3 research outputs found

    Essays on Gender Pay Gaps and Wealth Concentration

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    This dissertation consists of four independent chapters. While the first three chapters investigate different reasons for the Gender Pay Gap, the last chapter is concerned with the top tail of the wealth distribution. Chapter 1 is concerned with the question why some occupations have large Gender Pay Gaps while others have only small gaps. This chapter aims at uncovering the relationship between occupational characteristics and the Gender Pay Gap. I find that wage differences between men and women are lower in occupations with linear earnings, with a large share of public firms and a low share of persons with supervisory power. Finally, the Gender Pay Gap is lower in occupations with non-routine tasks. Moreover, the findings suggest that the more that employees can be substituted with other employees, the lower is the Gender Pay Gap. Hence, this study extends previous findings on the relationship between the Gender Pay Gap and occupational characteristics on a more general level. In chapter 2, we analyze whether the Gender Pay Gap within occupational positions comes from different effects on earnings growth for men and women due to promotion. Using administrative data, we are the first to investigate potential gender gaps in earnings increase due to a promotion in Germany and to analyze differences in the gender gap across promotions into different occupational positions. Our results emphasize that women's earnings growth is larger than men's after being promoted to the same position. We find that this effect is mainly due to selection, since we compare a highly positively selected group of women to an average group of men. In chapter 3 we analyze the impact of the German Parental Leave Reform of 2007 on mothers' long-term earnings. We confirm previous findings and show that the average duration of employment interruptions increases for high-income mothers. This effect, however, translates into a positive effect on earnings for mothers with high prior-to-birth earnings that diminish in the long run. Descriptive evidence suggests that the stronger involvement of fathers, incentivized by the reform, could have facilitated mothers' re-entry to the labor market and thereby increased earnings. For mothers with low prior-to-birth earnings, however, we do not find any beneficial labor market effects of this parental leave reform. In chapter 4 we analyze the top tail of the wealth distribution in France, Germany and Spain using the Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS). Since top wealth is likely to be underrepresented in household surveys, we integrate big fortunes from rich lists, estimate a Pareto distribution, and impute the missing rich. As a result, the top one percent wealth share increases notably for the three selected countries after imputing the top wealth. We find that national rich lists can improve the estimation of the Pareto coefficient in particular when the list of national USD billionaires is short.Diese Dissertation besteht aus vier unabhĂ€ngigen Kapiteln. WĂ€hrend sich die ersten drei Kapitel mit unterschiedlichen GrĂŒnden fĂŒr den Gender Pay Gap auseinandersetzen, fokussiert sich das letzte Kapitel auf das obere Ender der Vermögensverteilung. Kapitel 1 befasst sich mit der Frage, warum einige Berufe große und andere nur geringe Gender Pay Gaps aufweisen und, ob dies mit den Berufsmerkmalen zusammenhĂ€ngt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Lohnunterschiede zwischen MĂ€nnern und Frauen in Berufen mit linearer Entlohnung, mit einem hohen Anteil an öffentlichen Unternehmen und einem kleinen Anteil von Personen in FĂŒhrungspositionen geringer sind. Zudem ist das geschlechtsspezifische LohngefĂ€lle in Berufen mit nicht-routinemĂ€ĂŸigen Tasks geringer. Die vorliegende Studie erweitert daher den bisherigen Erkenntnisstand, da sie einen allgemeinen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Gender Pay Gap und den Berufsmerkmalen herstellt. In Kapitel 2 wollen wir die GrĂŒnde fĂŒr die geschlechtsspezifische LohnlĂŒcke innerhalb von beruflicher Positionen verstehen und in diesem Zusammenhang untersuchen, ob berufliche Aufstiege bei MĂ€nnern und Frauen zu den gleichen Lohnanstiegen fĂŒhren. Unsere Ergebnisse bestĂ€tigen frĂŒhere Untersuchungen indem sie zeigen, dass die Lohnanstiege von Frauen nach einem beruflichen Aufstieg innerhalb der gleichen Position grĂ¶ĂŸer sind als die von MĂ€nnern. Die deskriptiven Ergebnisse aber legen nahe, dass dieser Effekt hauptsĂ€chlich auf Selektion zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist, da wir eine sehr positiv selektierte Gruppe von Frauen mit einer durchschnittlichen Gruppe von MĂ€nnern vergleichen. In Kapitel 3 analysieren wir die Auswirkungen der Elterngeldreform, die 2007 durchgefĂŒhrt wurde, auf die langfristigen Löhne von MĂŒttern. Mit unseren Ergebnissen bestĂ€tigen wir frĂŒhere Studien und zeigen, dass die durchschnittliche Dauer der Erwerbsunterbrechungen bei MĂŒttern mit hohem Einkommen zunimmt. Dieser Effekt schlĂ€gt sich bei diesen MĂŒttern sogar in höheren Löhnen nieder, die in der langen Frist kleiner werden. Anhand deskriptiver Evidenz gehen wir davon aus, dass die durch die Reform bedingt stĂ€rkere Einbindung der VĂ€ter, den Wiedereinstieg der MĂŒtter in den Arbeitsmarkt erleichtert und damit deren Löhne erhöht haben könnte. FĂŒr MĂŒtter, die vor der Geburt geringe Löhne hatten, finden wir jedoch keine positiven Arbeitsmarkteffekte dieser Elternzeitreform. In Kapitel 4 analysieren wir das obere Ende der Vermögensverteilung in Frankreich, Deutschland und Spanien. Da das Vermögen der Superreichen in den Haushaltsbefragungen wahrscheinlich unterreprĂ€sentiert ist, kombinieren wir die Survey-Daten zusĂ€tzlich mit den Vermögensangaben aus reichen Listen. Infolgedessen steigt der Vermögensanteil des oberen 1 \% fĂŒr die drei ausgewĂ€hlten LĂ€nder nach der Imputation der Topvermögen deutlich an. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die nationalen Reichenlisten die SchĂ€tzung des Pareto-Koeffizienten insbesondere dann verbessern können, wenn es nur wenige nationale USD-MilliardĂ€re auf der Forbes-Liste gibt

