4 research outputs found

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusAnotācija Lai gan mieturaļģēm ir liela ekoloģiska nozīme un tās ir plaši izplatītas un sastopamas, Latvijā iepriekš nav veikti mieturaļģu ekoloģijas pētījumi. Turklāt nav arī pētīta mieturaļģu sugu sastopamība un izplatība visā Latvijas teritorijā. Šī pētījuma mērķis ir iegūt datus par mieturaļģu sugām, kas ir sastopamas Latvijā, to izplatību, sastopamību un galvenajiem abiotiskajiem faktoriem, kuri varētu ietekmēt mieturaļģu sastopamību Latvijā. Saldūdens mieturaļģu sastopamība, biotopi un izplatība tika pētīta 173 pētījumu vietās (ezeros, karjeros, dīķos, upēs, grāvjos, avotos, purvu lāmās). Pētījuma laikā konstatētas 18 saldūdens mieturaļģu sugas - 11 Chara, piecas Nitella sugas, Nitellopsis obtusa un Tolypella prolifera. Ļoti reti sastopamas ir Nitella confervacea, N. syncarpa, N. translucens, T. prolifera, reti - Chara strigosa, diezgan bieži - C. filiformis, C. hispida, C. intermedia, C. rudis, C. vulgaris, N. flexilis, N. mucronata, bieži - C. aspera, C. contraria, C. tomentosa, C. virgata, Nitellopsis obtusa un ļoti bieži - C. globularis. Pētījuma laikā ievākti mieturaļģu herbāriji (521 krājuma vienības), kas glabājas Latvijas Dabas muzejā. Izveidota savākto un dāvināto herbāriju publiski pieejama datu bāze (www.meandrs.lv). Herbāriji izmantoti sugu morfoloģisko aprakstu un noteikšanas tabulu izveidei. Visiem pētījumā ievāktajiem sugu herbārijiem tika mērīts minimālais un maksimālais galvenās ass garums un diametrs, īszaru un posmu garums. Konstatētas vairākas mieturaļģu minimālās un maksimālās galvenās ass garuma (Chara aspera, C. hispida, C. intermedia, Nitellopsis obtusa), diametra (C. filiformis), īszaru (C. rudis, C. tomentosa, C. strigosa) garuma atšķirības, salīdzinot ar literatūru. Konstatētās morfoloģisko pazīmju izmaiņas nav būtiskas sugu noteikšanai, bet raksturo Latvijā augošo mieturaļģu daudzveidību un ir būtiskas sugu aprakstu veidošanā. Lai analizētu mieturaļģu ekoloģiju, 78 pētījumu vietās tika noteikti ekoloģiskie faktori (Ca2+, HCO3 -, Mg 2+, N-NO2 -, N-NO3 - un P-PO4 3- koncentrācija, kopējā cietība, pH, ūdens krāsa un ūdens caurredzamība). No visiem pētītajiem faktoriem četri ir statistiski būtiski un saistīti ar sugu sastāva gradientu. Statistiski būtiski faktori, kas ietekmē sugu sastopamību ir HCO3 - (p=0.002) un Mg 2+ (p=0.008) koncentrācija ūdenī, pH (p=0.026) un Seki caurredzamība (p=0.0360).Summary Irrespective of the great ecological importance of charophytes and their widspread distribution and occurrence in Latvia, no investigations have been carried out of charophyte ecology in Latvia before. Also the occurrence and distribution has not been studied in the whole territory of Latvia. The aim of this study is to summarize information about charophyte species in Latvia, study their distribution and occurence and examine the main abiotic factors influencing charophyte occurrence in Latvia. In 173 localities (lakes, pits, ponds, rivers, ditches, springs, bog pools) data on freshwater charophyte occurrence, habitats and distribution was collected. In total 18 freshwater charophytes species were found during the investigation - 11 Chara, five Nitella species, Nitellopsis obtusa and Tolypella prolifera. Very rare are species Nitella confervacea, N. syncarpa, N. translucens, T. prolifera, rare - Chara strigosa, quite common - C. filiformis, C. hispida, C. intermedia, C. rudis, C. vulgaris, N. flexilis, N. mucronata, common - C. aspera, C. contraria, C. tomentosa, C. virgata, Nitellopsis obtusa and very common - C. globularis. During the investigation charophyte herbaria were collected (521 herbaria units). The herbaria are stored in Latvian Museum of Natural history. A publicly available data base (www.meandrs.lv) of collected and presented herbaria was made. Herbaria was used for development of species morphological descriptions and identification keys. Minimal and maximal length of algae, diameter of main axis, length of branchlets and internodes were measured for all collected herbaria. Some differences of minimal and maximal length of algae (Chara aspera, C. hispida, C. intermedia, Nitellopsis obtusa), diameter of main axis (C. filiformis), length of branchlets (C. rudis, C. tomentosa, C. strigosa) in comparison with the literature was found. The described differences in morphological features are not essential for species identification, but characterize the diversity of charophytes growing in Latvia and are important for preparing species descriptions. In 78 localities ecological factors of water (Ca2+, HCO3 -, Mg 2+, N-NO2 -, N-NO3 - and P-PO4 3- concentration, total hardness in water, pH, water colour and water transparency) were analized to study Charophyta ecology. From all analized factors four were statistically significant and associatedted with gradients of species composition. Significant factors affecting species occurrence were HCO3 - (p=0.002) and Mg 2+ (p=0.008) concentration in the water, pH (p=0.026) and Secchi depth (p=0.0360)

