25 research outputs found

    Syi‘ah Itsna ‘Asyariyah: Beberapa Prinsip Ajaran

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    Syi‘ah Itsna ‘Asyariyah: Some Principal Teachings. The debate of ideological understanding of the rightful leadership is an important issue within the Shiates mainstream of Islam. The Shiates put ‘Ali—the fourth of al-khulafâ' al-râsyidûn—in a special position, because they consider him as the rightful successor of the Prophet Muhammad. On the contrary, however, they consider the other three caliphs as unlawful claimers to the caliphate. However, differences of understanding in the Shiates also occur at doctrinal level that gives rise to the emergence of the Twelvers and Seveners of Shiates, the former of which holds that there are twelve lawful number of imâm whereas the latter believes that there are only seven respectively. This article traces the historical roots of divergent doctrine within the Shiites mainstream, analyses how it develop through times, and argues that the different doctrine hold by respective sects whether at a lesser or greater extent lead to different factions

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Kompensasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Restoran Warung Taulan Badung

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of leadership style and financial compensation on job satisfaction employees of Restaurant Warung Taulan Badung. This research is quantitative associative. Sources of data used in this study are primary and secondary data. The method of determining the sample in this study is the sample saturated, so the sample in this study is the same with the number of population is 31 people. Data collection techniques used interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that tranformational leadership and compensation have a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction Restaurant Warung Taulan Badung

    Prosedur Efektif Pengembangan Aplikasi Basis Data

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    —Pada penelitian kali ini diusulkan prosedur cepat dan efisien pengembangan aplikasi basis data menggunakan generator aplikasi. Bertujuan untuk meminimalisir penulisan bahasa pemograman. Keuntungan dari prosedur ini adalah bisa digunakan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi basis data secara cepat terutama dengan sistem basis data yang terdiri dari banyak tabel. Hak akses dan prosedur keamanan standar telah disediakan sehingga setiap user terjamin haknya terhadap entitas tertentu di basis data. Hasil generasi adalah aplikasi basis data berbasis web yang siap pakai. Sistem aplikasi yang terbentuk masih sangat lentur untuk untuk dilakukan penyesuaian setiap komponen aplikasi baik di sisi server maupun di sisi client

    Cultural Content and Context in the Textbook “ When English Rings a Bell” Used by Grade Seventh Students of SMP Mandiri Pontianak

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    The purpose of this research is to find the cultural content and context in the textbook “When English Rings A Bell”. The method of this research is content analysis. There was one type of tool of colecting data in content analysis the researcher used matrix in cultural category based on malay culture perspective and interviewed the owner of Malay culture to get the information in source culture. The study finds that The books present mostly the source culture (Indonesian Culture) in comparison to target culture and International culture. This ratio is quite ideal as English is taught as a Foreign Language thus English textbook in Indonesian context are aimed at focusing more on local content while introducing the learners to the target culture and International. From the source culture there is 67 % Pontianak Malay content, it is indicated that the books is compatible in the culture context . Based on Littlejohn framework has been recomended to be used

    Respons Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Beberapa Varietas Sorgum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench)Pada Berbagai Jarak Tanam Di Lahan Kelapa Sawit TBM I

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    This research was conducted to study the varieties and various spacing on the growth and yield ofthe sorghum under the immature plants 1 of oil palm land. The research was held at Paya Robahvillage, west Binjai district, north Sumatra province from June-September 2014, using split plotdesign with varieties (numbu and kawali) as main plot and spacing (75x15, 75x20, 75x25, 75x30cm) as sub plot. Parameter observed were plant height, stem diameter, flowering time, harvestingtime, weight of panicle seed per sample, weight of panicle seed per sub plot, yield per sample, yieldper sub plot, and 1000 grains weight. The result showed that varieties significantly effect on plantheight, stem diameter, weight of panicle seed per sample, weight of panicle seed per sub plot, yield per sub plot, and 1000 grains weight. Spacing was significantly effect on plant height, stemdiameter, flowering time, harvesting time, weight of panicle seed per sub plot, yield per sub plot.There were interaction between variety and spacing for stem diameter

    Efektivitas Pengawasan Penyiaran TV KABEL Berlangganan oleh KPID Riau

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    Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) is an independent stateinstitution established by Act No. 32 of 2002 on broadcasting with the aim ofregulating everything about broadcasting in Indonesia. This independent bodymade up of KPI KPID center and its work in the area are coordinated, nationalpolicy defined KPIs and provincial level while the implementation into KPIDcoverage. The purpose of this study is to To determine the effectiveness of theimplementation of subscription cable TV broadcasting monitoring by KPID Riauand to determine the factors that influence the effectiveness of monitoring theimplementation of the broadcasting cable TV subscription by KPID Riau.Data analysis method used in this research is descriptive qualitativeanalysis method that is based on trying to explain the phenomena that exist andexplore all the facts relating to the subject matter covered by the research, namelythe effectiveness of supervision by subscribing to cable TV broadcasting KPIDRiau.Based on the research and the analysis that has been conducted on thisstudy, obtained by directly monitoring the effectiveness of the implemented KPIDRiau to subscribe to cable TV broadcasters, with a direct way to monitor the fieldby looking at their operating permit. And establishing a program organizationformed Community program Intelligent Media (KCM) and receive complaintsdirectly by phone, sms or in online.Pengawasan KPID Riau administration tosubscribe to cable TV broadcasting are based on the government regulation No..52 of 2005 on organizing and monitoring broadcasters subscribing to the field aswell as receiving information from the public about the existence of cable TVsubscription broadcasters are not taking care of the administrative permission

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Menggunakan Media Gambar Kelas III Sekolah Dasar

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    The perpose of this research is to know the increasing of the everage achievement of students by using demostrasi picture media knowledge skill social .And without using picture media knowledge skill social, optimizing/developing a learning medium which is suitable with a learning material is useful for gaining good evalution. This research is categorized into classroom action research (CAR). The subjects of the research consist of 28 students.based on third grade students” learning result of the elementary school about simple friction lesson has shown an improvemen after the teacher applied picture media knowledge skill social. This has shown that the mean of the third student in which they mean used to be calculated as 61,07 now have been improved into 82,14