    Evaluation of the Use of Advanced Ozone Oxidative Process in Reducing the Danger of Environmental Toxicity by Endocrine Interferences of Magistral Pharmacy

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    The presence of emerging pollutants in the waters has been observed worldwide, resulting from improper domestic disposal, non-recommended veterinarian use, and product waste from pharmaceutical industries and magistral pharmacies. The contamination provoked, besides causing damage to the environment, remains in potable water even after passing through the treatment plants. The objective of this work was to verify the existence of environmental toxicity of raw effluents from gross pharmacy laboratories, as well as the same effluent treated with POA via ozone in the time of 1 hour, having as a risk parameter the changes that they cause in Euglena gracilis algae. Photosynthetic efficiency tests were conducted via PAM, and chlorophyll concentration and behavioral evaluation were checked via NGTOX. The results demonstrate that the hormone laboratory was considered the most impacted effluent treated, with lower production and significant chlorophyll reduction. It presented reduction in photosynthetic post-ozonation activity, due to the hormone decomposition, oxidative potential and ethylene formation. Effluents from psychotropic and solid laboratories presented different production demand, but similar follow-up, with impact on the behavior and algae’s photosynthetic activity, due to the presence of active substances on cellular action potentials. The treated effluent from dermocosmetics laboratory influenced the chlorophyll concentration, as well as the general speed and velocity of surface ascent. The behavioral differences between the laboratories and the pre and post-ozonation conditions demonstrate that the effluent treatment should be distinguished, according to the characteristics of the manipulated substances in each laboratory

    Looking for the missing rich: Tracing the top tail of the wealth distribution

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    We analyse the top tail of the wealth distribution in France, Germany and Spain using the first and second waves of the Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS). Since top wealth is likely to be underrepresented in household surveys, we integrate big fortunes from rich lists, estimate a Pareto distribution, and impute the missing rich. In addition to the Forbes list, we rely on national rich lists since they represent a broader base of the big fortunes in those countries. As a result, the top one percent wealth share increases notably for the three selected countries after imputing the top wealth.We find that national rich lists can improve the estimation of the Pareto coefficient in particular when the list of national USD billionaires is short.JRC.B.2-Fiscal Policy Analysi