    Taxonomic features of fruits and seeds of Nymphaea and Nuphar taxa of the Southern Baltic region

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    Research was carried out on fruits and seeds of Nymphaea and Nuphar taxa collected from Poland, Latvia and Estonia. The aim of the research was to establish diagnostic features which could enable identification of the examined taxa on the basis of the fruit and seed structure and creating a key to identify them. The examined organs were observed through an optic microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). New diagnostic features were discovered: spotting of fresh pericarp, the range of the fruit shape coefficient, the colour of the rays in the fruit stigma disc, the thickness of the seed testa, ribs in the seeds, and occurrence of the “puzzle shaped” cells on the surface of the testa. The discovered features were used in the taxonomic characteristics

    Latvijas saldūdens mieturaļģu (Charopfyta) flora un ekoloģija

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    Anotācija Lai gan mieturaļģēm ir liela ekoloģiska nozīme un tās ir plaši izplatītas un sastopamas, Latvijā iepriekš nav veikti mieturaļģu ekoloģijas pētījumi. Turklāt nav arī pētīta mieturaļģu sugu sastopamība un izplatība visā Latvijas teritorijā. Šī pētījuma mērķis ir iegūt datus par mieturaļģu sugām, kas ir sastopamas Latvijā, to izplatību, sastopamību un galvenajiem abiotiskajiem faktoriem, kuri varētu ietekmēt mieturaļģu sastopamību Latvijā. Saldūdens mieturaļģu sastopamība, biotopi un izplatība tika pētīta 173 pētījumu vietās (ezeros, karjeros, dīķos, upēs, grāvjos, avotos, purvu lāmās). Pētījuma laikā konstatētas 18 saldūdens mieturaļģu sugas - 11 Chara, piecas Nitella sugas, Nitellopsis obtusa un Tolypella prolifera. Ļoti reti sastopamas ir Nitella confervacea, N. syncarpa, N. translucens, T. prolifera, reti - Chara strigosa, diezgan bieži - C. filiformis, C. hispida, C. intermedia, C. rudis, C. vulgaris, N. flexilis, N. mucronata, bieži - C. aspera, C. contraria, C. tomentosa, C. virgata, Nitellopsis obtusa un ļoti bieži - C. globularis. Pētījuma laikā ievākti mieturaļģu herbāriji (521 krājuma vienības), kas glabājas Latvijas Dabas muzejā. Izveidota savākto un dāvināto herbāriju publiski pieejama datu bāze (www.meandrs.lv). Herbāriji izmantoti sugu morfoloģisko aprakstu un noteikšanas tabulu izveidei. Visiem pētījumā ievāktajiem sugu herbārijiem tika mērīts minimālais un maksimālais galvenās ass garums un diametrs, īszaru un posmu garums. Konstatētas vairākas mieturaļģu minimālās un maksimālās galvenās ass garuma (Chara aspera, C. hispida, C. intermedia, Nitellopsis obtusa), diametra (C. filiformis), īszaru (C. rudis, C. tomentosa, C. strigosa) garuma atšķirības, salīdzinot ar literatūru. Konstatētās morfoloģisko pazīmju izmaiņas nav būtiskas sugu noteikšanai, bet raksturo Latvijā augošo mieturaļģu daudzveidību un ir būtiskas sugu aprakstu veidošanā. Lai analizētu mieturaļģu ekoloģiju, 78 pētījumu vietās tika noteikti ekoloģiskie faktori (Ca2+, HCO3 -, Mg 2+, N-NO2 -, N-NO3 - un P-PO4 3- koncentrācija, kopējā cietība, pH, ūdens krāsa un ūdens caurredzamība). No visiem pētītajiem faktoriem četri ir statistiski būtiski un saistīti ar sugu sastāva gradientu. Statistiski būtiski faktori, kas ietekmē sugu sastopamību ir HCO3 - (p=0.002) un Mg 2+ (p=0.008) koncentrācija ūdenī, pH (p=0.026) un Seki caurredzamība (p=0.0360).Summary Irrespective of the great ecological importance