17 research outputs found


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    This article discusses the attitude of the santri in Dayah Babussalam Matangkuli, North Aceh. This attitude which is the result of the kitab kuning-based Islamic education process they received, both are lifestyle in the form of views and daily life routines that are lived. This model of the daily life of the students is the answer to the various problems that plague the Indonesian nation today. The writing of this article uses descriptive analysis method. The data collected is the result of observations, interviews and documentation which is then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the santri in the pesantren have a number of lifestyles that can be ideal models for the life of the Indonesian nation. The attitude results from the educational process include simplicity, mutual help, ukhuwah Islamiyah, protected from the damage of illegal drugs and advances in information technology, mutual respect and so on. This santri lifestyle is expected to be an ideal model for the attitude of the younger generation of Indonesia

    Paradigma Islam Wasatiyah Ulama Aceh: Studi Pemikiran Tu Sop Jeunib

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    This article describes the Islamic thought of Wasaṭiyah one of the Acehnese scholars, Tgk. H. Muhammad Yusuf A. Wahab or well-known as Tu Sop Jeunieb and currently serves as Chairman of the Ulama Dayah Aceh Association (HUDA). Tu Sop is active in preaching by word and deed. To expand the reach of his da'wah, Tu Sop also utilizes modern da'wah facilities such as social media, radio, websites, and others. The scope of his da'wah includes political, social, moral, and spiritual aspects, aqidah, motivation and education. This research uses a qualitative approach and focuses on the thoughts of the characters. Data were collected through document review, observation, and in-depth interviews. The data were then analyzed interpretively. The results of the study show that Tu Sop Jeunieb's thoughts emphasize aspects of the Islamic moderation approach or the "middle" view in religion. Tu Sop's narrative is always in the middle between two clashes with the aim of finding common ground in differences. Tu Sop looked at the Ahlusunnah wal Jamā’ah in a Wasaṭiyah manner. He also consistently to invite unity (Wiḥdat al-Ummah), have character and maintain a sense of security, balance between the world and the hereafter, balance between reason and sacred texts, orientation to goodness, hikmah and good advice, reject all kind of deviation. The results of this study are very important as a guide in grounding the concept of Wasaṭiyah Islam which is increasingly needed lately, especially when Muslims are faced with various potential conflicts and divisions


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    This paper explores the views of dayah scholars towards the ideal format of the implementation of Da'wah Islamiyah in order to strengthen the enforcement of Islamic Sharia in Aceh. The implementation of Islamic Sharia which has been running for a dozen years is need to be supported by the massive implementation of Da'wah Islamiyah because the da'wah calls on people to do what is right and leave evil. To achieve this goal, the implementation of da'wah must be in accordance with the advice of Islam itself, both the delivery method, material, criteria for preaching and the involvement of various elements to ensure the successful implementation of da'wah. This research takes a study of the views of the dayah scholars because it considers that the scholars are a very influential element in Acehnese society. The method of writing this article uses a qualitative approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with a number of dayah scholars and preachers in Aceh. The results of this study describe the responses and views of Islamic dayah scholars in Aceh to the methods and strategies of Da'wah Islamiyah that can be used in order to strengthen the enforcement of Islamic Sharia in Aceh. The results of this study can be useful for the formulation of policies of the Aceh government, especially in compiling policies on the implementation of Da'wah Islamiyah so that the process of implementing the Islamic Shari'ah that is running can reach the goals that are aspired. Keywords : Islamic Shari'ah, Da'wah Islamiyah, ulama daya


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    Artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana pendidikan Santri Dayah di Aceh memberikan keseimbangan antara penerapan akal dan wahyu. Keseimbangan ini, yang menjadi landasan bagi pertumbuhan di masa depan, bertujuan untuk mendorong “moderasi beragama” dalam pendidikan dayah, atau “Islam Wasathiyah.” Islam Wasathiyah didasarkan pada gagasan untuk mencapai keseimbangan di segala bidang. Penyelidikan utama berkaitan dengan cara pengalaman pendidikan siswa Dayah menggunakan akal dan wahyu sebagai sarana untuk menunjukkan keseimbangan ini. Esai ini menggali pertanyaan ini secara mendalam. Dalam penelitian kualitatif ini wawancara merupakan sumber data primer, dan observasi serta dokumentasi merupakan sumber data sekunder. Delapan orang Guru Besar Dayah menjadi sumber informasi utama. Subjek penelitian utama adalah Dayah Mishrul Huda Malikussaleh di Banda Aceh, Dayah Babussalam Al-Aziziyah di Bireuen, dan Dayah Babussalam Al-Hanafiyyah di Aceh Utara. Data yang telah dikumpulkan dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Temuannya menunjukkan bahwa santri Dayah secara konsisten menjaga keseimbangan yang sehat antara wahyu dan akal dalam mengejar ilmu aqidah, fiqh, dan tasawuf. Harmoni ini menunjukkan komitmen Dayah dalam menjunjung tinggi model pendidikan Islam Wasathiyah sebagaimana sekolah Islam konvensional di Aceh dalam seluruh proses pembelajarannya. Menemukan paradigma pembelajaran ideal yang berhasil memadukan akal dan wahyu menjadi tujuan penelitian ini


