 pc cm^(-6), respectively.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, accepted by The Astronomical Journa

    Close Binary White Dwarf Systems: Numerous New Detections and Their Interpretation

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    We describe radial velocity observations of a large sample of apparently single white dwarfs (WDs), obtained in a long-term effort to discover close, double-degenerate (DD) pairs which might comprise viable Type Ia Supernova (SN Ia) progenitors. We augment the WD sample with a previously observed sample of apparently single subdwarf B (sdB) stars, which are believed to evolve directly to the WD cooling sequence after the cessation of core helium burning. We have identified 18 new radial velocity variables, including five confirmed sdB+WD short-period pairs. Our observations are in general agreement with the predictions of the theory of binary star evolution. We describe a numerical method to evaluate the detection efficiency of the survey and estimate the number of binary systems not detected due to the effects of varying orbital inclination, orbital phase at the epoch of the first observation, and the actual temporal sampling of each object in the sample. Follow-up observations are in progress to solve for the orbital parameters of the candidate velocity variables.Comment: 30 pages (LaTeX) + 6 figures (Postscript), aaspp4 styl

    The most massive progenitors of neutron stars: CXO J164710.2-455216

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    The evolution leading to the formation of a neutron star in the very young Westerlund 1 star cluster is investigated. The turnoff mass has been estimated to be 35 Msun, indicating a cluster age ~ 3-5 Myr. The brightest X-ray source in the cluster, CXO J164710.2-455216, is a slowly spinning (10 s) single neutron star and potentially a magnetar. Since this source was argued to be a member of the cluster, the neutron star progenitor must have been very massive (M_zams > 40 Msun) as noted by Muno et al. (2006). Since such massive stars are generally believed to form black holes (rather than neutron stars), the existence of this object poses a challenge for understanding massive star evolution. We point out while single star progenitors below M_zams < 20 Msun form neutron stars, binary evolution completely changes the progenitor mass range. In particular, we demonstrate that mass loss in Roche lobe overflow enables stars as massive as 50-80 Msun, under favorable conditions, to form neutron stars. If the very high observed binary fraction of massive stars in Westerlund 1 (> 70 percent) is considered, it is natural that CXO J164710.2-455216 was formed in a binary which was disrupted in a supernova explosion such that it is now found as a single neutron star. Hence, the existence of a neutron star in a given stellar population does not necessarily place stringent constraints on progenitor mass when binary interactions are considered. It is concluded that the existence of a neutron star in Westerlund 1 cluster is fully consistent with the generally accepted framework of stellar evolution.Comment: 5 pages of text and 4 figures (submitted to Astrophysical Journal
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