of charophytes and their widspread distribution and occurrence in Latvia, no investigations have been carried out of charophyte ecology in Latvia before. Also the occurrence and distribution has not been studied in the whole territory of Latvia. The aim of this study is to summarize information about charophyte species in Latvia, study their distribution and occurence and examine the main abiotic factors influencing charophyte occurrence in Latvia. In 173 localities (lakes, pits, ponds, rivers, ditches, springs, bog pools) data on freshwater charophyte occurrence, habitats and distribution was collected. In total 18 freshwater charophytes species were found during the investigation - 11 Chara, five Nitella species, Nitellopsis obtusa and Tolypella prolifera. Very rare are species Nitella confervacea, N. syncarpa, N. translucens, T. prolifera, rare - Chara strigosa, quite common - C. filiformis, C. hispida, C. intermedia, C. rudis, C. vulgaris, N. flexilis, N. mucronata, common - C. aspera, C. contraria, C. tomentosa, C. virgata, Nitellopsis obtusa and very common - C. globularis. During the investigation charophyte herbaria were collected (521 herbaria units). The herbaria are stored in Latvian Museum of Natural history. A publicly available data base (www.meandrs.lv) of collected and presented herbaria was made. Herbaria was used for development of species morphological descriptions and identification keys. Minimal and maximal length of algae, diameter of main axis, length of branchlets and internodes were measured for all collected herbaria. Some differences of minimal and maximal length of algae (Chara aspera, C. hispida, C. intermedia, Nitellopsis obtusa), diameter of main axis (C. filiformis), length of branchlets (C. rudis, C. tomentosa, C. strigosa) in comparison with the literature was found. The described differences in morphological features are not essential for species identification, but characterize the diversity of charophytes growing in Latvia and are important for preparing species descriptions. In 78 localities ecological factors of water (Ca2+, HCO3 -, Mg 2+, N-NO2 -, N-NO3 - and P-PO4 3- concentration, total hardness in water, pH, water colour and water transparency) were analized to study Charophyta ecology. From all analized factors four were statistically significant and associatedted with gradients of species composition. Significant factors affecting species occurrence were HCO3 - (p=0.002) and Mg 2+ (p=0.008) concentration in the water, pH (p=0.026) and Secchi depth (p=0.0360)

    Taxonomic features of fruits and seeds of Nymphaea and Nuphar taxa of the Southern Baltic region

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    Research was carried out on fruits and seeds of Nymphaea and Nuphar taxa collected from Poland, Latvia and Estonia. The aim of the research was to establish diagnostic features which could enable identification of the examined taxa on the basis of the fruit and seed structure and creating a key to identify them. The examined organs were observed through an optic microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). New diagnostic features were discovered: spotting of fresh pericarp, the range of the fruit shape coefficient, the colour of the rays in the fruit stigma disc, the thickness of the seed testa, ribs in the seeds, and occurrence of the “puzzle shaped” cells on the surface of the testa. The discovered features were used in the taxonomic characteristics