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    This qualitative descriptive study aims to explain the system of developing a yellow book-based Islamic education curriculum organized by a typical Islamic boarding school, Ma'had Aly in Aceh Province. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation, then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the yellow book became the main focus in curriculum development. At the planning stage, the preparation of yellow book-based courses, then mastery of the yellow book is used as special skill for graduates. In the implementation process, the yellow book is used as the main reference for learning then learning is held using the Khataman system converted to the Semester Credit System (SKS). The learning method is varied, combining lecture models and the yellow book learning model in Islamic boarding schools. The stages of curriculum evaluation are carried out in various ways, including quizzes, midterms, memorization of the Koran and mastery of the yellow book, final semester exams, and writing of treatises


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    This article discusses about Arabic-Malay books that were written by scholars in the past and are still a source of Islamic learning in the midst of Acehnese society today. Many books that read Arabic-Malay were born during the Samudera Pasai Kingdom and the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. The Arabic-Malay books written by scholars at the time were an important heritage of Islamic scientific culture which is still the main reference for Islamic learning of Muslim societies today. Then what is the actual process of learning Arabic-Malay books today which takes place informally through study assemblies that are held independently by the community ?. What methods and books are used and what are the main objectives of learning this Arabic-Malay book in the midst of society? This question is what I am trying to answer in this article

    Peran Sentral Syari'at Islam dalam Konsep Pemerintahan

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    Dayah is a typical Acehnese educational institution that has long played a very important role in maintaining political stability especially in Aceh . This educational institution has spawned many fighters, reformers and politicians both local and national level . This institution has been born since the arrival of Islam to Aceh and still exist until now with the dynamics that continue to grow. The relationship of dayah educational institutions with the authorities has spawned many government policies in order to reduce conflict and enforcement of Islamic law in Aceh . As a form of state responsibility (2)in maintaining the sustainability and existence of dayah educational institutions the government has established a special body equivalent to other education offices in Aceh named Badan Pembinaan Pendidikan Dayah (BPPD ) . Aceh Thus (dayah education is recognized as an official educational institution . The alumni of this institution have the same rights as alumni from other formal education institutions in Aceh


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    Significance the study was to prove the importance of grounding the honest character education in Aceh at all levels. This phenomenon is referred to the decadency of morality as a result of the loss of an real culture. That trend of dishonesty spread in the country as which is a direct impact of the failure of the education system in forming the honest character of this nation. In fact, the honesty is the soul of education as well as the purpose of education itself. All education stakeholders should make effort to immediately revive the central role of education in building the character of youth nation who is studying at all levels of education. Grounding honest character of students, besides to save this nation from destruction, it will also supported the success of learners in the path of life and Hereafte

    Sikap Moderasi Beragama Pada Kegiatan Ekstrakulikuler (Studi Kasus Pada Siswa MAN 4 Aceh Besar)

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    Dewasa ini ada potensi milenial yang terjebak dalam ideologi beragama yang berpotensi merusak kedamaian dan kerukunan berbangsa dan bernegara. Hal ini terjadi karena terdapat keberagaman pada pelaksana ekstrakurikuler sebagai subyek penelitian. Untuk membendung hal tersebut dibutuhkan sikap moderasi beragama sebagai jalan tengah dalam menghidupkan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di madrasah. Moderasi beragama adalah cara hidup untuk rukun, saling menghormati, menjaga dan bertoleransi tanpa harus menimbulkan konflik karena perbedaan yang ada. Fokus kajian penelitian kualitatif ini adalah untuk dapat mendeskripsikan fenomena sikap moderasi beragama pada Siswa MAN 4 Aceh Besar sebagai Madrasah Unggulan Riset pada Kegiatan Ekstrakurukuler. Teknik pengumpulan data atau mengumpulkan informasi melibatkan partisipasi langsung, berupa dokumentasi, observasi, wawancara dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan ekstrakurikuler pada MAN 4 Aceh Besar dilaksanakan melalui organisasi ekstrakurikuler, dimana setiap organisasi memiliki kegiatan pokok masing-masing seperti kegiatan pengkaderan. Selain itu kegiatan ekstrakurikuler juga dilaksanakan oleh OSIM, seperti Latihan Kepemimpinan Dasar (LKD), Masa Ta’aruf Siswa Madrasah (MATSAMA). Kemudian Sikap Moderasi Beragama Siswa MAN 4 Aceh Besar sebagai Madrasah Unggulan Riset pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler berdasarkan hasil angket, observasi, wawancara terkait Prinsip-prinsip Moderasi Beragama, terdiri dari berkeadaban (ta’addub), keteladanan (qudwah), kewarganegaraan dan kebangsaan (muwatanah), mengambil jalan tengah (tawassut), berimbang (tawazun), adil dan konsisten (‘itidal), kesetaraan (musawah), musyawarah (syura), toleransi (tasamuh), dan dinamis dan inovatif (tathawwur wa ibtikar) digolongkan dalam kategori Sangat Baik